
Monday, February 1, 2016

Hip Hip Hooray for February

Just popping in today to say I am so excited it is February. 

I really try to like winter and January ---I really do, but it is just not my favorite month. February, even though is often still cold, somehow psychologically  makes me think spring is just around the corner.

Welcome February.

I did horrible on my goals for the month of January, but there is always hope for February!

Hubby and I spent the past weekend out of town at the lake and in Auburn. It was a nice getaway.

Looking forward to garden planning at the farm and pruning roses in expectation for the spring.

Be back soon,


  1. I am the same way Sandy. I feel much better when February comes in the door. As you saw on Instagram, I am going to try to get my Easter Bolster done before March 1st. I am stitching a Summer piece right now and I am doing it on line but just using one square. It is similar to hardanger. I am enjoying it. Love all your pretty little houses. And you can use them for years to come!!

    1. Can't wait to see your summer piece. I am loving the cottages. I need to get busy and finish them all, so I can dedicate time to other projects. I love cross stitching. It has been so much fun to get back into it. I have something to do while Hubby watches TV.

  2. Little pink houses for you and me! Very nice!


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