
Friday, March 22, 2019

Where Did 5 Years Go?

Five years ago today I started this blog. Blogging wasn't really new to me as I had maintained a teacher website and blog before beginning  I Majored in Home Economics, but they had never been personal in nature. I actually had no idea what I thought would happen or really why I did it.

I will say I was very unsure of what life post teaching would be like. I left college and taught continuously until June of 2014. It was a wonderful career; not always easy, but nonetheless rewarding. 

I don't think I really ever thought anyone would ever read, but alas a few did. I have wondered at times why do it and yet I have felt compelled to do a "happy journal" of life. I will say I have met some wonderful and amazing ladies that have truly been lots of inspiration in many and varied ways.

I didn't have a ton of time to post, but wanted to mark the day since 5 years is kind of a big deal.

Now, if I had my act together I would be doing some kind of big celebration, but I do NOT have my act together.

It is quite interesting to me how much I have changed and adapted to life post teaching. I had envisioned one plan and to be quite frank it turned out nothing like I thought, but I have to say I am good with that. Life is a journey and one must navigate the twists and turns in the roads.

I have had some big challenges that I hadn't planned on, but I have so many good days and so many wonderful blessings and I am one who believes in counting blessings and being positive.

I am so grateful 

for a wonderful family...

Mama turned 84 yesterday and even though she has some bad days I think she is in pretty good shape mentally and physically for her age.

I have the most amazing husband who dotes on me continually.

My daughter is married to the best match and they have blessed me with Tucker. I am blessed that they live close by.

My son is finally growing up and just like my daughter...has found the most wonderful partner.
I can truthfully say that I couldn't have chosen better mates for either of them. Prayers answered with a resounding yes to good people for both of them.
So one happy day I hope to have another wedding on the horizon.

Oh and I am grateful for my doggies!


I think the plan I envisioned was a bit selfish on my part and now 5 years later I can see that. I thought about only me when I made those plans and quite frankly I am glad I had a few interruptions to that plan.  I am one that can easily fill my plan book with too much no matter if I am teaching or staying home. I have learned I still have to slow down and ease up on the gas pedal. 

Family and friends are more important than free time.

One other thing I am so grateful for is my health. If any have followed along I was in really bad health when I left teaching. I am in such a better place. Always room for improvement with exercise, but so grateful for my improved health.

I plan to keep on posting, but never with a schedule. I am taking it as it comes. I won't go away without warning!

Stitching, gardening, family, dogs, a little decorating, thoughts, FAITH and more will be shared. I will always try to keep it positive. Life is NOT perfect and one should EVER stop by here and think it is so.
There are troubles in most everyone's life. 

I spent some time outside yesterday in the glorious sunshine for the first day of spring. I repotted some plants and puttered in my rose garden that is a total wannabe in Florida's humidity. I keep trying to win though.

Next week, I will pop back in with some pictures of those flowers, an update on the bathroom debacle...just wait on that one:), some stitching, and more

maybe even some recollections of that first year.

BUT I just wanted this post to be like the first one...
a little plain.


  1. Congrats for the five years! I am new here have been reading you for a couple of months and have been enjoying it. I am a teacher of English, a Greek living in Greece. Life has been difficult and I don't blog much any more but take it as it comes. Keep healthy and happy with your wonderful family. AriadnefromGreece!

  2. Happy Blogiversary Sandy!! I am so glad I found your blog, a new friend and a prayer partner!! I like your lists of things to be thankful for...we could all with more gratitude for the lives God has given us!

  3. Sandy, happy anniversary on your 5th year of blogging! I am glad I stumbled upon your blog; actually the title intrigued me as I also majored in home economics. I enjoy reading what you have been up to and of course, seeing your photos of your stitching, your dogs, your family, and your surroundings. I wish you more blogging anniversaries, good health, and much happiness. Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Congrats on 5 years! I have enjoyed your blog so much through the years. Have a great weekend.

  5. Congratulations on five years of blogging!

  6. Happy 5-year blogging anniversary! My first was in May 2007. Wow. I enjoyed your memories and musings!

  7. Lovely post today, Sandy! I so enjoyed reading it. If I didn't have the evidence in my archives, I would never believe I have been blogging since 2005!

    1. I can't even imagine blogging since 2005. We will see where it leads. You are one that has certainly made lots of great recommendations to me along the way.

  8. After a long career, it's already a change, but you did it masterfully. Your blogpost sounds, you are happy. I wish you all the best and continue to look forward to every nice report, great pictures and motifs of your stitching.
    Have a nice weekend, Martina

  9. Sandy: Congratulations on five years of Blogging.
    It sounds like you liked your job.
    You are lucky your Grandchild lives so close, I like seeing posts with that cute Tucker.
    I hope the weather gets better for us all.


  10. Congrats Sandy on five years of blogging. I always enjoy coming by for a visit. Love everything you are grateful for. RJ


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.