
Friday, June 23, 2017

Mini Vacation Part 2

Back to my mini vacation details. Warning:  Stroll down memory lane and sappy love stuff.

Sunday was our most laid back day.
We were in slow motion. We drove to Columbus to scope out the trail that I have been wanting to bike ride for years. I had seen pictures of it for awhile and had hoped to find a time to go.

You see I lived in Columbus as small girl. My dad was stationed at Fort Benning. Columbus is special to me because of the good memories we had as a family there. It was there that my daddy died. I have always felt a little bit of my heart had been left there.

Fast forward. When I graduated from college, it was Columbus that I found my first teaching job. Well, actually the county to the north at Harris County High School. I lived in Columbus, while Jeff was finishing up at Auburn. We did a lot of our dating there in Columbus and at Calloway Gardens. Calloway was 5 miles north from the high school where I taught. So once again, Columbus held a special place in my heart.

You can read about our visit to where I once lived here.

On Sunday, we located where we would access the trail and then headed to Pine Mountain to our favorite antique stores. Real antique stores, not left over 1980's and 90's stuff. We just buying.

Back to the cabin for supper and this time for my favorite place to eat - Oskar's Cafe. Home-cooked meal.

On Monday, we headed out for Columbus ready for the bike ride around the Chattahoochee Riverwalk.

As a child I have a snapshot in my head of fishing with my dad on the banks of the river. There are no pictures of that event, but it is so vivid in my head. I can almost hear his voice. Hence, I have wanted to do this bike ride.

Jeff was amazing letting me stop many times to just soak places up and stare.

Here are a few shots of the trail.

Our beginning was at the Golden Park entrance.

The path is literally right along the banks. Some places are really shady and others not.

The path is wide enough for two people so no having to worry when you meet someone coming from the other direction who are real bike riders. Bike riders getting exercise, not those stopping and going slow like me.

There are sitting benches and picnic tables all along the path.

A couple of bridges over creeks and some were even covered.

To say that I loved it would be an understatement. It was one of those bucket list days.

The day ended up being a great day to be with the hubby too.

We just slowed down and enjoyed each other and the ride.

We picked up food on the way back to the cabin and just ate there on Monday evening.

We enjoyed each evening at the cabin...just relaxing and enjoying the peace and quiet. Me cross stitching and him watching baseball.

I am almost through with this sampler. Then it is on to some finishes and Christmas in July stitching.

Some might say this was a boring trip, but it was just what we needed. I have been letting some things really bother me lately. Sometimes you have to go back to places and get still to remind yourself how much God has been in the small details of your life.

The fact that Jeff and I ended up in Auburn is proof enough.

I had myself a little talk with God asking for forgiveness for my lack of trust. He has things under control. I can't always see the end and the good, but His ways are ALWAYS perfect because they are His Plans.

I am rested. The last two days have been so busy, but summer is here. I am going to do my best to enjoy it. The little tropical storm made me realize I need to take care of a few details around the house. Whew...I hate storms.

Going to make the best of every long summer day AND lose the last 10 pounds!!!


  1. Sounds as if you really enjoyed it. I am pretty certain that I would have as well, except I could not have biked...that was probably the most fun for you! I noticed the difference in sneakers between now and then in the post I was redirected to. You have always been a cutie! Your childhood home really has hardly changed at all and what fun to see it being enjoyed by a new family.

    1. It was interesting that the house looked so much the same. I think it has a lot to do with its proximity to the base and that probably still many military families in there. Yes, my current shoes are wild even for me:)

  2. Beautiful post, Sandy. I so enjoyed this mini vacation with you! The pictures are lovely and so was your time. And even better, the time with your hubby and the lessons the Lord was reminding you of. Important ones for all of us and we are often so slow to learn them. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you. It is always good to get away even for a weekend and slow down.

  3. I was just telling Marvin that I enjoy our times in GA because it is so peaceful and no pressing appointments etc. I would love to walk that bike trail. It looks perfect for walking and praying. While in Ga I attended the funeral of my cousin's husband. He died suddenly at age 60. It is a reminder to take time to smell the roses. I love your sampler. I was working on a Sue Hillis design in Ga but I am going to take out a Prairie Schooler this afternoon. Oh and sewing came back to me. I need to brush up on my skills a bit but the hardest thing was getting the machine threaded!!

    1. I am sorry to hear about your cousin's husband. 60 is definitely too young.
      I thought you might have sewn something from the Instagram shot the other day. Sewing is not for faint at heart.
      I once loved it and wanted to do it so badly and then life happened and it was just never in the cards for me. I can make something straight from a pattern and it will look pretty good, but if it needs to be adjusted well... that seems to be my downfall. I think I am not into it as I once was. I am going to lay it aside except for some crafty things. They bring me joy. Life is too short to sit in there frustrated. I spent lots of those days at work.


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