
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Weekend, a Movie, What I Wore and More

The Labor Day weekend went by way too fast. I blinked and it was gone.

I love September though. It is a great time to go to the beach around here, so I am going to try and take time for that.

I have been on a cleaning spree with the downstairs since my son has moved out. That is working out well so far. Praise the Lord. I have been in a flare with my RA and have had to kind of work around the swelling joints and fatigue. Today was the first day I have felt good in two weeks. I have probably worked too hard downstairs, but all of a sudden I have no patience and want it clean like yesterday. 

Saturday was football day. Football is big at our house like many homes in the South.

Sunday rolled around and of course we have church. 

Hubby and I went to buy blinds for the bedroom downstairs after church. The ones down there were hideous. They were old when we moved in, then couple that with a boys' hangout all throughout middle and high school. Let's just say they were a little bent, and I had sworn off cleaning up after Paul Allen when he started you can imagine. I was going to replace them with mini blinds for now and then maybe later doctor them up with some curtains. Later in the day, we went to put one up and I know we measured, but they didn't fit. I remembered they didn't have the next size up.

After pondering that Sunday night, I decided to go with bamboo blinds.

Monday had us back to Lowe's early. We purchased those then did a few more errands. We ate lunch at my favorite place, Dewey's on the bay, with my daughter and son-in-law and his parents. It was great to see them. Nothing better in the world to know your child has married a good Christian boy from a good family who loves them.

We then headed to watch the movie, "War Room" for the afternoon. Oh my goodness... I highly recommend it. It is a very powerful movie. All of the movies made by the Kendrick brothers have been good, but this one is my favorite.

Hubby hung a few blinds last night. He still has one to go, but I let him rest:) and told him he could finish later.

On Tuesdays, I volunteer at church. I decided to dress myself in decent clothes to go work and run errands. I have been lazy lately with the heat and just worn too many shabby work clothes to run up to the church (just down the road from me) and to the grocery store. My mother would be after me if she were here. She taught me better. I am going to quit that. I don't have to dress in what I wore today, but I am going to not be one of those lazy people I see wandering around in God awful clothes and unkept looking!!! I don't think I am as bad as some I see, but I have been guilty of running to the grocery store in my house work clothes a bit too much lately. I never really did that when I was working. I usually stopped by the grocery store after work.

Here is what I wore... when I went in the store and church I wore a light weight three quarter length sleeve sweater. It depends on the shirt if I wear it sleeveless these days.  Terrible picture, but anyway it is what I wore. Oh, and thank goodness the hair has grown a little. It still has a ways to go, but it is looking far better than a month ago.

Oh well, that is what I have been up to. I have a long list of things I want to accomplish tomorrow, so we will see how the body handles it.

One day at a time...


  1. I have heard many thumbs up for War Room. I have all the Kendrick movies on DVD except for Flywheel. I am glad you are feeling better Sandy..I cannot imagine how hard it is to have to plan your days according to pain. And you look great in your cute outfit!! I know what a temptation it is to run out for one thing in my "at home" clothes and it never fails that I run into someone I know when I do not look my best. :)

    1. I always say as I am going out the door, "I sure hope I don't see anyone I know," only to see them:)
      Of course, yesterday as I was running to several places I saw no one.


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