
Saturday, March 7, 2015

Bring on Spring

The sun was a welcome sight today.
I stayed outside almost all day doing yard work.

There is so much to do, and far more than a day's work. Hubby and I put a thick layer of pine straw down in all the front beds.

This bed runs down the side entrance into our cul-de-sac. Pete the Pelcan and Buck the Deer welcome visitors. The azaleas and hydrangeas are budding. I can't wait to see Pride of Mobile azaleas in full bloom. They make me happy, happy, happy!

I pruned the roses in the front of our home in mid February. I always try to set Valentine's Day as my date to do it.

I redid my rose area last spring. The older more established ones are putting out leaves. My newer ones are growing a little slower. 

I love roses!!! Might be a little obsessed and really don't have the best yard for them.

I added some new bows to the front porch swans.

The front porch so needs pressure washing. There are doves in the tiles and you can't even see them for the dirt and rust. 

I so desperately wanted to put new flowers in the pots. The pansies and violas are pitiful looking, but I thought I might better wait a little longer. Don't want to put the cart before the horse.

However, I did buy my red geraniums. I love red geraniums almost, if not more, than my roses. They don't last long at Lowe's. You can get white or pink later, but not red. They sell quickly. I bought these last week. I was such a dummy and let all of mine get killed by the cold this winter.
  I almost cried I tell you!!!

We are getting a new back deck where I keep them, so they have been sitting in my kitchen trying to soak up as much sun from my kitchen as possible.

I have a dozen plants started. They really are a pop of color on my back deck. I have a row of them that I keep just outside the window under the kitchen sink.

My third favorite flower is my angel wing begonias. I will have to share them sometime. 

I LOVE to grow things!!!!!!!!!!

My hubby surprised me with a bicycle basket today. I have wanted one for awhile.

Upon closer inspection, it is a handmade basket. All the more reason to LOVE!

And a good cause. Hubby is the best gift giver ever!!!

Can't wait to try it out.

By the way, he just made supper. Blackened fish and boiled shrimp. He is a keeper.

Thankful for a beautiful day. 
I felt I needed to enjoy it as much as I could as it is supposed to start raining tomorrow and be a rainy WEEK.

Blessed for sure,

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