
Monday, April 2, 2018

The Most Exciting News

I have been sitting on this most wonderful and happy news for awhile.

We are going to be grandparents here.

We are so excited. To say that I was taken by surprise would be a huge understatement.

Lindsay has had a very tumultuous almost year now at work. None of her own making, but she has had been in charge of holding an office together at the young age of 28. I have been very proud of her, but worried because she has had some major league stress on her. She had spoken of children before all this started, but quite frankly I think we have all been in survival mode over this event that happened that caused her workplace to become so stressful. It will not be resolved until the end of the summer.

With all that said, I really hadn't even considered a grandchild. I think she thought it would take her a long time to get pregnant since both Tyler's mom and me had great difficulty. Not the case apparently.

I have been soaking the news all in while also letting her have time to see the doctor and tell work people, so she is 11 weeks now.

When she and I went to Columbus, we did a little maternity clothes shopping.

I will be "Grammie" as Lindsay had already named me for her dog.

I have lots to share this week, but finding time is going to be the case. The week is lining up to be a busy one. My mama told me last week that I was too busy....that I needed to give some things up. She might be right😕 I need to get my priorities in line. I have a grandchild coming!!!

One more kid thing... I made Paul Allen and Katie color eggs yesterday.

I will be back with some stitching and some of my challenges for the Simple Organizing book.

I ordered some of the ribbon for my bluebird stitch from Brenda Gervais's sight. It came this Saturday, so hopefully I will make my pillow and I stitched this on Friday and Saturday.

I was organizing in my sewing room and saw that I had this sitting out for April. It was a quickie and now I can get rid of the magazine. It came from an old Just Cross Stitch magazine. I am just going to make it into an ornament or pillow.

Be back soon,
Sandy or Grammie


  1. The best news in the world Sandy. it is life changing in the most wonderful way. So happy for you Grammie.

    1. I am indeed excited. Catching me off guard was actually good.

  2. Congratulations and best wishes to you and your family! I pray Lindsay's pregnancy goes smoothly for her. Have a wonderful week!

  3. CONGRATS Sandy! I am so happy for you! That little grandchild is so lucky to have a wonderful Grammie like you. Enjoy your busy week.

  4. What exciting news! I'm so happy for you and your whole family. Babies are such a blessing! Enjoy your week! Hugs!

  5. Congratulations, Sandy. I’m so excited for your family.

  6. Pretty exciting news, all right! Congratulations to all of you!

    I always called my grandmothers Grammie. You will be a fantastic one! I personally am Grammy to my grandkids.

    Have a wonderful rest of the week!

  7. Oh, I'm sure it was all you could do to keep this exciting news bottled up, Sandy!! Congratulations and I wish your expanding family every happiness :)

  8. Hi Sandy! I found your blog through Arlene's. Congratulations on becoming a Grandmother. I have 3 grandchildren and love being a nana! I'm your newest follower. :-)

    1. Hey Gina, Don't you just love Arlene? Glad to have you.

  9. Congrats on your new status as a grandmother!!! That's my name, too, except I spell it as Grammy. My grandchildren all caught onto it easily.

    LOVE the cross stitched parasol! It is so cute!

    1. Thanks Barbara. I think I like that "y" version better. Need to talk to the daughter:)

  10. Congrats to you and your entire family!! Such exciting news!

  11. Congratulations! A new baby to love, so wonderful. I've been away from my stitching for a few weeks, anxious to get back on track. I like 'Grammie' my daughter's grands call her 'Gammy.'

    1. Thanks Mary. I am really looking forward to be a grandmother.

  12. Congratulations! It is so much fun being a grandma and those two look like they will make a beautiful baby. God bless you and your family.
    Connie :)

    1. Thanks Connie, dropped by your blog. It looks interesting. I will lurk for a few days:)

  13. So excited and happy for you! Can't wait to hear all the details about the fun yet to come.

    1. Thanks. We are all excited. I can't wait to share the nursery down the road. Lindsay has the cutest ideas.

  14. Congratulations, Sandy! I'm so happy for you.

  15. Be careful what you wish for!!!! I did my share of whining about wanting a grandbaby after my two oldest were married 8 and 6 yrs with nary a baby in sight. 2010 we got Lillian Leigh and every single yr after that we got another one. One yr we even got 2 that were 2 months apart.
    There was a time when we had 6 under the age of 6!!!! a lot of toddlers and babies for this ol' YaYa to be chasing!!!!! Love em to death but oh, do they wear me out!!!!!
    But better than cotton candy and fudge!!!


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