Thursday, March 27, 2014

About Me

Hey y'all,

I'm Sandy. 

I live along the beautiful Gulf Coast of Florida. Shhh, I really don't like for everyone to know how beautiful or the traffic will increase even more and make it just that much harder to get to those sugary white sands. I have lived in the deep south all of my life except for a two year stint in Germany as a baby. (Daddy was stationed there right after I was born.)

I am a wife, mother, daughter, retired school teacher after 31 years, and follower of Christ.

Oh, and yes, I did major in home economics. I have great plans, but God had others. However, now I am living the dream of being a home economist.

Things I Love
a clean house
banana pudding
macaroni and tomatoes
sewing and stitching
growing roses and geraniums
orange and blue together 
seersucker and gingham
starched clothes (yea, I know I am probably the last person on Earth who still irons everything)
PURSES!!! one can never have too many
history of space exploration

I am a southern girl to the core of my being except for one small thing. I absolutely hate sweet tea, but I do love lemonade!

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