
Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Pictures Told the Truth

I took pictures and shared my daughter's former bedroom last week. It was looking at those pictures that let me know that I wasn't at all satisfied with the changes in that room. 

I spent the day thinking about it. I went shopping looking at new bedspreads, new furniture, etc. Just generally thinking about what I didn't like and how to make it better.

After spending most of this day thinking about many different possibilities, I came to the conclusion that the wall paint was something that had to change first.

When I chose that paint color, my daughter had a bright turquoise comforter with red and lime green in it. It was loud and proud. The green barrel chair worked with it. She had all different pictures hanging up in there. It was young and fun. The drapes worked with the wall because they balanced all the bright colors.

I realized that there is nothing green in the room anymore. It is just not working for me.

What got me to thinking about new paint color was really two things. I don't see me getting rid of the white bookcases right away, because they are solid wood and custom built. I may save them for a grandchild of my own:) In order for me to replace those with something really nice, it would be a big price tag. I still may do that, but I am going to give some other things a whirl.

I have several ideas for making it a bit more put together.

The second thing that led to paint color was the adjoining bathroom. We only have two paint colors on the wall in our home. Cliveden Sandstone by Valspar (Lowe's) and Silver Sage (an original Restoration Hardware paint). The first color is a very neutral tan in almost all of the rooms. Everything looks good with it.

The bathroom has that color and I love the look of the blue towels against it, so I am thinking it might make the blue drapes pop a bit... rather than blend in as they do now.

Stay tuned for the redo. It will take me awhile as I have a busy week this week.

I had to start tonight though, so I could see how it would look. One corner done.

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