
Sunday, April 24, 2016

Weekend Wrap-up

I have really enjoyed the weather this April. It has really been spring like here and I have enjoyed the not too hot days. I have worked outside and enjoyed my walks.

I felt like Saturday may have been the turning point. I guess we will see. I had already thought about getting my paddle board out last week even though I knew the water would still be cool. 

Don't fall in and all is good!

Saturday was probably the warmest day so far, so it was time to venture out. Hubby, Son, and Son-in-law were all in a golf tournament on Saturday morning. Lindsay and I ran a couple of quick errands Saturday morning and then pulled the kayak out to the water.

It was gorgeous and we tooled around out bayou. I will be trying to paddle board for a bit each day. I like to go during the week when there is not much boat traffic out. I also actually like to go during the day, because I am afraid a dolphin or other large fish might pop up beside me in the evening and scare me. I don't really want to fall in the water with them. I am definitely chicken, not even gonna act like I am not. I like to look at wildlife from the shore. 

My dolphin friends were out again today. A couple was on a kayak following right along behind them.

Very cool to watch.

After the guys all got back from their golf tournament, Hubby and I went to check on the garden.

We pulled up one row of the potatoes.
We will get the other row next week.

We pulled up the row on the right. The onions are doing great. The row with the carrot failure! Then another row of potatoes.
View across the garden.





The herb garden and peppers.

Everything looked pretty good.

Oh, and the pecan trees are beginning to come to life.

After church today, I took a nap while all the kids went out on the boat. Hubby did some grilling for us all.

Then he made me go to the dreaded garage. Yuk! 

I continually organize...He doesn't keep it up. 

He then goes out there and stands around and begs me to come help him again.

I whine but give in.

Life at our house!

That's a weekend wrap-up.


  1. Your garden looks gorgeous!! And pecan favorite nut. I took some boxes to Ben on Saturday. He had some things in our garage and I wanted to get it out of the way. I hope to get my garage organized in the days to come.

    1. I am pretty excited about the garden.

      I guess a garage is never just right, or at least I hope the majority of people don't have it right. I know we are on the worst side of it, but I keep hoping we will get it right. Problem is...too much stuff. I wish I could say any of it could be given to a child.


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