
Monday, September 10, 2018

Weekend Wrap Up

It is late on posting the weekend wrap up, but I was pooped today.

It was a ladies weekend...
Lindsay, Mother, and I traveled to Auburn for the game on Saturday. We didn't leave until early Saturday morning which was not the plan, but that is how things go sometimes.

Lindsay's mother and sister-in-law planned a shower for her in Atlanta, so the plan was for Mama and me to go to Auburn Friday evening and then Tyler and Lindsay to meet us there on Saturday. I have shared before Tyler is a project manager for a condo being built on 30A and it is less than two weeks from the final inspection. He is so stressed since this is his first job where he is total charge. I guess it is a good thing he will be in between jobs when the baby is due because I have been worried about him as much as Lindsay and her stressful job. Whew!!!

All of that meant we had to leave early Saturday morning. We decided to try and go to a little bit of the football game since it was an easy win (Alabama State) and wouldn't be as crowded....(although it was quite crowded since it was the first home game of the season). Mama doesn't normally go as much anymore as I worry about the walking and navigating the stadium steps. Lindsay is not certain how many she will even get to go to since she is due mid October. We stayed for the first half because it was so hot. It was a bit hot for both of them and since it was an easy win we headed to the house to finish watching.

The shower was Sunday afternoon and then we drove all the way home to FWB. I did all the driving and so today I was just done. I am afraid I didn't get too much done, but tomorrow is another day.

The shower was in a restaurant which is an old home in maybe Roswell. I know we drove through downtown Roswell to get there...other than that I couldn't really tell you. I was following Lindsay's mother-in-law while trying to look at all the cute houses.

It was decorated cute, but I have to say I was more enamored with the restaurant than the baby shower decorations. More on what caught my eye in just a sec...

Now for a couple of the gifts. IS this not the cutest quilt you have ever seen? IT is homemade and exquisite.

Tyler loves to fish, so this was very appropriate.

Now, while I was looking at Lindsay open all these presents, I couldn't take my eyes off the painting beyond her. I couldn't wait for the party going on in that room to leave so I could go to the bathroom and snap a picture of it.

This phone picture doesn't do that painting justice. Even if you don't like cows...Like  I would have to love the painting. I noticed quite a few other cow pictures as I went to the bathroom. I don't know the significance, but it sent me on a thought tangent.

That thought tangent went something like this...
I wasn't going to put the cow painting that I had at the farmhouse at the Auburn house even though I love it A LOT!!!!!!!!!!

I was going to take it back to the farmhouse before we got it sold since it really looked cute in the room up there, but this painting made me know I needed to bring it to the Auburn house. I thought and thought about where it could go. I think I have it and then I realized it would fit perfectly in the AUBURN house as we are known for cows. After all we are a land grant institution with cows all around campus. In fact, one of those legendary coaches from across the state tried to make fun of us once and it backfired. He called us a cow college and we gladly accepted the compliment.

Now, if you aren't from Alabama you may be wondering who that crazy coach would be...(if you are from Alabama you know). I will help the rest of you is Bear Bryant.

We do take our football seriously in the south and our cows at Auburn.

I am taking the cow painting to the Auburn house in two weeks😘

Now back to the shower.

The three great grandmas all got their picture made with Lindsay.

And then there was the ladies again. We had a fun time together both days.

I got a haircut which I am loving. I was so tired of the pony tail and I plan to go natural and let it curl again. I put the straightener in the drawer.

Now, onto a small finish tonight.

I may embellish a bit more. Not sure. I will take another photo during the day to show it off better too.

I have a stack of things that I simply must get to finishing in the sewing room. I think I have several Christmas ornaments and the owl. I need to quit making X's and do some finishing work.

I stuffed this one with sawdust. I have seen it on several Flosstube episodes. I like to try everything at least once. I am not sure it is worth it yet or not. It was messy. I need to watch someone explain how the they stuff it without getting sawdust everywhere.

I will give you my thoughts on it all later.

While the girls were in Auburn and Atlanta, Jeff, Paul Allen, and Katie went fishing.

Coastal life is pretty sweet.

I will be back soon with hopefully some finishes to share. I am going to try and carve out some time for that this week.


  1. Totally cute shower!! And yeah...I am glad the cow picture is going home with you to Auburn. Where did you get your sawdust? I am wavering between saw dust and walnut hulls for my drum. What a woman driving all the way home from Atlanta. Not in my wildest dreams...oh well maybe if someone held a gun to my Glad you had some time at your Auburn house.

    1. I want to try the walnut shells too. I am thinking I might like them better. The sawdust is messy. I don't know if I would want to use it all the time, but I wanted to see what it was like. I ordered a bag from Etsy. A little goes a long way.
      I drove a lot this weekend. I am not sure how Jeff does it ---It wore me out.

  2. The shower décor is really cute. That quilt is perfect for Safari animal loving Lindsey, the cake too!! Why is it those with straight hair want to go curly and those with curly want to go straight?? I'm envious of those curls!! Your hair looks great!!

    Maybe a little pumkin button between the trim and bottom fabric?

    1. We ladies are never satisfied.
      I think it needs something, so thanks for the suggestion. I am never really good at the embellishing. I don't have anywhere to shop here in town. I need to try and get me some cute things from Etsy or some of the shops.

  3. You have the cutest family, Sandy! The shower looks lovely. Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks Katie. I am looking forward to next month. Have a good one too. I saw some good reading ideas. I am back in reading mode too.

  4. I enjoyed reading about your girls' weekend. It looked like the shower was a hit. What a beautiful quilt she received.

    What about a yoyo with a button near where the stitching and fabric meet for your batty stitch?

    1. Oh Robin, that is a great idea. That may be just the ticket. Thanks!

  5. Sounds like a delightful weekend, Sandy! Really enjoyed seeing the photos of the shower, and --oh, my--I was shocked at just how much of you I saw in your daughter in the photo with her holding up the fishing shirt! She really takes after you :)

    I like the new length of your hair--and am envious of your curls! My mom has the most wonderful head of soft curls, but did any of us kids inherit them? Nope--stick straight hair like my dad. I loved it as a teen, but not so much now :)

    I think Robin's idea of a little yoyo topped by a button sounds perfect for the bat finish!

    1. I had to chuckle at you getting stick straight hair. Being a teen in the 70's with wildly wavy hair was not good at all. I rolled my hair in huge soup can size rollers to straighten it. I swore I would marry a guy with straight as a board hair so my kids wouldn't have to deal with my hair. My husband's hair is just that and both of our kids have more curl than anything.
      I am hoping to get in there and do some finishing today. The yoyo is the plan.

  6. Sandy, that restaurant is amazing. Love the banners over the fireplace. I can see why that cow painting called (or should I say moo-ed) to you. Very cute!

  7. Your hair looks great. We girls need to feel good about our hair — it’s just how we are made!

    The cow picture in the restaurant is indeed very nice. I like the neutral colors. Back when my sister and hubby farmed, they named all the new calves after members of the family.

    Your finish of Batty about Halloween is really cute. That wide brown ric-rac is a nice touch.

    Look at those fish!!!

    1. Thanks. It is crazy how much hair affects the ladies. I am shocked at how much I loved the body this weekend. I have been flat ironing my hair for years and I stuck that thing in the drawer. Curls for now...of course, it is nowhere near as curly as it was during my teen years in the 70s. That was not good. We are never happy.
      All of my family loves to so much.

  8. I hope you fried that fish along with some hush puppies and cole slaw!!!!!!

    LSU, our alma mater, is coming for Auburn this weekend...this will be the true test for our team this yr......GO TIGERS!!!! (the purple ones!!!)

    1. This is definitely going to be test for both teams this year. I am shaking. I can remember more LSU games than most SEC battles. Mostly they are always nail biters. We have season tickets, but both kids are using them this year. We generally go to the LSU game, but with Lindsay being pregnant, we need to let her go to as many as she can before she has to stop traveling. I will be watching from home standing on furniture probably well at least I hope so. I don't think I can take a blow out:)
      Yes, fried fish and hush puppies are the way to go. We like our cheese grits too.

  9. Hi Sandy! The shower looked wonderful. I love the looks of that restaurant and thought the decorations were so nice too. Great photos and you girls sure do take after each other. Love your hair! Well I'm your twin...very wavy hair and did all I could do to straighten it. I too set my hair on HUGE rollers too and taped my bangs down with scotch tape until they stayed straight. And hair spray galore. It worked in New Jersey but not with the humidity of Florida. So I'm pretty close to giving up too.
    We went to the beach this week so gave our football tickets away. Isn't it nice to be able to go home for the second half when it is so hot? I bet you are so thrilled with your decision to buy an Auburn home.
    Love the Batty ornament and the suggestions made for that little extra. You will come up with a great idea. RJ

  10. Oh another vote for keeping the Cow painting up at the Auburn home. RJ


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