
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Some New Stitching Finishes

I am so in love with the "hello summer" stitch by Plum Street Samplers. I waffled back and forth between a flat finish or a pillow. I will be honest, I feel I am a tad bit better at the pillows than the flat pieces. I am learning with each finish and getting better, but I can't stand it if the corners don't come out neat on the flat fold. I feel it is easier to fudge and adjust on a pillow. However, I decided to go for it and if I couldn't make it work I could always change course.

I did lace the back and that seemed to help with the corners a bit. It is always difficult to get two pieces to match up perfectly too, but cording helps there.

I am in love with it. I know I will enjoy it on a little easel this summer.

I backed it with the same fabric as the patriotic piece I did last month called Happy 4th by Threadwork Primitives. I hope maybe I can display them together.

I also finished up my Bless Our House by Country Cottage Needleworks. For all my fretting over the lighter colors I finally figured out what I wanted to do with it and just love the finish.

I decided to make it look a bit older. I really like how it turned out. I was hoping to make a longer piece. So many of my little pillows are all square, so that was my vision for it. I perused all my favorite bloggers until I had some inspiration for it. 

I think I will use it with the Summer piece I did last year. 
Maybe one set of darker patriotic pieces and maybe one set of more muted colors. I am thinking a little pattern with some pink roses or at least pink flowers would be cute with these two in a display basket or bowl.

I will use all of these pieces in early summer.

I have some other plans for late July and August. 

For late summer, I hope to use some sunflowers.
I still have to finish my bunny with the sunflower and then I can use that with two sunflower pieces I did last summer.

Currently I am stitching on two pieces. 
I started with another bunny from my old Leisure Arts book. It is a patriotic bunny dressed in red and blue. However, I thought I might need to get started on my June wordplay so I started that one as well. These two will keep my company in May.

Can you believe it is May already? 
I will leave you with some family and doggie pictures.

When Jeff comes in and gets out of his work clothes, Gus knows right where he is headed and lands in the chair first.  He wants to sit and snuggle for a minute.

Lemony is slowing down. I don't really like to think about that, but she is getting her white face and a little stiffer these days. We are doing more swims than ball chasing these days.

Tucker went out to eat with his other grandparents this week. He decided after a few minutes to use his high chair as a recliner.

Too funny! Check out that cute foot.

I guess it is  almost hello May.


  1. Sandy, oh I do love all your handiwork! I think the pillows are my favorite. So sweet about the dogs. Lilah Rose simply has to be next to us when we are sitting on the sofa or comfy chair.

  2. I think all your finishes are lovely Sandy!! I love the lighter colors in Bless our Home. They all look great together. I am in the mood to put out some of my Patriotic pieces. I am getting tired of

  3. Your work is so beautiful. I love all of your finishes. Cute as a button Tucker!!

  4. Sandy your stitches came out beautifully done. I too love "Hello Summer". I'm using it for my June styling with stitches project. I think the lighter colors in Bless our Home came out so lovely and your finish is a perfect fit. I know I'm going to stitch this one for sure now after seeing yours. It really looks pretty with those colors and the pretty lace trim.

    June is a fun word will enjoy it. My favorites are May and August but June, September, December and January come next. I have 11 done now...just have to do November.

    Love the photos of Lemony and Gus...what sweetie pies. And little Tucker always brings a smile to my face...he is beyond adorable and growing so fast. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

  5. Hi Sandy,
    Hello Summer looks great and the finish is very good. Bless our House has also become great.
    Have a nice week, Martina

  6. Hello Sandy,
    your both finishes are wonderful. I like them very much.
    Nice new starts.
    Enjoy the day, Manuela

  7. Hi Sandy: Tucker is my kind of guy, he looks so relaxed and comfy.
    I am totally loving the flat fold, it turned out perfect.
    The pillow is beautiful, I love how vintage it looks, you do beautiful finishing work.


  8. I love the pictures of Tucker. Always good to see pictures of Gus and Lemony! Sandy, your finished finishes look fabulous. I love the flat finish you did for Hello Summer. Lately, I go with more flat finishes as they are easier to store. You are off to good starts on both the bunny and the June pieces. Enjoy your May Day!

  9. Hi, Sandy! Oh, your finishes are divine. I love love love "Hello Summer" and the way you finished it. Have you tried Vonna's tutorial for a flat fold? It's not many more steps than what you've done and it stands up by itself. If you haven't tried it already, I encourage you to give it a spin. It's fun!

    I framed "Bless Our Home" but I have it sitting in my craft room. I haven't decided whether I like it or not. When it gets closer to June/July, I will see if I want to display it or do something different with it.

    Your pups are beyond precious. And that "recliner" photo melts my heart!

  10. Love all the patriotic stiching! Must be a lot of hard work, but maybe soothing at the same time. have a great week.

  11. These are wonderful finishes, Sandy--really love how the cording finishes off the Hello Summer so well. I have that darling chart--just need to gather my supplies and get stitching! I, too, feel much more confident with my pillow finishes--I think they are much easier and yet so many people have sewing machine phobia so they avoid them.

    Love how Gus settles right in the chair with Jeff when he arrives home--so sweet! And little Tucker relaxing in the restaurant--how adorable is he?!

    Hope May is a wonderful month for you, Sandy, and I hope things aren't too hot in FL. It was 81 here today--crazy for early May!

  12. You are ready for the patriotic holidays, girlfriend! I love what you've made!

    Tucker, reclining in his high chair with his stuffed toy reminds me of his grandad in his chair with Gus.

  13. Beautiful work, Sandy! Your finishes are simply gorgeous. One day I will find time to stitch again ...

  14. Sandy, I LOVE Hello Summer!! It will be awhile before I stitch that one but that one and Winter is my favs in the series. Your finishing is excellent!!! I have yet to lace but I think I'm going to learn. Its a much more professional looking finish.

    Bless our Home is lovely. I have that on my list to buy someday too...

    Such nice photos of your husband and Gus..and I always love seeing photos of darling Tucker!


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.