
Thursday, June 28, 2018

Stitching Progress and Upcoming Trip

I am going to be taking a 3 week blogging break. I will probably think of a million things to blog about, but I will make a list😀 so I can write them later.

As you know I have a mission trip planned for July to Haiti. I was in full on complaining mode earlier this week as I wasn't sure I would ever finish all my preps for it. I had set a deadline for much of so that I could enjoy the 4th with family AND we needed to have some of it ready early to get packed.

The trip is to train Haitian teachers. We are basically their summer professional development.

I had stuff everywhere and everyone working. Bless Mother's heart. She more than made up for her ornery self in the rehab center a couple of weeks ago, by cutting things for two days, stringing yarn through numbered circles. She has been a trouper. I literally wouldn't be as far along as I am without her help.

I still have somethings to print and then as a group we have to get all the lessons back from the translator and stuffed into the notebooks.

I am going with an amazing group of teachers. I sort of feel old and inadequate, but that is just the Devil talking. My friend who is spearheading this trip has even ordered the cutest bags for the Haitian teachers to put all their goodies in. I think it is all going to be amazing.

I will say it is not a sightseeing trip, but a work trip. I am purposely not saying much about logistics until I return. I don't think we can be too cautious these days.

Anyway, I have a bit more to do, so I am starting my break now to finish my preps and prepare my heart and soul for the trip...

AND I know I will need some time when I return to decompress. I know trips like this work on your body and spirit.

My small group and close friends presented me with a bag of snacks to take with me. They know all my eating conditions (gluten free, etc.) and the possibility that I can't eat lots that will be served. They also gave me a journal. They had all written me a letter and had my family and others to write in.

I was so touched and overwhelmed to think that I have so many friends praying for us. 

I have had to put everything on hold this week except for chores and mission trip plans, so not much fun stitching or reading or anything has been going on. 
When I return I hope to take some time to do some of those things. I really really want to make that little grandson Tucker who is due in October something cute to wear. 

I will still be reading blogs and commenting until the 4th, then I plan to go radio silent for a couple of weeks. 

I will not have forgotten you and will be back blogging sometime around the third week in July....I love my blogging friends.



  1. Sandy, My husbands cousin is a dentist and has been going to Haiti for 2 weeks every year for years to donate his services. The most shocking thing is the extreme poverty but he loves the people. This is a wonderful thing you are doing and I will look forward to hearing about your trip on your return. You will certainly be missed and have a very safe trip.

    1. Thanks Mary. I have heard from many that the people are so grateful.

  2. I have you on my prayer list!! Sounds as though you are ready for the adventure. I am glad your mama was able to help, that is good for her spirits to feel needed. God works in mysterious ways doesn't He?

    1. It was good for her to be needed I think. Although I have tried before to get her to do some things at church. I think she feels she can't do things anymore, but I totally needed her to help me get some things done.

  3. Sandy, lifting you and those going with you on this trip up in thought and prayer. What an inspiration you and your fellow teachers will be to the Haitian teachers. Best wishes to you on this journey!

    1. Thanks Robin. I think it will be a good trip in many ways.

  4. What an experience that will be.As a fellow teacher I am sending all my positive vibes!AriadnefromGreece!

    1. Thanks Ariadne, I am looking forward to it even though I originally was unsure about going.

  5. I hope you have a safe and fun trip!

  6. I bet all the teachers will welcome your maturity and experience, Sandy! This will be such a rewarding trip for you all... My brother, who is a surgeon, goes down to Haiti each year with a group of doctors and says the people are so appreciative of anything you can do for them. Will look forward to seeing your photos and hearing about everything! Take care...

    1. I have heard from others that the people are so grateful for all that you do. I hope to encourage the younger girls going. Teaching is a bit harder these days.

  7. Sandy you are a blessing to so many. You will do so much good on this trip and it will be such a rewarding experience for you. Have a safe trip. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. RJ

    1. Thanks RJ. I will miss my blog reading, but I will catch up for sure.

  8. You've been in my prayers; thanks for the update on the Haiti trip because I wasn't sure when that was to be.

    So glad your mom has been such a productive helper with your prep for the trip!

    We'll miss your posts but understand completely that you have important (even 'eternal'!!) things to do!

  9. Bless you for taking on this task. You will be blessed just as much if not more than the teachers you work with. Prayers for you and your group for safety, success and energy!

    1. Thanks Leslie Anne. That you are making trips over here in your "cat" story was not lost on me. I hope all is well with your parents. This aging thing is not so much fun. Take care of yourself too. I know the running I have been doing has worn me out, so I am sure you are undone as well.


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