
Wednesday, January 4, 2017

A Cover for the Dog Box

Why I had not done this earlier, I can't tell you!

For almost 8 years, (Lemony, the Golden will be 8 on the 19th), there has been a dog box in the back corner of our living room with just a sheet over it. You know dogs sort of pick where they will lie and they dictate how things run in a "dog lover's home."

Before Christmas I was looking at a LLBean catalog and saw the cutest dog box cover quilted in a dog print. I almost bought it thinking it would make the eye sore a little cuter. Then, I thought I can make one cheaper.

This week I decided to do just that. I had some linen in my hoarding stash and set out last night to actually follow through.

It looks so much better than a sheet. In the light of the morning I may need to line it, but that is an easy do.

I texted my daughter a picture of last night and said it is linen, so it must need a monogram.

She texted back - absolutely - 100%.

We southern girls and our monograms. I just may do it, but for today, I have to get back to my bookcase painting project.

I can't wait to share the living room where I have been changing things up. Hopefully, by the end of the week.

Off to paint,


  1. I love this. Talk about taking the dog crate up a notch! Love the idea of the monogram. Have a wonderful week, Sandy.

  2. Definitely needs a monogram Sandy and I know you can do it with your embroidery machine. I am impressed with how well it fits. Mine would have probably been catty wampus.

    1. Thanks Arlene, I will probably add one next week.

  3. Love it! A monogram would certainly add that Southern style to it. :) And your timing is uncanny! We/I have been looking for a puppy for months from owners, craigslist, and the humane society ones on petfinder. We want a yellow lab - not for hunting - just for our first inside dog for companionship. Just this morning my daughter and I decided we would go ahead and get the dog crate and other supplies so that we would be ready when we find "the one." I am trying to find just the right spot in the house for the crate, and your dog cover may be an idea I steal. :)

    1. Thanks Kelly. Good Luck on the dog hunt. We have a Springer Spaniel whose box is in the bedroom, and a Golden who has the new cover. All you have to say to the Golden is go to your box, and she walks right over and gets in. They both see them as their special place. Dogs are messy, but totally worth it.


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