
Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Weekend Wrap-up

I am a tad bit late to be doing a weekend wrap-up, but better later than never I guess. The hubby, mom, the dogs, and I left for the Auburn house Friday afternoon. It was definitely a low key weekend. We passed a lot of traffic headed to the beach. In fact, Auburn was very quiet. I felt like even our neighborhood there was deserted. I think everyone was at Lake Martin or at the beach. 

We had no great excursions other than eating at Acre and going to the farmer's market. I did a lot of reading and cross stitching and just relaxing.

Me trying to pose in my dress to go to Acre.

We did a lot of sitting around, but sometimes that is just what you need.

Our friends who have a house in the same neighborhood were there also, so Jeff had someone to do stuff with. We went out to eat at my favorite restaurant, Acre. We all had an amazing meal. My dessert was so good. They usually have this cake that I like, but it wasn't on the menu this past weekend so I went with a chocolate torte which was gluten free by the way. Oh my!!!!!! It was so good. 

There is a new farmer's market in Opelika. I will be going there again and again and again. I loaded up with fresh peas to bring home. I cooked some last night with cornbread. They were so good. Nothing like fresh vegetables.

I did a summer drawing for the chalkboard at Auburn. I have a lot of fun playing with it when I go each month.

The kids had good weekends here. Paul Allen and Katie stayed at our house for most of the time. I think they fished, used the kayaks and paddle boards and just enjoyed the water at home. Lindsay and Tyler used our boat to host his parents who were down from Atlanta and his brother and sister-in-law who were up from West Palm Beach. They had a nice time in the bay. Both sent lots of pictures.

I went to church this morning with Tucker to finish doing some deep cleaning that I started last week in the baby rooms. I had quit volunteering when Tucker came along, but they needed me to come and do some things last week so I worked around Tucker's nap schedule Friday and today. 

Then Mom and I went to our semi annual doctor's appointments. Our family doctor left at the end of last year and so we had to meet her replacement. I don't like her nearly as much. It seems no one stays anywhere very long these days. That can be a tad frustrating.

So, that is what I have been up to. I am sharing my progress on the two things I stitched this weekend and then later in the week I will share a decorations around the house since I think Memorial Day is the kick off for summer time decorating.

I stitched on Lizzie Kate's Things Unseen. I shared that I started over on it last week. The pattern is three parts. The first part is finished and I am now working on Part 2.

Part 1 is the left all the way even with the flowers. It is kind of wrinkled because I had it packed up in a project bag. Part 2 will be the right side and then Part 3 goes all along the bottom. The pattern is kind of like a modern day sampler.
It also has a package of embellishments to apply; buttons and beads.

I started my gift stitch which I have done before. It is the Golden Retriever dog. It should go fast because I stitched all of this yesterday, mostly at night.

Be back later in the week with some summer decor.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

A Finish and a New Start and Some Other Stuff

How is that when you completely thought you were ready to stop blogging that you have more thoughts to share and no time to type?!!!

Friends, that is where I am these days. The time is being sucked up by truly good things, so no complaints on that, but I feel like I need to write intensely. IT won't happen today, but maybe soon.

I finished up my June wordplay. I love it! 

I shared that I was a little unsure that I had made it too large when I chose 28 count, but the words are telling me a definite no on that, but then I love the May one done on 36 count too. 

I am so inspired by so many of you stitchers out there. Oh my...I love when I see something somewhere, but then I can put my own spin on it and personalize in a Sandy kind of way.

I added cording, but I gotta tell you when you do them large they scream "just fine with nothing". I was watching Marlene's at stitching by the lake the other day. She and Carol and Salt Box Stitcher are my two that pop up and I can't wait to get everybody away so I can watch. I digress; anyway, Marlene is doing them large and plain and she had one to show and I just loved it, so I don't think it needed the cording, but it is on there now:)

I put them together on the church pew (thanks, Robin) to share with y'all today.

I had no intentions of doing anymore of these than May and June, but now I am thinking maybe more in the future.

Onto other stitching.
I really need to be working on a gift stitch. It is something I have done before and I hope to start this weekend, because I have been busy on another stitch.

So here is my nutty confession. I started this Helen Keller stitch last year sometime. It has three parts and what you see in the hoop is Part 1. I started it on 32 count with two over two. I loved the depth of the colors, but I did some of those flowers and I was like this is a no go. I have whined before about 32 count being my just I don't know what to do with it count.

I have started again on 36 count and I will admit that I was struggling thinking it wasn't as vibrant with one over two. I decided to continue on this week and it is growing on me. It is going to be a bit more delicate. 

The stitch is a Helen Keller quote and I completely love Helen Keller. My plan is not to frame it though, because it came with a set of buttons to place around it. My plan has been to do some fabric around it and make a wall hanging for the Auburn house with it.

I took the picture with my project bag and book because those are the colors I think I will use for the background around it. Such inspiration!!!

Speaking of Auburn, we are headed up this weekend. Yes, we are leaving the beach to go inland. WIth the arrival of Tucker, I have not been able to go nearly as much as I had hoped. I am looking forward to going this weekend. Mother is going with us and a stop in at my favorite restaurant Acre is on the agenda. 
Other than that it will be a take it as it comes kind of weekend.

I hope to come back next week with some "just thinking" posts. My small group will not meet at my house for a couple of weeks so I can let my hair down on having everything perfect and just breathe. Maybe!!!!!

I am already filling the time up with other commitments. I have a hard time saying no.

In other news, we have some bad news in our family. Jeff''s brother has cancer. He has had cancer previously and he has been a smoker for all his life. He is really down and blaming himself saying he knows it is all his fault. At this point we just need to see the final doctor report and make a plan which that appointment is next week. I will tell you that I am pretty sure we are going to get a really bad one based on what we have already seen.  He is not married and has no kids. Jeff's siblings are 14 and 12 years older than him. He was a true surprise to his parents. It will be a lot of traveling back and forth to Pensacola for treatments and such divided up between Jeff and his sister. 
I almost didn't mention it on the blog, but when writing I think it is hard not to show some emotion and I am sure it will shine through in the coming months.

Much of life is navigating the hills and valleys. I have no idea how people do it without their faith.

I will stop here as I have am taking Tucker to lunch with his mommy and then going to do some cleaning at church afterwards.

Looking forward to the weekend. I am always mindful of the sacrifices so many families have made for my freedom. 

Patriotic feelings,

P.S. - A few pictures of my little man.

Carrots. I told his mama not to bring me carrots to feed him. I am to be the good guy!!!

His mommy reading to him at night in his bedroom. 

Lindsay sprints in the house every afternoon to get him. I know it is hard. I remember those days, but Grammie is in love with him and feels so blessed to keep him everyday.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

A Wordplay Finish

 I put the last stitch in the June wordplay today. It is large!

I did it on 28 count and a thin weave so I will have to back it on black mat board for sure. The dimensions are 9 inches wide and 5.5 tall. I love the lettering, but it is big. I am not sure about where I will display it with it being that large.

Decisions, decisions, decisions...

On stitching notes I am getting ready to do some large pieces. I am putting my bunny with the apples on hold for a little while. I want it ready by late August, but I want to stitch a dog for my husband's birthday so that is my next project. It is small so it should be easy to get it done, and then it is on to some large pieces. I have some that I really really want to do.

I have lots of smalls done now. One day I will think to take a picture of my storage drawer for my smalls. It is getting to be a delight to open it up. I had done quite a few small pieces for fall last year and now I think I have a good bit for summer. I have some spring ones mixed in and I am not a winter stitcher. I have my one winter pillow that I place on my church pew. Between needing to tone things down after Christmas decorations and living in Florida, I just can't do snowmen. I like an empty house in January and February. 

Speaking of summer, I have not put any summer stitching out yet. I am determined not to rush the seasons anymore. It is hard when you look at the computer, but I feel like I am rushing life and not embracing it. Now, I will admit they will come out pre summer because after all I live in Florida and by the end of next week I should start feeling hot.

Of course, 
 I think we should all do what makes us happy! Life is too short to do it any other way!!!

Spring has been glorious this year. My morning walks have been amazing. 
Tucker and I just sat outside on the front driveway today soaking it up.

The view of live oaks which now have all their new leaves.

Here is the back deck tree that I showed you guys a couple of weeks ago. Full with its new leaves.

The shedding of the old and the new arrival literally happens so fast you will miss it if you don't look.

Holding onto spring,

Monday, May 13, 2019

May Flowers

I have been stitching a June word play, but all I can think about are May flowers. They are just so pretty all around...from magnolias to day lilies.

Roses are popping out...

My purple day lilies popped out.
They match Donny Osmond's sash. I am sure there is someone out there who remembers that the Osmond Brothers all had different colored sashes.

Outside my kitchen window my geraniums are super pretty. My little shelves act like a window box for the kitchen sink windows.

View from the sink.

Also tomatoes and peppers.

I am just loving spring. It can just last forever. 

My June word play progress. 

I have been skipping all around on it. I am usually much more systematic about a project. What has gotten into me?!
I am doing it on 28 count. I love the words, but it is turning out really large. Way bigger than the 36 count May word play. Things that make you go hmmm.

Mother's Day was a wonderful day with the kids in which I took no picture. We went to eat out at Harbor Docks in Destin. 

Here is a picture of Mom and me.

The next picture was posted by Lindsay's mother-in-law on IG. I just loved it. It was taken last weekend when they were staying at a condo out on 30A. Tucker and Lindsay got in the pool which was heated BTW!

She is a great mom. I am quite proud of her.

That is it for me today. Time to kick my shoes off and rest a little.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

A Cross Stitch Finish and Weekend Wrap Up

I have a stitching finish today. I shared last week that I pulled an oldie but goodie from my stash for this one. I even did it on Aida. I think sometimes these older patterns were designed with Aida in mind and look really nice on it. I had done two sunflower pieces last summer and this one will make a cute trio on display for late summer after the patriotic pieces are put away.

BUT< there is a but for this finish. 

At the encouragement of Meg from Live to Stitch, I went back and watched Vonna from The Twisted Stitcher and I have done my first flat fold with a stand. 

I did it!!!

Now, my photos were taken right after I finished, so there is still some wet glue showing, but y'all I love this one. I don't think this will be my last.

Side view. Not my best side view, but keeping it real. I will get better!!

The back.

I just love love love it.

Now, for my weekend wrap up.

Jeff and I sort of played tourist with the magnificent weather and before the real tourists get here.

On Saturday, we went to the island for Jeff to give out fishing awards to elementary aged children living in the south end of the county. He was the school district representative for the event sponsored by the Kiwanas Club. I remember a kid winning when I was teaching. He came in with his trophy that Monday morning. It has been going on a long time and is a lot of fun for the kids.

There is fresh water pond right in front of the beach literally. 84 kids showed up to fish.
1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes were awarded for biggest catch and most fish caught for grades 3-5 and K-2.

Here is your beach picture.

It was a gorgeous day and the water was gorgeous. WE walked around while the kids fished and then Jeff did his stuff.

Sunday after church we walked around the Destin Harbor and watched boats come and go.  A heron was hanging out near the charter fishing boats coming in. Herons and pelicans are right there as the fish are cleaned to get any leftovers.

This one grabbed a bait fish. 

We drove back to Fort Walton and walked all around downtown and acted like tourists shopping. There is actually a great local artists' store that I have seen forever and never gone in. I will have to go back when I need gifts because it had some great unique items.

Then I came home and pulled out the paddle board for the 2019 season. No bathing suit ---no plans to fall in...ha ha.

I didn't fall in as evidenced by the picture below. 

Have a great week everyone.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Getting Motivated a Bathroom Update

I am stitching away and working on some finishes to share next week, but I have a post for you today. Some many weeks ago I painted my guest bathroom. I do have an update to share, but it has some explaining to go with it first😉 so hang on!

First, let's talk weather. I am so loving spring. It is actually feeling like a true spring. I truly need to be outside working on those windows, but other things have kept me from that this week. I simply must schedule some of that in this weekend before the real heat gets here. 
The mornings have been awesome. I have to share a truth moment here.

It is a must that I eat by my prescribed diet and exercise for my health. I don't want to go backwards. I just can NOT go back down that road again. SOOOOO.... with keeping Tucker I was letting the exercise go. IT doesn't take too many weeks (and mine has been months) before the not so feeling good creeps back in. For the last three weeks I have been trying to do better, but knowing that as the heat comes on...evenings at the gym or walking weren't going to cut it. 
I had to find a way to go in the mornings. 

God has such a sense of humor. My husband is... he wakes up the roosters.

I just don't rise and shine very well. 
I sing the song to Tucker though. Anyone remember "rise and shine and give God the glory glory. rise and shine and give God the glory glory. rise and shine and give God the glory, children of the Lord.

I am getting off topic. 

I thought I would try and set the clock for 6:00 (some of you are just hooting) and head to the gym for two days a week and go do a good swift walk outside on the other days while the weather permits.  I have to pick up Tucker at 7:00.

I will just be honest. For two of those weeks I made it two days a week getting up.
This week I made the decision to get serious, so I wrote me up a plan and decided to give myself stickers for doing it. I know y'all are just falling out laughing, but I needed some motivation. I feel like a three year old with a chart on the refrigerator with stars. 

I made it this week. Two days in the gym and three walking days. Woo Hoo!!!

Now, let's talk bathroom.
I may have sounded like a spoiled brat when I posted about painting my guest bathroom and not liking it a while back.
I certainly didn't mean it. I am beyond grateful for all I have. It is more that this bathroom is a bit too luxurious for this simple girl.
While I was taking my sit and wait approach, I noticed luxury baths are maybe making a comeback or maybe I just had my mind on them. I did look at quite a few books and perused Instagram.

Anyway the bathroom is what it is. Terri from Your Friend from Florida called it stately in the comments I believe😀
My goal had been to maybe make it a bit more understated. I am not sure I did that, but here is where I landed.

After taking a two week break and not moving forward the paint color kind of grew on me. I almost went back to a neutral, but Jeff and Lindsay kept saying how much they liked it. Jeff is really good with color things, so I decided to try and see what they saw. 

I don't know it I do, but certainly nothing has changed my mind in another direction.
I think the bathroom is just always going to be big and bold, so I decided to accept it and just move on.

So without further commenting here it is with just words to describe the layout.

Coming in from the hallway we use everyday (the garage to kitchen) you can see that the bathroom has three doors. That is a whole story unto itself. The one on the left enters Lindsay's old bedroom and the other one goes out into the long hallway coming from foyer by my pool table and dining room.

Tucker's seat is in there. That is a story too. Got lots of them.

There are new towel bars here and by the sink.

The above one is now over by the doors you were looking at. There is a great closet in this picture. I do have lots of storage. 

That big old tub has been used once since Lindsay moved out. You can see Tucker and me:)

And the final view is the vanity.

Oh there are new rugs. They were much needed. 

Now for some closeups.

Try to ignore the toilet and see the cool school of fish.

The other rug ---Gus is sitting on the cute starfish.

Oh and the lights. Cute but a bear to clean. The overhead one one is similar to this. Same shell like figures coming out in a bowl like configuration.

Well, that is it for me.

I have to go with Jeff tomorrow to pass out awards at the beach for a small fry fishing tournament for youngsters. I hope to wash some windows and just enjoy life.

Stitching too. I will be back hopefully with some finishes to share next week.