
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Rocks

This past Friday and Saturday we headed to Dadeville one last time (well, hopefully) to clean out the cabin. We have a buyer ---in fact a family friend from my hometown that I grew up with. Everything is headed in a forward direction with a closing date set while I am on my mission trip. We all know that so it the goal to get it done before I head out in July.

The inspection has been done and agreed upon. Now it is just paperwork in the lawyer's hands.

It was bittersweet as I knew it would be. The decision is made. I am at peace about it. Jeff is at peace about it, but still it was a little harder to close that door for the last time and pull out of the driveway.

We have made so many wonderful memories, but new ones are to come.

As I closed the door and glanced back in at the empty cabin, uncontrollable tears welled up in my eyes. I turned around and Paul Allen caught me.

Then he reminded us of how we had collected all the rocks from the woods around the cabin to line the driveway and beds around the house. Every visit for a very long time we would all gather a rock to add to the line. It is very rocky in that area of Alabama.

There were a few gaps, but we lined both sides.

Change is in the air. I know it is time. Good memories.

Paul Allen and Jeff drove into Dadeville and bought a t-shirt from Floyd's Hardware, a wonderful old store just off the square. I meant to stop at the Lake Martin Mercantile to maybe gather a souvenir. I didn't stop. I was just too tired and too many things to do. I am supposing I will frame a picture of us at the cabin for the new place AND

both the boys agreed I take the Serenity sign to the new place.

I am guessing this is the last post tagged cabin.


  1. One thing we must do is embrace change....that is hard for me as well. But I know you will make new memories at your new house with that baby grandson! WE know he will be an Auburn When I was getting my toes done the other day I was chatting with a nice lady in the next chair and she was an Auburn fan. I told her I was really a GA Tech fan so she had nothing to fear from me.:)

    1. Too funny. Sadly I think the Auburn Alabama rivalry has gotten a little out of hand lately. It I should be fun. I sent you an email about the house hunting.

  2. Sandy, another chapter to add to your book of memories. But I know you will make terrific new memories wherever you land. Glad you took the Serenity sign! Thinking of you!

    1. I am glad we took the sign too. There is a story behind the sign that maybe I will tell one day. Nothing dramatic but there was logic behind the name and it should transfer with us. I am holding my head up slightly above the water. Poor Lemony has been sick this morning.

  3. Oh goodness. So bittersweet. I have been there Sandy. We have moved several times. I still miss my favorite home very much.

    1. Change is inevitable but not always the easiest.

  4. Sandy, My Mom had a small log home she built in the Adirondacks and it was such a bittersweet feeling when she sold it, so many wonderful memories there.. Reading this made me tear up as it brought back that day when we said goodby to the home in the woods.
    Good luck on your search for a new home.

    1. It is bittersweet. I am excited about the possibilitlites , but we have such good memories there.

  5. Wow! what is it about home economists?? Every single one I know feels like a mirror of myself. We just always have so much in common!
    So when I saw your post today, I just chuckled. Don't get me wrong...I am so sorry that your lil cottage will not be yours anymore but it sounds like selling it was what ya'll wanted to do. I chuckled because we also have a lil lakehouse that is my heaven away from home. We bought it back in 1996, the yr I quit teaching, and thought every month if we couldn't make the note, we would relish in the memories that we'd made there already. Even if it was for only one month more. This past May was 22 yrs that we've had it. I saw the for sale sign hanging on a tree on the day after I buried my mom. It was a sign that was meant to be. My one regret is that my mom and daddy never got to sit on the deck and watch nature unfold. also made me realize that I've never posted pics of the interior of our lil domain. Since I publish my blog into a book every year as a diary of our lives, I need to do that so my grandchildren will have a hard copy of their favorite place on earth!!
    Can't wait to see your new place!

    1. We are looking forward to a home in Auburn. The cabin was about 40 minutes out of Auburn. We found as time went on we used it for a glorified hotel. We never ever used the dock or anything associated with the lake. We loved it there, but we live in FWB so water abounds here. I think the entire family will be happy to have a place in town close enough to walk to Jordan Hare:) So many good Auburn LSU games... always a classic SEC game.
      The sign will go with us and hopefully the feelings associated with it.
      It is hard to give up parents young...I did that with my dad, but it is also very hard to watch them grow old.
      I love the fact that your print the blog into a book. I am going to have to do that. I love that idea.

  6. Oh....and you MUST take your sign. Our house's name is Rio Bonito and we hang our sign with pride!
    Since I'm an LSU tiger alum, I know all too well about Auburn!!!!!!

  7. It sounds like your cabin will be in good hands with the new owners. I hope your memories of all the wonderful times your family shared there will help with the change. I know it's not easy, Sandy...


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