
Saturday, January 2, 2016

January Cross Stitch

I finished January in plenty of time for display. 

My only wish is that I had done it on a little darker linen. 

I have February almost completed, so I am on a roll. I am so enjoying cross stitching again. I have even decided to go back and work on "Hank, the heron." I had planned to start him as soon I had retired. I just got frustrated with him, because he is definitely for the advanced stitcher. I laid him aside for awhile. Arlene at Nanaland shared her light and magnifier with me, and I am in heaven with it. I will share it later, if I stick with it this time.

I will be back soon with more pictures from my mom's place and even some here. 


1 comment:

  1. There is no way I could cross stitch without my magnifier Sandy and I would truly miss my hobby if I could no longer do it. Love your January cottage and looking forward to February. I have a Winter piece at the framer...hoping it is done soon.


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.