
Monday, February 18, 2019

Weekend Wrap-up

We left Friday evening for a weekend at the Auburn house. We took in a softball game, a baseball game and ate too much. All of it was delicious though! Back to my meal plan starting tomorrow morning.

As always Auburn is just far enough away to get a different landscape and I love seeing all the different kinds of trees there. Many were bare reminding me it is still winter. There were so many pretty daffodils and tulips though. The doggies loved their romps at the dog park. Auburn has the most amazing dog park out near the vet school.

I stitched at night and finished my birdie stitch. I am not sure how I am going to finish it though.

I didn't put the buttons on it. Well, I did, but didn't really like them and took them off and just added more border around it. It seemed to fit me better. Maybe the buttons would have looked better on the called for linen.
The colors were not as bright as the picture on the pattern, but I did like them very much.

I started the May wordplay that many have done.

I also bought some more of the same shelves to add to the master bedroom upstairs. I will take some books and stuff from here to finish them off next time. I really only need lamps to finish up the Auburn house. *I actually have plenty of room to stitch some things to add up there😍

Tomorrow is back to the normal week and taking care of Tucker. I missed him so this weekend.

He is lovable!


  1. I the border better than the buttons. Sometimes we have to do what we want to do. So glad you had a good time in Auburn. When we are at Grimmwood we think we are on vacation and eat and snack accordingly...not a good thin. Oh that Tucker has the prettiest eyes...I just want to pick him up and squeeze him!

    1. There are too many good places to try in Auburn. I will be abstaining from food tomorrow!
      Oh he is just the sweetest thing.

  2. He is the most adorable baby! "Lovable" is the perfect word for his shirt!

    Your stitch turned out so pretty. Love that bird design ... will be interested to see how you finish it.

    1. I have no clue what I am going to do with the bird just yet, but since spring is still a few weeks away I have time to think about it.

  3. yep-I would of missed that little one too!!!
    I am stitching the May word play myself--not finished yet--but getting there--
    I tried finding the June one--but it seems you have to go directly to the company to get it
    and there shipping is high--so????
    luv, di

  4. Oh my goodness, what a precious picture of Tucker! What a twinkle he has! Lovely bird stitch! I live it much better without the buttons. What type of shelving units are they? It sounded like you had a wonderful weekend in Auburn.

  5. Tucker is ADORABLE! I am not a stitcher but I sure do enjoy seeing everyone's beautiful projects! I agree with you that the border is better than the buttons. Glad you had a nice weekend away!

  6. I am noticing the use of "Word Play" with people's stitching patterns. I guess that's a pretty popular style to stitch?? Looks like fun. I may need to look into some of them. Are they all by the same designer?

  7. Wonderful stitching as always.
    A lovely photo from Tucker.

  8. That little Tucker is such a little cutie pie. Your stitching looks fabulous. Have a wonderful week, dear Sandy.

  9. Sandy: Tucker is so cute what beautiful bright eyes he has.
    I like the way you did the buttons, I may have to do some like you if you do not mind, I love this pattern but think all the buttons Brenda used is way to much.
    Word Play is a very sweet design.
    Nice shelves.


  10. Oh, little Tucker just gets cuter and cuter--no wonder you miss him over the weekends!

    I like your bird finish better than the one with the buttons--it is so pretty on that linen. I think the checked linen is just too "busy" for that small piece. Nice start on the May Word Play, too. I haven't stitched that one yet...

    So glad your Auburn house has come together so well--it must be so relaxing to get away on weekends :) Enjoy your day!

  11. Tucker is getting so big! What a sweet little boy! Love your handiwork with and without the buttons.

  12. Hi Sandy,
    I like your birdie very well, also that you have not taken any buttons. So you have different options for a finish. Whether frame or fabric - it will look great.
    I love the pictures of Tucker - you're a happy grandma.
    Hugs Martina

  13. Tucker is just adorable, he has happy eyes!! I have stitched the bird but not on the check fabric, it was one of my early stitching projects and I could not stitch on that check at all. I finished it with the buttons and gave it to a friend. I'll have to show it on our blog someday. I like yours a lot with the border all around. I'll eventually get to stitch and finish all the word plays, I am doing them out of order and I stitched the May one, it's one of my favorites. Great start on yours. Your fireplace and shelving units are so nice!!

  14. Baby Tucker is ADORABLE and I really like your birdie stitch. By the way, WAR EAGLE! My chap and I are both AU grads too! Small world.

  15. Love your Springtime Messenger. I love the way you finished it too. I've done it on the plaid with the buttons and I love it too. I don't think you can lose either way.

    Darling little Tucker is just the cutest. Love your little guy and I would miss him every time I had to leave too. RJ


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