
Tuesday, June 20, 2017


I am back from my most wonderful trip. Not a long journey, but a quick extended weekend trip to the cabin and one of those places that holds lots of good memories.

I will tell you all about it later in the week and maybe into next week. As I tend to do, I have overbooked myself and then the usual stuff of life threw in some curveballs as well.

I committed to volunteer at church all day tomorrow, so I get back only to spend my first day back working all day. We have needed to take care of some packing and unpacking of things in the Volunteer Room and in the cabinets in all of the preschool classes, so I will put my organizational tasks to work.  Then I have to rush home to make a cake for a small group meeting tomorrow evening.

Throw in my mom's air conditioning isn't working. She discovered it the morning she left for her trip to Maine.
I also have to call about getting some trees cut and trimmed at the cabin.
I have to get Jeff's truck to the Chevy dealer on Thursday morning for a recall. May have to stay while they do it..Yuk!
There's more, but you get the picture.

LET ME JUST SAY though, that the trip was the refueling I needed!!!

We named the cabin near Auburn "Serenity" many years ago. There is a story behind it, but suffice it to say, it has proved to be a place that does just that. Provide serenity.

Honestly, there is something about it that calms my spirit upon entering it.

I left for our trip a bit down, well heavy hearted to be truthful. There are some things you don't share in a blog, but I am not unlike anyone else out there. Real life can get you down and even the strongest in faith have their moments.

The trip recharged my batteries, gave me some perspective on things and God had a chance to settle me down.

I was reading in Colossians 1:9-14 this morning as we were headed home. It stuck with me all day.

Tonight I turned the verses into a prayer for myself.

I will share with you because it is one we all need to remember.

Heavenly Father,
I pray that I will continually ask You, O' God to fill me with the knowledge of Your will through the wisdom and understanding that You, Holy Spirit provideth me. I pray that I would live a life worthy and pleasing to You, Lord. Let me bear fruit in all my works, help me grow in my knowledge of You. Strengthen me hourly with the power that comes from You. May you find in me a grateful heart who is running the daily race with patience to wait on Your perfect timing.
In Jesus name,

I will be back at the end of the week with details of my good good trip.

"Way down yonder on the Chattahoochee."


  1. So glad you got some R and R. Sandy. Looking forward to hearing all about your trip.

    1. I am hoping to post tomorrow. I really had a relaxing time.

  2. Oh, Sandy, that prayer is so meaningful. Just what I needed to read today. I'm thankful that you have a place of serenity to get away to.

    Hope your mother is having a wonderful time in Maine! Have you heard from her?

    1. Thanks Mrs. T. You know sometimes we just get off track. We get a worry on our mind and just let it fester until we have worked ourselves into a froth. That is where I was. I have talked to God and confessed my weakness and as soon as I did that and got still...well, He started pouring in some peace. He is good.
      Mom is having a blast as she said. She is with my aunt which let me relax about her traveling. She spoke with me last night and today.


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.