
Friday, October 6, 2017


Did everyone enjoy that harvest moon last night? It was a bit cloudy here in the late evening, but it was huge. I tried to take a picture, but of course, I am horrible at it.

Jeff and I drove out to the beach yesterday evening to walk after supper. I didn't even notice it until we were leaving. I took the picture after we got back on our deck. It was so big and the picture does NOT capture that. I love this time of year.

I have been busy trying to work a bit outside in the mornings as afternoons since it is a tad cooler. I got the garage looking a bit more presentable this week. There is still stuff to do, but at least I am not embarrassed when people come over.

Lindsay and I are headed out this evening and tomorrow for the game. Good friends of ours are using the other two tickets. The men in my life all have a golf game.

We are driving back Saturday after the game for two reasons. One is I hate to be away from my little kiddos at church for two weeks in a row and the other is the storm that is headed into the Gulf.

At one time the path was right over us. It has now moved west so that we would be on the edge. Of course, that edge is the worst side of a storm, so I am watching it closely for how far it moves in our direction. I can't wish it on anyone, so I am PRAYING it dissipates.

I hopefully will back next week with a bit more to share. I have just been on the run lately. Mama heads out on another of her bus trips early Sunday morning. She and another of her sisters are going and should get out of here before the weather arrives. I want them on the other side of rain while traveling the Interstates in a bus.

I ended up stitching on my little Nutcracker mostly this week and one other project. I should finish the Nutcracker this weekend. I am excited to see how these turn out in ornament form.

Have a great weekend everyone,


  1. You girls have fun!! And yes, I saw the storm headed your way. I pray it fizzles out before arriving!! Cant wait to see your nutcracker!!

    1. I will share soon. Keep praying over that storm!

  2. I saw the Harvest Moon and it was impressive! This is my favorite time of year, I hope the hurricane dissipates too...Have a great weekend!! Mary


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