
Monday, February 26, 2018

Books and Blooms

My cold is so much better, but I can tell you I have been a bit lazy and have a very messy house to show for it. I am thinking Airborne fizzy drinks helped a bunch.

I thought I would pop in this morning and do a books and blooms post before I get busy.


I finished up Come Rain or Come Shine this past week. I give Kelly @Talk of the House credit for sending me back to read the series after I had ditched them. She did a whole post on this particular book when it first came out. She got an early copy and did a little version of the wedding theme.

This was the picture she posted.

I so understand the picture now that I read the book. I must say I enjoyed this one very much. The wedding was precious and perfect.

If you are a Jan Karon fan, this one you will like.

I haven't mentioned many of the books I have read lately, because ..... I am pretty sure most of my readers are ladies like me and you would not choose this one.
My January read was The Footprints of God by Greg Iles.


This is not my typical read. My son and I shared a Kindle account for many years. I was at an appointment with Mother and finished my book, so I browsed my Kindle and started this book. It was enough to hold my attention and I actually wanted to know what happened. I guess you would say it was a suspense thriller about a top secret government computer called Project Trinity.

The men in your lives might like it. I thought the ending was a bit outlandish after I spent all that time sticking with it. Well actually, it was a typical man ending...blow up stuff.

That is my reading for this year sprinkled with a good bit of short stories and non fiction because I am always reading.

I am going to throw in a bit of what I watch out of the corner of my eye while I stitch.

My husband controls the remote when he comes in and I honestly put up no fuss because I don't care for TV much.  I watch news, weather, and Hallmark occasionally.

February is a tough month for him since sports is limited, so before the Olympics came on this past month, he conned me into a Netflix special.

Stranger Things.

Netflix Stranger Things site

Yep, this old girl settled in for the two seasons of this show. If you go look it up, it is going to look strange.

Here is what I like about it...
great characters
set in 1984 ---the setting and backgrounds, clothes, everything was so 1984.
the filming even looked like 1984
crazy story line that I think would even have come out in 1984.

I actually got kind of hooked on it. I know Jeff was completely surprised that I liked it. I had to watch with my hands over my eyes a couple of times, but the story got me as "strange" as it was.

The way I get through TV is with a hoop in hand.

Summer Schoolhouse Lesson 1 progress


The weather has definitely been spring like. I haven't really done much in the yard other than walk around and watch everything start greening.

I am babying my roses. I will share it more when it gets growing a bit bigger, but I have everything planted now. They are beginning to sprout and hopefully this next month I will start having lots of blooms. 

This one was a new addition and had a ton of blooms on it when I planted. The goodness on this plant is overflowing.

They start out a yellow with red tip buds then open up yellow and then turn a glorious shade of pink before they are spent. There is so much good going in this one that it may become a new favorite.

Rio Samba (hybrid tea)

Well, that is it in my world. Headed off to clean house! AND hopefully, read and watch girlie things.



  1. Morning Sandy! Your roses are beautiful; I don't think I have seen one that starts out yellow and ends up pink. Very cool! Have a good week!

  2. Your roses are gorgeous! Ours have lots of buds, I'll have to keep an eye on them. I love Jan Karon and have read all of her books...they are SO good!

    1. Thanks Diane, I have enjoyed Karon's books as well. I think when I first tried them I had just retired and my brain was too cluttered to enjoy the many characters.

  3. I’m so glad you’re feeling better. What beautiful roses. I have great respect for anyone who can grow them. I can girdle a tree, but have been taken down by no less than three rose bushes. I prefer to jump in the deep end of the tedium pool with springerle cookies. That process takes about two days, and we can eat the results. 😊. Judy

    1. HA HA!!! The cookies sound delicious. I once had a great rose garden at another home and it had all the right conditions. I have been struggling with having one at my present home for YEARS. This is my last effort. I am going all in. I will succeed or dig them up next year and give up. Wish me luck.

  4. I love your roses, they are so beautiful! I'm glad you posted about them as it reminds me that I need to get my Knockout roses pruned and I should do it tomorrow as it's going to be a nice day. I'm glad you're feeling better, take care and have a nice week!

    1. Spring did arrive here early, so I actually had to prune my a bit earlier than I usually do. IT is full on greening up around here.

  5. I'm glad the worst of your cold seems to be over and hope the rest of your recovery goes well. I haven't read any Jan Karon in a while, although her books are always good. I can guess who it is that got married, but don't tell me, in case I'm wrong. Like you, I prefer to have some needlework in hand when I watch TV, although sometimes in the evening I can't see straight enough to do that. Lovely roses! Blessings to you.

    1. I think you will like this book. Arlene at Nanaland put me on a very cheap lamp at Walmart that I use at night. I also have a magnifier with a light that fits on my hoops, so that helps the stitching at night thing. Not much on these days in my opinion. I would go nuts if I didn't have something to do.

  6. So glad you shared these books! I will have to point Honey to those since he is the big reader in the family. Glad you are feeling better!

    1. My son says of the Greg Iles books it was not his favorite. He could have told me before I started it. I liked it until the ending:)

  7. I used to read Greg Isles but I read one that really disturbed me so I gave him up. I had nightmare about the characters in the book and I thought that I was too I am reading Leaving Gee's Bend for our Book Club this month, I will let you know how I liked it, I see lots of Reading in my future. Glad your cold is on the mend.

    1. Paul Allen always read him as well. This one was definitely outside the box. I looked at reviews for it and it got mixed reviews.

  8. My son swears by Airborne, too, Sandy! Glad you are feeling better :) Would you believe I have never read Jan Karon? But, of course I'm very familiar with her having been a librarian :)

    Had to laugh at your Stranger Things watching as I got hooked on it, too! My husband and I binge watched Season One when we were in San Diego last year because we were waking up early in the morning. Still need to catch up on Season II. I heard it is scarier and that worries me because I'm the type who can't even watch a commercial for a scary movie!

    Enjoy your evening!

    1. Well, I got hooked on the series and I made it through the second one. I hate scary things, so I think you can do it:) I told Hubby no more scary stuff though.
      I had a hard time starting with the Karon books. Almost found them too slow and the first one introduced so many characters that I read it twice. I then really liked them. Some more than others.

  9. Love how your stitch is coming along Sandy. We bought that series too and I look forward to stitching it. Love your pretty!!! Glad to hear you feel better. RJ

    1. I am loving that stitch. I sort of ditched my others this weekend and have made a good bit of progress on it.

  10. Those roses are beautiful. I have never seen any that changed color like that. I have the world's blackest thumb and cannot get anything to grow and thrive under my care. Maybe when my hubby retires he will take up gardening. He's mentioned it ... right now he has a day off due to mud so he is out snowshoeing.

    I love Jan Karon's Mitford books (I may have mentioned that a time or two previously). I had a really hard time getting into the first one, but once I did I was hooked. I've read and reread them. Another favorite author of mine (I may or may not have shared her with you) is Jamie Langston Turner. If you have not read her books, I think you would like them.


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.