
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A Long Post to Catch Up

I have been busy this month and last with a plethora of activities. I am trying sooooo.... hard to get into a routine of cleaning and organizing the house, but I have one good week and then things fall apart. I will figure this out, after all I majored in home economics.

I have a hodgepodge of pictures to give a picture of the past few weeks. My mom decided to give Lindsay and Tyler a new bedroom suit to go in their new house. They were more than thrilled, so off we went to Pensacola to order a bedroom suit. It arrived and it is gorgeous. I was there since Lindsay had started a new job.

My dear daughter turned 25. I am feeling really old and like I need to make everyday count. That feeling can wear you out though, because I often try to do more than I can handle.

She got a new job.
A pretty impressive one for such a young girl. Her dad and I are very proud of her. We have heard lots of compliments on her already.

I took a break on my cross stitch project of the heron to finish something I had literally started about 15 years ago. I always wanted to finish it, but raising kids and working took all my time away from a once very much loved hobby. Anyway, while cleaning out the room that will now house my new sewing room, I found an unfinished project that I knew would be just perfect for above the kitchen sink. My trendy cow had been a real "Debbie Downer," and I had decided to look for the just right original piece. Well, this is it, and I love it!!! I just can't seem to get a good picture of it. Maybe I will one day use the hubby's camera and do it justice.

I went out to start organizing and cleaning the garage. My plan is to paint it. I organized it pretty well over a year ago, and considering the past year it actually stayed pretty good, so I know my overall idea is there. It was still so hot, so I gave up and decided that could wait until November. However, to inspire me, I painted the steps. That is so me. Quickly off task.

I have been slowly but surely cleaning a new room, while trying to maintain the rooms that I have finished. One day!!! I have been trying to clean out my daughter's bedroom only to keep adding my own stuff in there. That guest room idea is in my head, but I have to throw away more!!!

I added my own books to the bottom two shelves. Not good. I have two lamps behind the chair that are a future project.

Speaking of getting rid of stuff, I have a huge problem with that concept. I am an organized pack rat if there is such a thing.
This is the movie camera and projector that is still fully operational from my childhood. I have had it in a closet that is now going to be the sewing room. I am having anxiety about getting rid of this. 

oh and yes, I still all of my old records.

In the midst of all this cleaning, Mama and I went to the Auburn vs LSU game. War Eagle.

Not so good at selfies.

I have still been traveling to her house once a week trying to help her get things taken care of. I absolutely love going in the fall passing by all the cotton fields. Nothing says October like a cotton field. I should have stopped on the way because the morning sun on it was so pretty. I waited until I was coming home and did not do it justice.

I have been practicing on my embroidery machine. I am going to do a post later on what I have learned. 

My sewing room cabinets are here and are being installed as I am writing. I am beyond excited. It has been the longest wait and project EVER. I still have to wait for the electrician to come next week to finish up the lighting and then for the hardware to be put on, but hopefully this evening I will have a room full of cabinets installed. 

I am so excited. I don't think I have been this excited since we built our first house.

One last share...I ordered a book published in 1971. I saw this on a blog I like very much called The Path to Frugality. I don't think it was the exact one I had, but I loved these books when I was in middle and high school. Remember Coed magazine? I LoVeD those too.

I will share more on the sewing room later and a post on what I have learned about doing monograms.

Loving retirement,

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