
Thursday, October 1, 2015


Sadly, I didn't meet my goal of finishing the October cottage by October 1st:(

I tried, but it just was not to be. I will stitch my heart out tonight and tomorrow night. I am not far from being done. I will probably go ahead and get my background done for it, so that I can put it in my frame soon. 

I also thought of a way to make the framing situation better, so I will share that when I am finished.

I will be back tomorrow or the weekend to share the mystery pictures from earlier in the week. I am off to see about things at Mama's house today. I try to go once a week unless she comes here. I will be trying to fix her wireless router situation today. Ugh! Hope it goes well. 

Busy Busy this week.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to the finished product as well as more info on finishing. Hope you solve the problem at your mom's! I would need the Geek Squad.


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