
Monday, May 8, 2017

I am Still Here

Happy Monday,
I didn't mean to not post any last week. I can not give any good reason other than maybe I was enjoying the slower days.

For the first time in a very long time I was home during the day last week except for Tuesday morning and all day Friday.

I just tried to enjoy that.

Tuesday morning, Hubby and I drove over to Pensacola advertising firm to film us for our doctor that has brought us back to life. An ad agency happened to be one of the doctor's latest patients and she has had a miraculous turn around as well, so she is trying to get him on the market. We filmed a piece that will be on his website. I told them they would have to do a ton of editing. I am not so good on camera. When they get it done, I MIGHT share. Yikes!

On Wednesday evening, my small group went to the yearly "Night of Integrity" hosted by the FCA. The regional leader is a friend of ours, and we always go to the event in support of her. It is at the local college here and is attended by youth from the two neighboring counties (Okaloosa and Walton). I am sharing this because I heard one of the best speakers I have EVER heard.

If you get a chance to see Inky Johnson, former Tennessee safety, you must run! He was so inspirational. It was meant for youth, but I seriously walked away so convicted. I whine too much.

Y'all I will stop my whining. You can read more about him here. I wish I could get my hands on his book. It is out of print and the cheapest one on Amazon is like $65.00.

On Friday, Mother and I went on a day trip home. We had some business to take care of in Brewton and Flomaton, but we also headed to the Range and Repton where all of my family is from and I lived as a child. We picked up my aunt and headed to Monroeville to the Vanity Fair outlet. We also ate lunch on the square at a place called "The Sweet Tooth." Yes, they had sweets that I did not eat, but they have a lunch special each day that is to die for. I cleaned my plate and was full all day. If you have never been to Monroeville, it is the home of Harper Lee. I grew up shopping there on the weekends and still love to head to the square any chance I can. They have made the old courthouse into a museum that is very nice.

On Saturday, we went to the farm.

I think we are getting cows in that grass soon. Hubby has a guy that wants to bring in some miniature cows to graze. A win for both of us. Less cutting grass for us and plenty for the cows.

I worked a bit in the garden. I gathered the last of my green onions.

I still have yellow onions to gather. Currently, I have four squash plants , NO zucchini, 2 cucumbers, and 10 tomato plants going. I was much more reasonable this year. I love looking at the squash plants. To me, they are such a reminder of God's provision and care for us. They grow those big umbrella leaves to shelter the fruit. He covers us too with his love and care.

I have been puttering around the house, trying to clean out a few closets while keeping up with the chores. I have stitched some each day. I have made a point of sitting in this orange chair each day for a little while. It has become my favorite spot.

Lemony and I are going on daily walks and falling into a new routine with each other.

She seemed to be a bit more cheerful last week. You wouldn't know it from this picture. One morning after Hubby got up, she came in and plopped herself in his spot. She was quite lazy that morning. She didn't want to get up at all. This is actually rare for her, because she doesn't like to jump up. There is a lot more of her to jump up, so she usually settles for the floor or the dog bed.

That is about it for this girl. A bit more of the same this week or at least I am hoping.

Boring, but good life,


  1. Mmm! Those onions look good, and I'm going to have to look up that Inky!

    1. Everything will have onions in it for awhile. Your boys would love Inky Johnson as well as you.


  2. I am so glad you had a week to rest and reflect. We all need those. And please do share the ad you filmed. Every time we drive by the Monroeville exit, I want to stop. Maybe now I will!!

    1. It is a pretty little southern town. You would like the square and the museum. Small, but sweet. Monroeville is one of those places that isn't near anything so it doesn't get a ton of traffic. It is a piece off the Interstate. I have always said I grew up in the woods. Most people think I am kidding. I am not:)

  3. Boring is so underappreciated...I'm with you, boring can be the finest of blessings. Your garden looks fabulous!

    1. Thanks Vee, I really enjoy growing things and YES, boring is fantastic.

  4. I looked up Inky Johnson's book on ThriftBooks. Do you ever shop there? Great prices and free shipping when you spend $10. I think I'm sort of addicted. Books make such great gifts for grandchildren and I have found many wonderful books there for such reasonable prices. Inky's book is out of stock on Thrift Books (and they don't say what the price was) but there is a way to put it on one's wish list.

    So glad you are making it a point to spend time in that orange chair each day. Good for you!

    1. I am scared to look at ThriftBooks because I LOVE books!!! Especially old books. I am going to keep searching for his book. Thanks for the tip.

  5. The farm pictures are so pretty, and miniature cows! WoW, that would be so much fun. Lemony sure looks comfortable in that bed, no wonder she doesn't want to get up. I enjoyed visiting with you today!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I saw your blog on Nanaland. I Love that Arlene.


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.