
Thursday, April 14, 2016

Rainy Day

Thursday finds things much calmer around our house than Monday. 

Lucy is better. I am not sure she is out of trouble yet. As Tuesday progressed she settled down. No more seizures although she did have some odd moments yesterday. More like almost going down, but popping right back up. I have been on the phone with the vet twice a day everyday. That is where we are right now.

Hubby came home from work on Tuesday. He thought that the front yard looked well enough to step over and make a photo to text me as he is walking in the door. It made me feel really good that he noticed how nice it looked. We still have a few patches of grass that haven't filled in yet. One where I get out of the truck right by the drive and the other where the dogs step off the sidewalk to use the bathroom. 

It has rained for the past two days, so gloomy is the word.

Mom was a bit lonely yesterday and feeling sorry for herself. I usually run over there everyday or if I go anywhere pick her up to get out as well. I had been overrun with Lucy.

I told her to come over, and I think it did her good. I had a pair of linen capris that were too big for either of us. She is now smaller than me. She is just pure skinny. I have tried to fatten her up, but haven't succeeded. Anyway, she decided she was going to make those pants fit her, so she altered them yesterday. 

My mama is the most amazing seamstress (not sewist ---I hate that new word). She has not done anything like that in a very long time. In fact, I have her old machine. I traded my college one for her old one years ago. She gave that one to Lindsay when she moved down here. 

She took the waistband off, cut it down and made those pants fit her. I want to be able to do that!
I have head knowledge. She has skill and talent.

She then ironed some of my clothes, so life is better around here.

I also have been purging my closet of summer clothes. 

I hated how many clothes I had from my winter stash. Quite honestly,  I felt guilty.

While working I just felt like I had no time for shopping and it was a treat to buy something new to wear to work. However, when I stopped working I realized how truly wasteful I had been. 

I have another huge stack again. I tried listing some on Ebay, but that is really not so good for clothes. For one thing it costs $3.00 to list and shipping and handling is a lot these days, so basically that is not profitable.

Goodwill will get them.

The one thing I have promised myself is that I will not fill the closet back up again like that. I don't need as many clothes as while I was working.

I watched a great TED video yesterday about a "10 Item Wardrobe." It is not 10 items only, but 10 core items per season. It was quite fascinating. I later went to the girl's website. I can't be her, but she definitely spurred to think about not buying so many clothes and letting them fill up a closet and not even know what is in there.

I actually liked what she had to same on some of the things. We think we can't wear anything over too soon. I was really bad about that when I worked. I am going to be over that concept.

I am going to do a post soon on new things I have started eating that I now love. 

I was one of those ridiculously picky eaters, but I have really ventured out and tried some new things. I have a lot of new favorites. 

I get tired of the same ole thing for breakfast and for a very long time had absolutely nothing with grains. I have found some gluten free grits and that is REALLY good, because I like my grits. I just don't do them everyday.

I tried out a new cereal this morning and loved it. I saw that buckwheat was a grain on my list and noticed these in the grocery store. I ate them with almond milk which my hubby hates BTW. I added no sugar which is a biggie for me as well. The maple made them sweet. 

Tasty and Gluten Free

I am hosting a shower this Sunday afternoon for my one of best friend's daughters. I had already decided not to do it here due to the large number on the invitation list. 

I can't tell you how glad I am not doing it here after the last couple of days. My week didn't turn out like I planned at all. I basically can just use this week's "To Do list" for next.

Another friend of mine has a cafe close by, so I am doing it there. 

I am off to gather a few things for it in the rain.

Thankful for a little calmer day,


  1. Your yard is beautiful! I am meeting with some friends to plan a shower that will be held in May. It is our Sunday School teacher's daughter. We are thinking of a rustic theme since we have lots of those items on hand. Post some pictures from your shower so I can see what you did. I was gone all day but got home in time to get in a walk. I admire your mom's expertise...I really think it is a God Given talent.

    1. I will share pictures for sure. It was kind of cool that Mama still has her talent at 81. I want to spend more time sewing, but it just hasn't happened. I have decided I have too many things I want to do. I have decided to let that list of things flow out naturally. If is sewing, reading, stitching, whatever, just let it happen.

  2. My husband is a big cereal eater, so I'm going to look for this for him. Pretty-pretty springtime yard, and I'm hoping we get some pretty sun this weekend!

  3. Sandy... what a beautiful home you have! And your yard looks great. Wish I could share your Mom - everything I buy has to be shortened. Have a great weekend.


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