
Friday, August 31, 2018

The Tired Garden

I am linking up with Stacey at Poofing the Pillows for the monthly garden party.

I certainly know how to pick the month to finally join a linky party. I have meant to do it all summer and each time it just got away from me. I am getting in on the action in a month when my garden is tired of the hot and humid summer, but alas I am going to contrast the good and bad in it nonetheless.

Come along with me as we tour some spots that have thrived in spite of the heat such as these ferns...

Then some places where the garden is hanging on by a thread for cooler temperatures like the rose beds. Mostly they are producing tiny roses that look like miniatures instead of full blooms.

This one little rose up front has been the only one of my thirteen plants to thrive. Most are tired from trying to fight black spot and heat. This photo was taken earlier in the summer when it was obviously happy.

Also, you might notice that I like to use a few objects in my gardens for decor, but mostly I am a "let the plants shine girl." When I do use an object in the garden I like for it to be unique.

The wagon wheel turned up on its side holds the ferns.

The old pump holds our nameplate.

I have few concrete pieces, but I always look for unique ones.
We have a sea turtle, some starfish, a pelican, a deer which are all very Florida and scattered about so that you really have to look for them.

We are a dog family so there has to be some dogs in there. And those tired roses in the background.

My day lilies were prolific all summer, but they are tired of blooming. I think I might be too.
I never rush the seasons though. That would be rushing time and now that I am older I savor each day for all I can get out of it.
Fall will be here before we know it.

I love geraniums and have them all over the place, but they are really really wanting cooler temps,

Most don't even look this good.

but my angel wing begonias have loved this heat and are blooming.

Little blooms peeking out in lots of spots.

We added a lemon tree to our yard this year. It has grown like crazy and has 18 lemons hoping that no hurricane comes this year.

Can you spy Lemony, the Golden in the picture?

I think even our lovely live oaks look a little ready from some cooler temperatures.

Can you spot Gus, the Springer in the picture?

I have added these little caladiums and portulaca to my pots by the garage.

I really wanted to share a happy plant in the house too. I had this little fern and she was almost dead. I repotted her and moved her all at one time. I just knew there was no hope for her. Oh, she was just waiting for both....
Look at her with all her new growth. Finding that happy place is difficult sometimes, but so worth it to those of us who love to grow things.

I will leave you with my view early yesterday morning.

The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands. ---Psalms 19:1

There is no beauty like God's handiwork and I will continue to putter in the dirt to get those little blooms that bring me a smile every time.

Happy gardening,


  1. Your view is just gorgeous Sandy, I would be up to see the sunrise each morning, savoring my coffee and that glorious view!! Your red roses in the vase is so pretty and I love your cow print! You certainly have a green thumb and thanks for sharing your garden tour.

    1. Thanks Mary. I never take the view for granted. I love my little cow print too. I always said I love you the cows come home. When I found the print I knew I had to have it!

  2. I love your view too....makes me wish so many times that we lived on the water! And your roses are beautiful and that cute little fern! Enjoy your day!

  3. What a gorgeous view! I had to chuckle because I feel like your plants look -- tired of the heat/humidity and ready for cooler temperatures. Enjoy your weekend, Sandy!

    1. Oh Robin, by this time of year I think we are all tired.

  4. So glad you've joined the Garden Party! It's been a tough summer for many. Your roses are beautiful and that angel wing begonia is wonderful! That fern definitely looks happy now- good that you rescued it! Love the garden statues- the one of the dogs is precious!

    1. Thank you Liz. My mother started my love of th angel wing begonias. I love seeing something come back to life.

  5. Sandy, my garden can certainly relate to the struggle of surviving August. Hoping for relief, and a nice rain would be welcome. When you mentioned surviving a hurricand, it was just a year ago that Texas had to deal with Harvey. We certainly had rain with that one! While Austin didn't have severe floods, my heart still aches for those in Houston and other areas that lost much.

    1. Hurricanes are just awful and that was terrible to watch last year. So much devastation. I love living where I do until One arrives in the Gulf then it is torture.

  6. God's handiwork is the most beautiful!

    Your gardens don't look too tired to me. You must be working hard.

    So glad you shared at the garden party today. :)

    1. Most of my roses are pitiful. They are ready for relief. I often wonder why I struggle with trying to grow them. I guess I am just a glutton for punishment:)

  7. I enjoyed your garden tour...we are all ready for cooler temps....

    1. By the end of August I think we are all ready for just a breeze.

  8. Loved your garden tour Sandy. It is easy to tell that you have a green thumb and it is just this terrible heat that has caused some drooping. Everything still looks so pretty to me. I love the additions you have added to your garden too...unique displays. Love them all. But, my oh my what a view!!! What a beautiful way to start your day. RJ

    1. Thanks RJ! I never ever take my view for granted!!!

  9. Sandy, what a happy garden! Love the wagon wheel/ferns. The roses are lovely. It has been such a hot and mostly dry summer, my flowers have been struggling. Thank you for sharing your garden with us.

    1. Thanks Gina. The wagon wheel with the ferns is one of my favorite things in the yard.

  10. Your ferns are gorgeous Sandy. I love concrete statues and have a few in my garden as well. My garden is a little tired too, but like yours; there is still some beauty to be found! Thanks for sharing with the Garden Party.

    1. Things in the shade are providing enough color to get us through August:) Glad someone likes my concrete statutes.

  11. Beautiful post, Sandy. While your gardening (as well as your cross stitching) inspire me, I am much more of a minimalist with the plants. Working with dirt in the heat and humidity are not my thing (yet, anyway). I do learn from your gardening comments what is reasonable to expect at certain times of the year. Yes, my flowers are tired, too. But I fed my Geranium late yesterday afternoon and already this morning she's looking more spunky.

    1. Well I love your little screened porch plants.

  12. Where did the summer go? Seemed like it was way too quick. - Margy

    1. Summer temps are still here in my land, but I am creating fall with some decor today:) I do know it is coming though; you can see in the light each day.

  13. To wake up to that gorgeous view every morning would certainly be the start to a wonderful day, Sandy! I enjoyed your garden tour--everything looks beautiful and I love what you did with the wagon wheel :) My in-laws live in Naples FL and also have lemon trees. They were hit by hurricane Irma last fall so I'm not sure if they survived or not (the trees, not my in-laws :) Hope you escape the hurricanes this year--that must be very scary to worry about each fall...

    1. Thanks Carol. I have to admit that September is one of my favorite months...maybe because it is my birthday month, but with September 1st I have two thoughts each year. One is grateful that it is my anniversary and then two; hurricane season picks up. IT is the month that things kick in. It is ALWAYS in the back of my mind.

  14. Beautiful garden and those lemons are amazing.


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