
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Easter Traditions and Embracing Change Part 2

As I shared in Part 1, these posts concerning change came to mind last week as I was volunteering at church. We were getting things all ready for Easter Sunday. 

I realized how hard each of our staff works around holidays. As a teacher (now retired), I always hated when we got out for the Christmas holidays so close to Christmas or when Easter came at the beginning of spring break.

I was sharing that with our young girl who works as the director of our elementary aged children. I said many times I felt like I missed the holiday. I could just see her face light up with recognition of that feeling. We talked longer and I shared that she would have to maybe come up with ways to make sure she did something special with her family before the holiday.

Well, no quicker than I had spoken those words to her, did I have a lightbulb go off in my head.

You see, the day before that conversation Lindsay sprang on me, that she and Tyler would not be with us on Easter. I was so sad. I didn't say it to her, but I know she saw my face upon that news. 

Here is my shallow self shining through for y'all.

I wanted to have Easter dinner on my new bunny plates. 

Don't judge me too harshly! I love the Lord Jesus with all of my heart. 

HE is the most important thing in my life!!!

I just wanted to have my family all around and have that Easter dinner that I had come to love over the years with my Hubby's family.

AS I shared with Jessica at church to make her time with family on another day, my wheels started spinning.

It is a dinner after all, and it can be done anyway of the year. 

My point here is keep those traditions in tact, but be flexible and think of how to make them work OR make new ones

So this past Saturday, I had my chickadees and my mom over for Easter dinner.

The menu consisted of ham, roasted potatoes, fresh green beans (not pictured), deviled eggs, strawberries, and banana pudding. 
Strawberries were added for Lindsay and me who are dieting.

My plate. The bunny plates were used for dessert!!!

Easter treat for the kids and Mama. Mama is definitely learning new traditions with a move and the death of my step dad.

The message was not lost on my daughter. She knows me so well.

Lindsay and Tyler

Mama and Paul Allen

He still gives me the look, but he is softening with everyday.

Jeff and Paul Allen

We had a wonderful evening together. The kids stayed around for quite a while that night and I was REALLY HAPPY!!!

Hubby Jeff got a treat too. He hates bananas and doesn't like to pick them out, so he got his own complete with meringue.

I will continue to grow and change and love on my kiddos no matter what day it is.

I think I remember reading somewhere over the years that Coach Bobby Bowden's wife picked a day in the summer to get all five of her kids together at one time. 
I can't imagine getting 5 together.

We just have to be creative. 

 I look forward to Easter Sunday because I know ...

  HE LIVES!!!!

Blessed indeed,


  1. Yes, we have to adapt and sometimes it is even better than the traditions we hold on to so fiercely. I guess I am a little more relaxed on the kid situation because for us the holidays were always pressure filled about where we were going and when.

  2. I love this attitude and love it even more when you mentioned my favorite football coach! My grandmother used to tell my mother, "It will be Christmas whenever you get here." Since my Dad was on staff of a large church, we rarely got to spend big holidays with extended family. You are so clever, and I adore your bunny plates! Happy Easter to you!

    1. Thanks! I know as the years go, the kids will be pulled in all directions. I want to make sure I am a mom they want to see and that I can make it work at anytime.

  3. I think your bunny plates are so wonderful, and the dinner and every loving thing you did to make it special for your family, that's what it's all about. Beautiful job! Lovely to see it Sandy. Don't worry, those kids will never forget.

    1. Thank you Susan. You are always a great source for ideas. Those bunny plates had me at hello since navy is one of my favorite colors and usually spring and Easter stuff is pastels.


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