
Wednesday, April 10, 2019


I didn't intend to stay away this long, but the days have just gotten away from me. I sort of feel like I am working again only I like my job. I am exhausted at the end of the week, but I have to admit I love the excuse to stay home. I love my little boy! He is completely delightful. I also love just being home and puttering around the house.

I realized I had been away so long that I couldn't remember all that I had done and thought blogworthy:) at one time.

I know that part of it was watching Auburn basketball. To make it to the Final 4 was exciting around this house. I stitched on a piece through the first few games and had hoped it would bring good luck all the way, but the luck ran out. I didn't really think that, but basketball is a game that kind of makes me nervous to watch so stitching was the way to go.

This is the stitch I worked on throughout March Madness.
And I was immensely proud of Auburn. The loss didn't really even sting...I was just excited to be in the Final 4.

We did go to Auburn last weekend and watched the game with close friends. Here I am at their house stitching and our dogs and their dogs made 4. WOW!
Oh and I got some cute new shoes!

They have labs and the newest one is just a pup as you can see. She and Gus had a big time while Lemony and their older one who is the same age as Lemony (they once played together as pups) rested and looked for hands to pet them.

I finished that stitch today. It is still in the hoop. Looking forward to doing something cute with it. 

I really love how it turned out. I am now back working on my little blue house with the flag outside. I should have a nice little display ready for summer of patriotic stitches.

One more picture of Gus in Auburn. He found a big stitch to fetch. They have the most amazing dog park at Auburn and the dogs love it up there. They have figured out that this is home away from home now.

I got Tucker a cute little Easter basket. I ordered it from an Amish website. I think it will be around for a long time. It is quite sturdy. Lindsay used my Easter basket that I had as a kid, but I felt like it probably wouldn't make it through another child's youth. I wanted him to have a nice one. The liner came with it. I thought I had ordered a cream colored one, but I guess not. I added his name to it.

It might be a tad big for now.

Mom is a huge help with Tucker. I think he has been so good for her as well. She loves to come over and see him and when he is fussy about his nap she just rocks and holds him. We might be spoiling him, but he is sleeping through the night, so I guess we are ok.

I am enjoying roses now. Hip hip hooray.

I will try and update sooner, but no promises.

All is good,


  1. Well all I can say is Auburn was ROBBED...oh poor Landon was so upset. He hates when a call changes a game. Seeing Tucker's basket reminds me I guess I need to get one for Joshua next year. I usually order from Pottery Barn but I love that one. I may need to get that information from you. Do they do the personalized liners as well? We are off tomorrow!! I am going to try and stay on my diet. I am down a few pounds but I am just eating less. Enjoy your weekend!!

    1. You know I don't know if they do liners. They really seemed to want you to get the liner although it is not necessary. The name was an afterthought with me.
      My kids were upset as well with the call, but I guess I have lived long enough to know things like that happen and it was just not meant to be. I was proud of them anyway. It will be good for recruiting.
      I am up about 5 pounds from all the weight I lost originally and I can feel it. I haven't been exercising as much and I could tell that really helped me. If I could just make myself get up 30 minutes earlier I would be able to do that and it would help. I am not a good early riser though...never have been.
      I am working on trying to wake up a few minutes earlier each day to try and train myself to do that.
      Eating right is just a must for me to feel good period.

  2. Oh and I love that cross stitch piece as well. Cant wait to see how you finish it.

  3. Sandy: Tucker and your Mother are adorable, I so love this photo.
    The basket is beautiful, it looks like Tucker likes it very much.
    Positively beautiful stitch, the colors together are stunning.


  4. Sandy the tournament was so much fun. I watched every game. Kept changing channels when more than one game was on. I was rooting for Auburn the whole way. They were so exciting. Did you hear your point guard Harper applied for the draft? He will be a big loss. He is so good and lightning fast. I do hope the young man that got hurt will be ok by next year. I think his name is Chuma. He is such an excellent player. I was in a basketball pool and came in second. Oh well there is always next year.

    Love Hello Summer. I have stitched that one too and have a project in June with it. Tomorrow Mary will be showing Hello Spring.

    I always enjoy seeing photos of Tucker. He is such a sweetheart and your Mom look wonderful. RJ

  5. Hello Sandy,
    I like your stitching project.
    A nice foto from Tucker with his Easter basket.

  6. Your roses look fabulous, Sandy. Oh my goodness, I love the picture of your Mom and Tucker. What a gorgeous Easter basket you got for him! Your 'Hello Summer' piece looks super. The more I see these, the more I want to get and stitch them. It looks like you had a good outing to Auburn.

  7. That picture of your mom with Tucker is so precious! I love the photos and especially the beautiful roses!! That Easter basket could almost hold Tucker but it will be a lifetime treasure, for sure!

  8. Sandy, Tucker is just too precious for words. Such a lovely photo of your Mom with him too. I think the basket with the brown will stay cleaner so you might be happier with the brown.
    LOVE, LOVE your Hello Summer!! I can't wait to do that one and the Winter one, those were my two favorites of the series.

  9. Hi, Sandy! I know all too well (unfortunately) what it feels like to have been away too long. I have been terribly behind on blog-reading and commenting. Forgive me?

    I love the "Hello" series, too. RJ and Mary's post today features the Hello Spring with Mary's color changes. I love that these patterns lend themselves so well to color experimentation.

    Oh, my gosh, Tucker is a doll. Such sweet cheeks! When my son was that age, he was fussy at nap time, too. Sometimes I would have to call my husband to come in from the fields or wherever he was working on the ranch that day to sit and hold Thomas. Thomas would instantly melt into a deep slumber in Shawn's arms.

    I love your new shoes! They look so comfortable and casual, but very chic in leopard spots. Where did you find them, if you don't mind my asking?

  10. Your stitching is so good. Always love seeing what you've been up to.

    The photo of your mom holding Tucker is priceless. Is there anything so sweet and comfortable as holding a sleeping baby?!!! I don't think so!

    I got my sewing room unpacked and put in place this week. Yay! Hoping to do some stitching next week!

  11. Oh, my--can a baby get any cuter? I just smile each time I see that sweet face of his on your blog, Sandy! How blessed you are to have that sweet grandbaby nearby and get to be such a big part of his growing up years :) So glad your mom can help out (and is helped herself) with Tucker's care--you are all so lucky to be near each other. Love the photo with the great Easter basket that you found, too!

    LOVE the summer finish--I need to get busy on that one, too (I WILL NOT be stitching that one on 46 ct. like I did the Spring one--ha ha!!).


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.