
Monday, July 11, 2016

Boating, Reading, and Farm Day

Dropping in for a quick update.

I thought July 4th was going to be a slow day at our house, but it ended up being rather busy.
My aunt and uncle (Mama's sister and her baby brother) slipped away for a visit with Mama. They have managed to come quite a few times, but usually my uncle's wife comes too. She had to work, so they slipped off for a quick overnight visit. 

We took them out on a morning boat ride. My uncle is exactly 20 years younger than my mom. Their birthday is one day apart. Baby boy of the family.

Mama was super excited. The three of them and one other aunt have a great time together.

Then that afternoon, we ended up having Paul Allen roll in with all his friends, so we had to quickly throw food on the grill.

Honestly, last week got away from me. I can't really tell you what I did with the days.

I did read a bit.

After finishing Killing Reagan by Bill O'Reilly, I read I Love You Ronnie: The Letters of Ronald Reagan to Nancy Reagan by Nancy Reagan. I am done reading about them, but both were interesting reads.

I finished the letters one on Saturday evening, while on a boat ride. Hubby fished and I read while we drifted along.

He looks pretty serious...

I have also read The Summer Girls, part of the Lowcountry Summer trilogy by Mary Alice Monroe. I seem to be in a reading funk, because I really didn't get too excited about this one. It is definitely a beach read. It started off good, but I lost interest and just kind of ho hum read to finish. I haven't run to get the second one.

I have started the last of Susan Branch's books, A Fine Romance: Falling in Love with the English Countryside. I will have actually read the three books in chronological order with this one, but not in the order she wrote them. I liked the others, so we will see.

I have almost finished cross stitching my August cottage. I am really ready to be done with them. I like seeing them on display, but I am so ready to cross stitch something else.

Hubby took the day off, so we went to the farm. We trimmed all the plants around the farm house and  I cleaned up the Hoosier cabinet. Hubby sanded some on it and we discovered it has a pattern etched on the doors.

I played around with just seeing how things might look on it. This is not the plan, but I just used some stuff laying around and snapped a picture.

You can see all of Lindsay and Tyler's stuff still there, but Tyler has two job offers....HERE!!!

He may have a nervous breakdown trying to pick the right one, but I think it is a good or better situation, so that is good in this mama's book.

They drove around looking for houses Sunday afternoon.

I am definitely smiling.



  1. Oh I hope your kiddos stay in Ft Walton. That would be so nice for you!! And looking for a house, that is always fun. Paying for the house, not so much but it is part of growing up. My mother is 16 years older than her youngest sister and I am just 9 yrs younger than Aunt Joyce so it was rather like having a big sister instead of an aunt. I got out and trimmed my flower beds and weeded yesterday as it was a more moderate day. I also washed windows. I love Clean Windows!!Today I have some errands to run as well as cleaning our bedroom and bath. I cannot clean my house in one fell swoop as I used to do when I was younger. I am with you about reading. I would really like to find a book that I could not put down until the last page is turned. I am going to the library today so Maybe I will find one.

    1. I too have to break the chores up into days because I can't get it all done before I wear out. I watch my daughter do so much like I once did. find a good novel. I have stacks of non fiction to read that I have collected, but I just simply haven't found anything lately that is a page turner.


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