
Friday, August 19, 2016

Five for Friday #4

A little 5 for Friday.

1. Computers and Destin

 I am back. I took my computer into be serviced this week. I have an older MacBook and want it to last a very long time, so I have a service thingie with Best Buy. It was beginning to be a little sluggish. 

I missed it this week---missed it bad. It is all fast again though:)

That meant two days to drive to Destin and throw in a bit of shopping. The traffic has settled down. Hip Hip Hooray!

It is really pretty on the drive. The sand dunes are really looking tall these days. As I was coming back across the Destin bridge a family from Texas was pulled over taking pictures of the emerald waters in the pass.

The Bahamas have nothing on us.

Believe or not, I didn't buy anything. Just looked at the fall things. I love fall for many reasons...

the colors
football season
the cooler temperatures name a few. 

2.  August and Lindsay

  I am trying really hard to refrain from thinking about fall too much. I don't want to rush time and after fall comes winter. BLAH!!!!!!!!

August has been busy though, so I can help but long for September.

Lindsay and Tyler close on their house on Monday. They are excited. Tyler still has to go back to Jacksonville for the remainder of next week though, so I don't know how much moving in will take place. The bedroom suit that is sitting in my foyer right now will probably be it and just clothes until the following weekend. 

Then poor Lindsay has a conference for work in Orlando the last week of August. She just wants to take a few days off and move in.

I plan to go with her and lounge by the pool while she conferences and then we can spend some time together every evening.

3.  Football and Paul Allen  

Football season started for my son last night with the middle school jamboree. 

I gotta tell you he bugs the stew out of me that he is 24 years old and hasn't finished his degree yet. Really hard for a former teacher.
BUT, I love watching him coach those middle schoolers. He is so great with them, and I can tell they all adore him. It just warms my heart.

I just keep praying!!!

He could use a girlfriend too, but that could go either way ---good or bad!

Oh, and one more thing about football. Hubby is beyond excited that he doesn't have to attend a football game and be on duty tonight. I think this might be the best thing about his new job.

4.  Thinking of September

Holding out with the summer decor for the next two weeks, then I am going to do a very small back to school in my foyer and kitchen with September 1st to match my monthly cottage.

Here is what I been playing with...

Yes, I am looking forward to September.

5.  Health Update

I haven't done one of these lately. 

First of all, my biopsy was benign. Thank the Lord.

I still stand by my thoughts on Xeljanz. I was so jaundiced looking. I still think it was doing a number on my liver, kidneys, etc. 

I actually went to a kidney doctor this summer and shared my thoughts. He didn't deny which is a change from most. My regular internist was good with my taking a break from it too. In fact, she said it almost under her breath, like she didn't want to be heard. 

I am still following my gluten free, no high fructose corn syrup, all organic, no hormones and antibiotic meats, etc DIET. 

I truly feel so much better. While I didn't make to to 115, my body shape has continued to change with the exercise.

I am no different that anyone else. I loathe going to the gym and really have to discipline myself. I go three days a week first thing in the morning. I walk outside several days a week as well. In that regard, really ready for cooler days. My path is very shady and I go early so that helps.

On the weight, I hover between 122 and 124. So all in all that is good.

Most importantly, I feel very good and no meds except for my thyroid pill.

That's all folks. 

Counting my blessings,


  1. So glad your biopsy was negative Sandy! And congrats on maintaining your weight loss. I have not lost any more but I am still walking. I guess if I left off bread and sweets I would see an improvement. I know you are glad to see some of the tourists head home. I know that area is so busy during the summer months. Football started here last night but we never attend as we have no one to really root for. So glad your son has found his niche in coaching. Young men need good role models. And moving...oh it makes me tired just to think of it.

    1. Jeff was so excited last night not to have to attend a game. We went out to eat and did a little shopping. Every 15 minutes, he would say something about being glad he didn't have to be at a game!

  2. Oh I love those napkins! I might have to go to JoAnn Fabric and see if they have any cute checks like that. Glad to hear about your biopsy results!

    1. Thank you on both accounts and I am very relieved about the biopsy.

  3. So glad you're feeling better.

    As far as that drive over to Destin, I was on a cruise in the Bahamas once and overheard strangers talking to one another and they said, "If you think this is pretty, you should see this little place we found in Florida called Fort Walton Beach!" I just about fell over!
    There isn't a beach I've found in the world — Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Martha's Vineyard, that has anything on Destin/FWB!

    1. IT is amazing how beautiful our area is. We are blessed to live in such special places.


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