
Thursday, February 8, 2018

A Throwback Thursday

I came across this picture the other day and since it is Thursday; it seems like a good day to share.

This is me in 1989 just a few nights before my first child was born. I am stitching on a blanket.

The next photo is the center square.

Here it is today.

When Lindsay was really little up to about 4th grade, it hung in her room,

Lindsay would want me to tell you that I, not her decorated this room, because she is not pink girl. How I raised a girl who is not into pink I will never know. It is her act of rebellion I suppose.

We still have the bookcases. You may remember I painted them about a year ago.

A while back I mentioned to Lindsay that we should take the blanket apart and make individual pieces to frame to give to all grandchildren WHEN AND IF I ever have any. 

She was not impressed with my idea at all. She is not typically the sentimental one. That is reserved for my son. 

I still think it is a good idea, but I won't do it without permission.

Here are the other blocks up close.



  1. This is a work of art, Sandy. So many stitches in that blanket! You look so tired in that picture and I am sure that you were. Did you design the blanket yourself and choose the various blocks?

    1. I was tired! I was almost 2 full week overdue. I think that was about 2 days before they induced me. I kept acting like I was going into labor, but never did.
      I had a book that had the items in there. I don't believe it was a quilt. I just turned it into one. I actually wish I had kept that one. It would be useful today as just stand alone for presents. I think the young girls would like them.

  2. What an enjoyable throwback Thursday post to read -- the stitching, your memories. Thank you for sharing it with us, Sandy!

  3. You and I were on a similar timeline. Our first son was born July of 1989. I too sat and cross-stitched...our nursery was done in Honey Bunnies. Do you remember those? :)

    1. I do! I put stitching aside after the kids got a bit bigger and picked it up three years ago. Lots has changed, but I am enjoying it.

  4. Your are a long time stitcher! What a wonderful quilt and I hope that someday your grandchildren will appreciate the quilt blocks. Each one is a work of art in itself. I enjoyed your "remembering " post. Such a pretty room you decorated for your daughter.

    1. I started stitching in 1980 while in college and continued to mid 90's when the kids just got too busy. Working and running all over the place took over. I picked it up when I retired a few years ago. Lots has changed. I didn't know about Q-Snaps which I like for big projects. All the new threads and linens. I am enjoying it immensely. It was always a favorite hobby of mine.

  5. Your blog header is so pretty! And your daughter had such a pretty room. Her quilt is beautiful, made with lots of love in every stitch. Thanks for visiting my blog, I will put your blog in my sidebar and sign up to be a follower.

  6. What a cute photo of you Sandy. I love the is so beautiful and will always have so many memories attached to it. When my husband commanded a squadron in Texas, I used to make all the girls cross stitch quilts for their baby showers. It really got to be a chore when so many got pregnant and I had to switch to stenciling the squares instead. RJ

    1. That was a great idea. I would like to do maybe a small piece for all of my daughter's friends as they have a child.

  7. Just getting home from Georgia and checking all my favorite blogs. I love the blanket and I think you should just keep it at your house for your grandchildren, when they arrive.

  8. What a sweet gift you made for your daughter, Sandy--that is a LOT of stitching in those blocks! Maybe she will be able to use it if she has a daughter some day. Had to laugh about her not being into pink--I am the same way. I was never a pink girl--always loved blue the most :)

  9. Thanks for sharing such sweet memories on this Valentine's day. Enjoy your week, dear Sandy.


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