
Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Morning View

I tend not to do some posts because I know I actually have people who read my blog. I never EVER want to come off as arrogant, because trust me I am no big deal except in the eyes of God.
However, I do love to document my life for posterity's sake here on this little blog.

I am so fortunate to be able to live on the coastal waters of Choctawhatchee Bay in Florida. My bayou is one of the most pleasant places and super quiet on weekday mornings. Often on the summer weekends it is filled with the sound of kids tubing behind boats. Lots of squeals. I love it.

I am sharing photos I took a couple of weeks ago as I walked out onto the dock. I love to just go out and check on life in the early mornings and evenings.

For years I worked so hard that even though I lived on this special bayou, I was too busy to enjoy it. I try hard to be deliberate about going outside and soaking a little of it up.

We all need to find our place to sit, stop and think, to just ponder how lucky we are in many cases.

My view to the right. The opening of the bayou. The sun comes up here.

Straight out across the bayou. There is still one lot right across that no one has built on. The wildlife is great there. I often see a raccoon traversing across it in the winter when the water level is lower.

Moving my view left. The bayou ends well beyond and feeds a stream that goes into a neighborhood.

My sister-in-law lives around the bend. I often paddle my board around to her corner.

As you can see it was early and quite cloudy that morning, but each day holds something different.

A look back at the house. I love sitting in those plastic chairs in the evenings.
I find water of any kind be it lake, ocean, bayou, or pond is very soothing. Of course, I think the Gulf of Mexico may be the prettiest water in the world and soothes my soul like no other.

Grateful for the view,


  1. What a lovely way to start your morning, such a beautiful view. I didn't realize you were so close to the water, such an idyllic location. I love starting my day early and enjoying nature too,minus the water view.

  2. It is easy to take the beauty that is around us for granted. I never paid much attention to the mountains that I grew up in but now I often stop and just soak up the beauty. Maybe it is getting older and realizing out blessings more! I would have a hard time getting anything done at your house as I would just want to sit on the deck with a book or a piece of cross stitch!!

  3. Beautiful! Now tell me about alligators!!

    1. Well, they do exist, but usually they are back in the areas where the bayous meet the rivers or fresh water. Our bay opens to the Gulf of Mexico, SO the water is somewhat salty. They don't generally come to my water. They have after really big storms. My water is very clear all the way past my dock, so I won't say i have never considered it:) I keep my eyes open for any creatures.

  4. We would love living right on the peaceful and always neat birds to see. Enjoy your day! Hugs!

    1. I love the birds for sure. The winter is like a duck convention!

  5. What a beautiful view you have and I am glad that you are able to take it in. I wouldn't get much accomplished with housework with that view. Thank you for sharing, Sandy!

  6. Wonderful start in your morning. What a great view.
    Thanks for sharing.

  7. Your house looks lovely! Water offers indeed quiet and serenity. I don't live near a body of water because of a childhood trauma regarding a nearby nasty, overflowing river.

    1. Well, that would be totally understandable.

  8. What a peaceful view, Sandy--I always feel to relaxed by the calm waters (not the beach, though!).

  9. Sandy what a lovely place you are lucky enough to live in. I would love the peace and beauty that it brings. We rented a condo overlooking the ocean in St. Augustine last week and we were just about to leave when our good friends in Flagler Beach called and asked if we would like their summer house for the following week. Well who could pass up that sweet offer. So here we are on the intercoastal enjoying the peaceful large dock that overlooks the water. We saw two dolphins yesterday. Tomorrow we go home but it was such a relaxing and enjoyable trip. I would love your view every day. RJ

    1. Don't you just love dolphins? I never tire of seeing them. We all just stop and watch when we spot them. Never turn down a beach stay. I love the Intercoastal area as well. My daughter lived in the Jax beach area right after they married. We loved going down that way.

  10. Greetings Sandy: I am like you I enjoy the fact I can sit outdoors and enjoy the weather, however her in Minnesota it is a short time of enjoyment.
    I do enjoy the quiet but also the sounds of lawn mowing and children playing, some people are annoyed by these sounds, I like to think of it as this is summer the sounds are welcoming.
    I stitch and bead read and drink my coffee outdoors as much as possible.
    I worked a job where I did not have regular hours anywhere from 6-17 hour days, now I am retired and love enjoying the great outdoors God gave us, he is an amazing artist with the coloring of trees and plants.
    Lovely photos, I really enjoyed this post.
    So sorry have to post as anonymous, I am I Love To Stitch.


    1. Catherine, you are so right about God being a great artist. Nothing we could ever create could compare.

  11. Loved this post and all of your pictures with descriptions. I felt like I was there, sitting on one of those colorful plastic chairs, looking out at your bayou.

  12. Oh wow, what a gorgeous place to live! I would be outside in those chairs every second I could manage! Love your pictures!

  13. I always feel blessed in the middle of nature. How wonderful to have your own slice of heaven. The extent of my water is fresh rain or early morning dew, but my back yard view also has several varieties of trees swaying in the wind and and birds singing their daily symphonies. We are blessed. Judy


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