
Monday, November 7, 2016

What I Have Been Reading

I thought I would do a post on what I have been reading. I have been in such a funk with what I read since retirement. I once lived for summers to read stacks and stacks of books I had collected all year. I have hardly read a novel at all in the 2 years. I feel I am about to come out of that funk. Maybe it is just that I am finally getting a fix on my life. It was crazy for quite a few years.

I have still read mostly nonfiction, but enjoyed all my reads this past month.

I have to admit that I have had as many as 5 books at a time going. CRAZY!

I stopped them all to read Dana Perino's new book on Jasper. TWO reasons: I LOVE dogs and Dana is just the cutest thing. Definitely one of my favorites on Fox News.

I would think  you would need to love dogs to enjoy Let Me Tell You About Jasper: How My Best Friend Became America's Dog. I do so. I absolutely loved it!!! If you know a dog lover, it would make a great gift.

If you don't like dogs, then you probably think us dog lovers are weird. My mom certainly does!

Second up is a cookbook. Yes, I have read a cookbook from cover to cover.
I discovered Susan Branch late. I did not read her cookbooks when they were first published. I discovered them with her books on her life. I have fallen in love with her style and her cookbooks.

My absolute favorite is the Autumn cookbook. Even with the absolute not a chance of feeling like autumn weather we have had, I have devoured every page and tons of recipes. I have several marked to try during November. I bought a cookbook for every season last spring from Amazon for a steal. I have noticed the prices have all gone back up since then. The Autumn one is definitely my favorite.

Next up is my favorite read of October. The idea for it also came from Susan Branch. She speaks of Gladys Taber on her blog and in her books. One day while Internet surfing I came across a little information on her and searched Amazon for a book. I ordered her last book for a penny plus shipping and handling. IT was the best $3.99 I have spent in a while.

Still Cove Journal was her last book published by her daughter after her death. It is a collection of journal entries and columns that she wrote. It is divided by months. The book starts in April and ends in March which according to Mrs. Taber is how she views the calendar year. 

A quote from the book on April being the beginning of the year... 

"Now in April comes the real beginning of the year. The calendar may insist on putting New Year's in January, but for me April is the true beginning of the yearly cycle. Now everything is new, everything is young."

My copy was a library cover and it will be in my collection forever. I liked it that much. I want to read more of her books.

The next two books are in progress, so I will save my thoughts for later. I told y'all I was reading 5 books at a time. I don't think I recommend that idea.

I am reading Angels Walking by Karen Kingsbury. I had it on my kindle and started it when I was waiting somewhere for an appointment. I am halfway through and will finish soon, because the Baxter Family Christmas book has arrived and I told myself I have to finish my two books before I can start it. Motivation!!!!!


My 5th and last book that I have been reading is Pursue the Intentional Life by Jean Fleming. 

I actually saw this on Instagram. The chapters are set up as stand alone reads so that has been one reason I have so many things going at one time. All of my choices were that kind of read. I am going to finish both before I start the Baxter Family Christmas. Then...

I have a long list of things I want to read.

I really do love to read, but I think the past few years with retirement and death have left me in a kind of pondering life mode. It has affected my reading habits. Life is good though and to be lived to the fullest. Books here I come...fill me with your words.

So today you will find me cleaning, reading, stitching, working in the yard, petting my dogs, etc. 
Happily jumping around from one thing to another,

1 comment:

  1. I love Gladys Taber and have a whole shelf of her books thanks to the recommendation of Susan Branch. I actually went upstairs and got some old favorites to take to the hospital.


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