
Thursday, November 1, 2018

Catching UP

Did anyone wake up this morning in just a bit of a panic?

I can truthfully say September and October went by in a blur with all the activity and I am just sitting here stunned that I have three weeks to prepare for Thanksgiving and that Christmas is just around the corner.

I am in love with that little man.

I finally got more than half a day at home yesterday and went into action. That sweet little baby and other things have had me hopping as of late.
I took Mother for a doctor's appointment in Pensacola on Monday and then her smoke detectors were acting up. I had researched them and managed to replace them all by my little old self. They were hard y'all. Anyway, with all of that Monday was pretty much shot. WE are working hard to move all of her appointments over here. One more eye appointment over there in the next couple of months.

I have spent two nights this week at Lindsay's. She and Tyler were just plain tired the first night, so I went out and stayed with the baby. I drove out and arrived at 9:30 and sent them to bed and listened out for my little Tucker. We had special times both nights. Mom and Dad are feeling much more rested and little booger is sleeping really well for only two weeks. I think a good bit of their restlessness is first time parent nerves.

Mother says pictures make him look big and she is right. He is the tiniest little guy.

However, I am pooped.  I did sleep in between the feedings but I am not a young thing. I slept really good last night though.

In my scurrying about yesterday I started making some lists for Thanksgiving preps and Christmas gifts. I even ordered two gifts online.

I put away some Halloween decor because I don't get any trick or treaters ever. Kind of wish I did. I always feel like I need to buy a bag of candy to donate to the neighborhoods that get an onslaught of kids.

I put out some calming napkins on the kitchen table and changed out my monthly stitching all a little early. I haven't shared my table in a long time. I love table linens and had to get hold of myself last year and promise myself to buy no more. I have quite a collection for the months and seasons. I love having some color on the table. I decided that even though orange is a favorite color I was ready for a toned down look so green and brown came out for Thanksgiving. I even changed out the orange candles.

I got an email from a reader who corresponds with me by email occasionally since she doesn't have a Google account. Hey Sylvia...
Anyway, she mentioned I haven't shared pictures of Lemony and Gus lately. They are still stars around here, I promise. I have just been so busy lately that I haven't taken many pictures of them.

Lemony in her favorite spot. Arlene, she will have to give this up when Jeff retires.

Gus is always in motion. Still very active but he is good. He comes when you call him so I don't have to have him on a leash all the time. He loves to ride with me places and always wants to sit in the front seat. He looks out so serious and keeps his eyes on the road.

He has lost his puppy face and looks so grown now.

You may have remembered I mentioned we were getting our house painted. I am quite sure I am going to have a story for y'all with this later. I would really love to NOT have a story. Stay tuned.

Life is busy but good. Jeff and I are headed out to Auburn for the weekend. We have given away lots of tickets this season. I want to try and use some of them myself. Only two more games.

I am stitching on Christmas ornaments and need some serious hours!!!!! I hope to get some stitching done this weekend.

I am so excited about my lemon tree. It has 18 on it this first year. You may remember I replace my Natchez crepe myrtle that was taking over the yard. It was really hard for me to cut it down, but I was going to have no grass. The lemons have soothed my worries over it.

I will be back next week hopefully with lots of things accomplished and some ornaments to share. Wish me luck,


  1. Tucker is just darling. Glad you are able to help them out! I really like your round placemats. Your November stitch looks super especially with the plaid behind it. Always enjoy pictures of Lemony and Gus!

  2. If I lived closer, I would help you baby sit that precious boy. We could have a slumber party!! Like you, I am changing up decor, doing some finishing and generally running around like a chicken with my head cut off!!

  3. Great photos, Sandy. Tucker is pretty much the cutest little guy ever and I'm glad you live close enough to really enjoy this time and be able to help out.

    Lemony -- oh, my, there is a certain regality to that pose! And Gus taking his responsibility of riding shotgun very, very seriously!

    Starting to do some serious planning for a bit of Christmas gift making. It's coming way too quickly.

  4. Oh, and I meant to add that I love your November stitch. Just beautiful! I really like the leaf print you used behind it.

  5. You are so lucky to live near enough to babysit little Tucker, Sandy! He is adorable and I'm sure you don't mind one bit. I'm sure you are exhausted after a couple of nights of interrupted sleep, though. That's why older women can't have babies :) We would never get through those first few months!

    Your November stitching is so pretty and I'm so impressed with your lemons! My in-laws have a lemon tree right outside their back door down in Naples--it seems so strange to me to just walk out and pick a lemon :)

    We actually had 24 trick-or-treaters last night--a new record! The neighborhood is really changing over--we are now the "old folks" on the block as lots of new young families have moved in. It was fun to see the kids--even though it was a dark, rainy night :)

  6. Sandy, oh how you are blessed! The baby is adorable and surely doesn't make any mischief! And the puppies look so content. ♥ I love how you said "calming" napkins! I think homemaking is an art and how we decorate our little homes reflects our hearts. Yours is lovely!

  7. Your grandson is adorable. Makes me want to scoop him up and hug him!!!

    Love your cross stitching, and the dogs. I love the dogs. We miss ours but we are done having dogs full time.

  8. Little Tucker is just precious. Sandy, you are totally blessed. What a joy it must be to have a grandchild. I WANT one.
    Love your November looks great on the plaid fabric. Great job.
    Oh and Lemony and Gus are so special. Love both of their photos. If I still had a Golden he could sit anywhere he wanted. I miss mine so much. I have to show George their photos tomorrow. RJ

  9. Tucker is such a beautiful baby, you must be in 7th heaven having a grandson to love. I have had 1 trick or treater in 35 years, the homes are too far apart here to bother. The one I got I threw a 1$ bill into the bag as I had no candy! Thankfully they didn't tell their friends! I love your Nov house, your finishing is great with the plaid bow and pretty background leaf fabric, just perfect for November! Always enjoy seeing photos of your beautiful dogs! I can see they are spoiled!! I love setting a pretty table too and yours is lovely with my favorite color napkins!!

  10. Your grandbaby is adorable! What a blessing to live near him. Your fur babies are adorable too. My sister had a golden retriever. She was beautiful. I agree with you...where did September and October go? I decided to get a jump on things and purchased basic staples for Thanksgiving and have my menu planned I've actually finished some Christmas shopping, wrapping paper is purchased and after a party I have this weekend, I'm going to start wrapping. I love the holidays!
    Blessings from Lynda at Still Woods Farmhouse


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