
Monday, February 13, 2017

An Inspiring Book

I read the most adorable book on Friday of last week. It was called The Christmas Club by Barbara Hinske. She has written a series about a town called Rosemont, but I have not read any of those books. I did look on Amazon and the first one has mixed reviews. However, this is one is a winner.

I often share with you what I have read, but I almost never say it is a must read, because I know I have a wide variety or shall we say eclectic taste in reading so I never want to mislead someone.

This one is a must read. It is only a little over 100 pages, so a quick read. It is set in the 1950s and begins with a little lady coming out of the bank with her Christmas savings. Do y'all remember Christmas savings accounts? My mom always had one. Anyway, the little lady falls and it all blows away. It is a rather predictable book, but yet you will find yourself not being able to put it down. Five dollar bills will change Christmas. 

I plan to give this book as a gift to friends and family next Thanksgiving. Maybe it will inspire good things.

The book is inspiring and will give you a warm fuzzy feeling.

In other news, the reason I read it all this Friday is because I was in one of those lackluster moods where I didn't want to do anything. It was the first day I had to myself with no agenda attached to it in such a long time. I was simply motivated to do nothing. I walked into my sewing room and nothing sparked creativity. I didn't even want to cross stitch. I finally gave in and read. I sort of felt like I had blown a day, but I guess we need days like that sometimes.

I am enjoying the weather and doing a few chores today rather slowly. Yikes!

Good news is that I came back all clear for skin cancers from the dermatologist today. 

A picture of my boys on the way to the All Sports Banquet last Friday night.

Good day in the sunshine,


  1. They sure are handsome! And I'm glad you got a good report from the doctor! I'll look for this book too...sounds good! Hugs, Diane

    1. Thanks Diane. Paul Allen very rarely poses for pictures, so I take them when I can get them.
      I think you will like the book.

  2. Good looking men for sure!! I read the Rosemont series. I actually won the first one on a blog give away. They were just ok. The first book was the best. I will look for this one. It sounds like a winner.

  3. Yes, we need days like that (sometimes). Thankfl you have a good report from the dokter/doctor. O and I love the cozy cover of that book :-)


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