
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Fruit Trees and an Early Detox Update

I am into week three of my 30 day detox. I have reached the point where I can safely say I am very glad that I decided to do this. I don't know what will happen in the future, but part of this process has been knowing that I will do my part and let the Lord do the rest with my RA.

The most Amazing thing has happened. I have spent the last 3 days pain free. I will be honest with you. I can't really remember the last time that has happened. I might start out in the morning with no hurting joints, but as the day wore on I would begin to feel something. I have gone three days with no joint hurting people!!! That is not a shoulder, knee, finger, wrist, elbow, and especially feet. 

Friday and Saturday, I realized I felt really good, but the true test was today. In rolled winter, and I have not had an achy joint all day. I am currently in the middle of week three and doing two drinks to replace meals with one meal a day under my requirements, and yet I don't feel deprived. I haven't been, I have wished to eat a bowl of grits and some spaghetti.

I am going to be very good Thanksgiving. I will eat, but I have decided to let the sweets go. I am so close to the finish, that I see it as something more. A goal to complete.  I am down 10 pounds. 

I see my rheumatologist tomorrow. 

Now, onto a few other things.

The family spent Saturday morning planting 10 fruit trees. Hubby researched all about them. You have to have two of eat kind in order for them to pollinate, so he ordered the correct matches for each set. We now have 2 apples, 2 peaches, 2 pears, 2 cherry, and 2 plum planted for Zone 8b. Of course, we will have to wait a couple of years to produce fruit. I am excited, because I will have organic fruit right at our own farm. We are also planting a small garden this spring.

My son-in-law digging holes with the help of granddog, Hallie.

Lucy inspected them all.

Long way to go.

Son with a fish from the pond.

We gave our football tickets to the Idaho game away. It looked as though we weren't the only ones. We will be there next weekend for what will probably be the massacre. 

Hubby and I did a little Christmas shopping last night, so I think the busyness of the season has begun.

I may have one of the busiest Decembers I have had in awhile, but I hope it will lead to a smoother next year. We can always hope, right? On December 2nd, Mama is closing on a one story townhouse here in town. I think it is a perfect place and size for her. She will be in a safe neighborhood and not far from me. I hope her house sells soon after, so that she can settle down. We have sooooo...much to do, but we will just have to take it as it comes. I also have an antique car to sell. I think that might be the hardest thing as the economic times don't lend themselves to luxury items. My folks were in a car club and had multiple cars at one time... a model A, a 57 Chevy, and I don't even remember all of them, but we have a 49 Ford to sell. I listed it on Auto Traders Classics and Craig's List, but not much action yet.

If I go off the radar in December, you will know that I am going to be busy.


  1. I am so glad that you are feeling better! It is worth the detox for no pain! My sis in law and her husband were in a car club in Savannah, Ga. When my BIL passed away, the car club people all drove their old cars to the funeral. It was quite a site. I have started decorating but with my out of town visitors this weekend, I am focusing on them. Mainly baby Audrey!! lol. I do need to go to the mall and walk this morning as it is so cold here today. I am determined to keep my exercise up this winter.

    1. Enjoy that baby..she is adorable. And yes, I am going to be faithful to the walking. It does make a difference.
      My folks loved their cars. They had costumes and went all kinds of places with the club. Their most famous venture was taking Joe Scarborough across the Garcon Point Bridge when it opened. It crosses the Pensacola Bay a little further up. Scarborough was a representative at the time. He went with them in their model A across to open up the bridge.


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