
Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Summer and Stitching

Summer is almost officially here, but as I said yesterday, it arrives with the end of my son's birthday.

I always want to get out the red, white, and blue.

I hung my little Freedom cross stitch in the kitchen for now. I still plan to land it at the farmhouse, but I thought I might enjoy it here for the summer. I did pull out my new cloth napkins from Everyday Occasions and managed to put some red ribbon around them. That is as far as I got yesterday adding red, white, and blue. I was productive, but with Tuesdays being me my volunteer at church day and just cleaning up around the house well....

I finished my piece called the "Starry Night Sampler."

I saw this on a blog. The blog is Carol at Stitching DreamsShe has some of the most amazing finishes ever for Christmas ornaments. Anyway, it caught my face and I hunted it up on eBay. It was from an old Cross Stitch & Country Crafts magazine from October 1993.

I love the frame they used in the picture and was going to pursue a similar frame, but then yesterday I saw Priscilla's finish on this patriotic stitch below.


I simply love this. 

I am so torn between framing the "Starry Night Sampler" or doing something else.

Do I frame or go with something like this??? My question comes down to is this good for the stitching long term as this one would probably be out all the time. I am good with this kind of finish for my seasonal stuff.

Oh, and I still have two pillows that have cross stitching on them. One here and one at Mom's from 20 something years ago. So, does that answer my question???

Decisions - Decisions.

I am going to try and finish up my "Garden Borders" by Blackbird Designs and then it is onto Christmas in July. I have several pieces done that need to be finished and I have a bigger project in progress. Then I want to do some Christmas ornaments.

I will stop there today. Maybe one more post out of me this week tomorrow.

It is raining here again today. I am hoping all this rain we have had for the past week will mean my flowers that I spent so much time fertilizing are going to pop if the sun ever shines.

Off to get busy,


  1. Beautiful work, Sandy! You inspire me! I haven't picked up a cross stitch needle in weeks -- maybe months. I have an embroidery project that must be finished first as it needs to go to Nevada with me (if I don't complete it before then). THEN I may be able to cross stitch.

    Right now I am feeling the urge to clean and declutter and catch up with all of the things I haven't been able to stay on top of for the past few years.

    As to the finish for your Starry Night Sampler, I think Priscilla's finish that you showed is gorgeous and I would probably go with something like that if I were you. But I'm not you, obviously, so ...

    1. I definitely understand the need to clean and declutter, catch up, etc. There are just seasons in life that take more time than others. I cross stitched all the time before kids came and then I laid it down for a very long time. I have recently renewed my love for it. It is something I can do in the evenings when I have worn myself out and Hubby is watching TV, because I don't really like TV these days. He can watch all the crime drama shows, but to me they are all the same.
      I am thinking I will go with something other than a frame for Starry Nights. I can always frame later if I feel it needs it. I think this piece is just calling for something a little different. THANKS for sharing your opinion. I like it when people do.

  2. I am finding I am finishing more things myself these days. Although I am taking Coffee Quaker to the Framer tomorrow. It will land at Grimmwood. With having the children here, I am missing some stitching time. ( and it shows in my attitude unfortunately. My precious E is quite the handful...he looked at me today and told me I was ( Because I would not let him leave a mess in the living room). Back to stitching...I do love Priscilla's finishes and I admit to stealing some of her ideas. Those napkins are gorgeous and Freedom turned out so it.

    1. Oh dear, I forgot you had the Hoover Grimms coming. I am saying a prayer for you now.
      I think I am going to try something a little different with this latest piece. I will leave enough backing and may not put it on sticky board so that if I want to frame it later I can.
      I will have to put it aside for now as we are taking a road trip starting tomorrow. I will only be reading my blogs until the end of next week. I can comment as long as I am not at our cabin. My phone doesn't work there which really isn't always a bad thing.

  3. Commenting on a phone is a nightmare for me...I am much better using my laptop!! So if you do not hear from me when I am at Grimmwood, you will know why.

    1. That is understood! For one thing it is just so small. Throw in the typos because of missed keys wel I am a short commenter for sure.

  4. I love the Freedom design! You choose some of the prettiest patterns. Hope you have a wonderful weekend at the wedding! Hugs, Diane


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