
Monday, February 11, 2019

Sewing Project Finished

I started making more project bags. I don't need more project bags, but I had some pieces of material that were just the right size and calling for them.

I did the bags assembly line style. I cut out each piece according to size and then the interfacing. I began sewing all the zippers, etc. They actually went very fast that way and I finally have the directions down so that I don't have to look at the video each time. I got up Saturday morning like someone obsessed and finished them while Jeff was busy with a garage project that someone was over helping him. I finished just as he finished.

Now I have some adorable bags from some fabrics that I have loved and collected and let sit in my stash with no purpose for a long time.

With my previous ones I now have 9 project bags to fill or not fill and let decorate my sewing room:)

Here are some smalls of each one.

Another birdie one and a space one to hold my upcoming planets stitch.

A pea pod and retro Christmas piece.

My Dick and Jane one. This is the last piece of this cloth. I may have enough to do a small pillow around a stitch. I used this one time for curtains in my classroom. LOVE IT! You can see those curtains here on my old blog for the last couple of years I worked.
And then some good old Florida oranges.

I have one more sewing project for the spring and then that is going to satisfy all my sewing desires for all of 2019.


  1. Sandy, You made great use of your time!! I just love your project bags and that chickadee one is just too precious. I remember learning to read with Dick and Jane books!! How cute is that!!

    It's a shame all that time was for naught on your bathroom. I always buy those little samples first and have bought as many as 4 before settling on a color...( I can always use the samples for inside of closets) I think the green is a dreary green, I agree with you on the color, have you thought about a cream color?

  2. Thanks for your honesty! It is so wrong. It was actually supposed to be the color called silver sage but they mixed the darker one on the color card I think so it is just really wrong. I have thought about cream. I do think I am going to take my time and I am going to go get the original color mixed at the old store just to have on hand for touch ups in the other room. I used it all up when I paid yes my laundry area. I am going to do a sample in there but I really think that after all this it might be too dark so samples will be bought for sure and time to feel each in the room.
    I am still mad at myself!

  3. Sandy: It is lovely but not for me, I am sure someone out here would like the combination of colors.
    Your bags are adorable, its so much fun seeing what you are up too.


  4. Girl, you need to open an Etsy shop to sell your project bags. The Dick and Jane one is my favorite. I guess because it brings back memories. I also love that orange bright and cheery. Painting...just no. I will never paint again. I have learned my lesson about ladders. But you are right, some rooms just look different in the same shade of color. A friend of mine wanted to use Nantucket Gray in her living room because she liked it in mine. Well I talked her out of is because her room was dark and it totally changed the hue. She went with a pretty aqua that was perfect even though it was not her first choice. I have all my downstairs the same color, bedrooms are different but neutral. I need to choose a paint for Marvin's man cave and I am thinking of a gray...perhaps Repose Gray by Ben Moore or Wickham Gray which has more of a blue color. Look at them online and tell me what you think.

  5. I love the oranges project bag -- think that one's my favorite though I love the chickadee one also. And the Dick and Jane -- I have that very same fabric! Bought it thinking to make something small (like coasters) for my sister-in-law who collects Dick and Jane books.

    And yes, I agree with Arlene. Open an Etsy shop to sell your project bags! Etsy is really easy to do and you don't need a whole lot of items to open one.

    I'm no expert on paint colors so I can't offer an opinion. Probably the tan that was there, or cream, would be best. But don't rush to re-paint it. Give yourself some grace and take some time. It's really okay when you consider how many people in this world don't even have a home, never mind a bathroom.

    1. You are so right about the bathroom! I definitely don't like it and will be careful in my new selection and take my time. It is funny that you reminded me to keep it in perspective. I really messed up on my New Year's goals to be more content. Messed that one up big time. Time to get back up on the horse and go after that goal again.
      I don't think I will be sewing for Etsy. My daughter and I actually have a closed store on there now. When she first got home from college we did a few crafty things. I don't think I enjoy sewing enough to do it. I will probably just do it for fun and give to some friends:)

  6. Sandy, your bags are adorable! I will echo all the go Etsy store direction!!

    It is hard to tell if those pillars are ceramic or wood. If they were wood, you could distress them with sandpaper and make them look rustic??

    1. They are like that synthetic marble, so no go on distressing. It would be a huge mess to remove them too! I am afraid it would ruin the tub. There are some scaled down versions in the master bath, but they are scaled down so they don't drive me as crazy as the ones in the guest bathroom.
      Oh well, I will eventually repaint and just be contented with the look.
      Thank you for the compliment on the bags. I don't like to sew enough to do Etsy. I just get an occasional urge. I will just share with friends.

  7. Sandy, your project bags looks fabulous. I really like the fabrics you selected for them. Sorry the painting of the bathroom didn't create the look you wanted! Have a great week!

  8. All your project bags are wonderful. I like the bag with the Dick and Jane fabric.
    Have a nice day. Manuela

  9. Please forgive me, but you made me LAUGH OUT LOUD a couple of times as I read your rant about the paint. (You need to stop beating around the bush and tell us how you REALLY feel!)

    O dear girlfriend, I understand. I have made mistakes, too, and get so upset with myself that I'm a mess.

    Now I say this in a low whisper: I like the contrast of color next to the Roman columns. That is a stately guest bathroom if I ever saw one.

    But what really matters is what will make you happy. I'm sure the tan will be very nice as well. I'm sorry you will have to paint again. I do not like to paint walls.

    I took a quick scan of the pictures of your classroom of 2012. You had a most cheery place for learning. The curtains were perfect.

    Gotta go now. Thanks for the entertainment this morning. You'll get through this.

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am happy to have found you!! I won't comment on the paint other than to say I look forward to the new color. That is a beautiful and stately guest bathroom!! I love the pouches you made! How cute and practical.

  11. Oh, dear... I'm sure you are frustrated over having put in all that work painting and then not being happy with it, Sandy! I only have a very small guest bathroom and it is painted a sage green which I like, but I sure wish it were larger. It really is just a standard small bathroom. Oh well... I guess none of us are perfectly happy with our decorating!

    BUT, on the upside--your bags look marvelous! Great idea to do an assembly line. You have a great variety of patterns--all such fun prints. The Dick and Jane one is very special to those of us over a certain age :) My old boss's name was Jane and her husband was Dick so they received the best Dick and Jane gifts over the years...

    Good luck with the repainting--I don't envy you!

  12. P.S. Your bags are great, too! Such cheery fabrics!

  13. Sandy your bags are simply LOVE your project bags. What fantastic fabrics. Love the Dick and Jane and the Florida oranges. And the birdie one is adorable. Where are you finding all of these adorable fabrics?? RJ


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