
Sunday, January 8, 2017

A Good Lord's Day

Today was such a good day at church. The music was amazing. The sermon was literally one of the best ever. It was not what I expected for my New Year's sermon, but let me tell you it was just what I needed.

Key topics included possibility - which is what you would expect with a New Year's sermon, but the Scripture was ...

Galatians 5:22-23New American Standard Bible (NASB)

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

Those notes are not from today...
Not exactly what you would expect, but he tied it in so well. I have homework to think on which fruit of the Spirit I will pursue working on this year. My initial thought is not where I am landing right now. I am going to pray about it first.

I will let you know what I decide. I am working on being steadfast in my walk this year. I shared it on Instagram, but not here. I was so inspired by @1862antebellum and her post last Sunday. You know how sometimes you are struggling for some reason to put your thoughts on a piece of paper, and then someone does it for you. That is what happened last Sunday.

I will share what she wrote....

Anyway the word steadfast is what I had been looking for. "Day by day small goals with a steadfast attitude and bringing honor to Him." ---1862antebellum

She nailed my thoughts for 2017.

She used to blog at Antebellum 1862. She has two Instagram accounts worth following.
@1862antebellum and @thankfulfarm

This past week I tried to do just that and be grateful at the end of the day for whatever I accomplished.

There is lots more to the story than this..., but I will stop here and see where this takes me.

I am adding one of those fruits to my list walk with a steadfast attitude.

In other news, my once beautiful geraniums that bloomed prolifically during Christmas look wretched. I tried covering them, but I fear they lost the battle.

I will be back tomorrow evening to share my painting project and a sewing and stitching update.
Oh and maybe a few more things going on.
I love Jesus! Yes, I do,


  1. I could use more discipline in being steadfast as well, Sandy. When I had my surgery I got out of my routine and I need to get back to be disciplined in all areas of my life.

    1. Discipline is just plain hard sometimes. It doesn't take much to get off, but I think I have wasted a ton of time in the past year more just out of frustration. I am determined to stay on track.

  2. Steadfast is a great word, Sandy! Thanks for the encouragement!

    1. Thanks Mrs. T, you are always providing encouragement. My favorite thing about blogging.


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