
Monday, September 23, 2019

A Sewing Project

I made it into the sewing room one night last week to try and make a table runner.

I know I said no pumpkins until October 1st and for the most part that has been true. The only ones out are on the dining room table thus far. This set of pumpkins were a purchase I made when I first retired and went nuts buying way too much. These have made the cut to keep although finding the perfect spot for them hasn't been exactly easy.

They have tried out lots of rooms. They are great colors for the family room, but that is the room where IF I put too much I feel a little stir crazy. 

This year they have landed in the dining room which led to thinking I needed a table runner.

I had some linen like fabric. I pulled it out and measured what I wanted. I lined it which I wish I hadn't because you can see it has a bit of a roll in it. I think I should have just hemmed the edges and mitered  the corners. Oh well, Lesson learned.

I pulled out my machine embroidery and did a little design at each end and tried not to say any bad words as I did this. Long story with this machine. We definitely have a love/hate relationship.

I survived that so I tried to do just a decorative stitch found on regular sewing machines. I didn't plan the turn of the corners too well, but I have decided it works and I will quit trying to be such a perfectionist.

Who am I kidding? It just isn't glaring in my face like it would be in the kitchen, so I can hopefully tolerate it.

The pumpkins were a Joanns purchase and I haven't seen any like it since. I added some feathers and napkin ring flowers. I am always picking up feathers, rocks, acorns, leaves, etc.

So there ---another piece of the fall decor puzzle.

I am trying to add to my basket of fall pillows. I started a short stitch this weekend. I really have so many things I want to stitch, but I am going to try and whip this out this week with a few changes.

I plan to do the house a lighter color. I don't like the brown. I also am going to do something different with the alphabet, because I don't like that large W.

A little Tucker this morning on our walk. He was ready to roll today.

Breakfast. Grammie loves how he crosses his feet.

I will leave you with a fun picture. I pulled out some bracelets for church yesterday. Yes, the organized packrat has some real life VINTAGE bracelets.

The leather one is from 7th grade and the green ones were a gift from a friend for my Sweet 16 birthday party.

Anyone else still got bracelets from 1976 and 1973?

Happy fall,


  1. There are those mad skills again!! And no I do not have any cool bracelets like yours. I think I had one like that wide leather one.

  2. Your runner looks beautiful! I would probably learn some new words if I tried to make one, line it AND make a design on it! lol Love the Fall decor! And your bracelets are great! I have my charm bracelet from my teen years! I treasure it!

  3. I think it’s time for me to finish my project roll after today’s post. I love the design on your table runner it reminds me of Cinderella’s coach. The decorative stitch is one Mon used on some clothing she made for us girls when we were little, but it seems so sophisticated here. You’re BBD piece is going to be beautiful. Can’t wait to see what you do with it. I’ve got my Autumnal samplers up today, but I’m probably going to have to wait until tomorrow to get the small amount of decorations up. Happy stitching. Judy

  4. Very nice, your table runner, suitable for the fall and very subtle with the pattern, something like that.
    Sweet pictures of Tucker,

  5. Wonderful new tablerunnr.
    A nice new start on your next stitching project.
    Another cute photo from Tucker.
    Have a nice week. Manuela

  6. Sandy, you have created a beautiful tablescape in your dining room. I think your table runner looks great. Always enjoy seeing the photos of Tucker. What a fun BBD piece you are working on!

  7. Sandy: Tucker will soon not need the stroller, how time fly's.
    I love your decorating, I will be starting this week, after cleaning gets done.
    Black Bird Designs are to beautiful, this one is lovely.


  8. Commenting from the end to the beginning .... I have some jewelry from my teen days in the 1960s. Mostly clever pins.

    Your table runner looks great. I had to smile when you said you have a love/hate relationship with the embroidery machine. I had to treat my serger with kid gloves for so many years. She was so touchy. But I showed her! When we moved to Florida, I got rid of her... and I have missed her several times since then. That was a mistake but I'm not buying another one. That chapter of my life is done.

  9. I think you did a wonderful job on your table runner, Sandy. My ancient machine isn't capable of doing anything like that embroidery--I've had it for 40+ years! I love your centerpiece--especially the feather additions. You sound like me, I always pick up pretty things I find in nature. I recently found two gorgeous tail feathers from a blue jay and some other bird. I just have them setting in a little dish where I can look at them :)

    I'm sure I'll like your changes to the BBD piece--I'm with you on both the W and the house color :)

    Aww... those sweet baby feet--I bet you hate to see him growing up so very quickly!

  10. Beautiful table runner, Sandy! I admire your sewing skills. I'm with Carol, except I think my machine is pushing 60 years old. My mother-in-law gave it to me 20+ years ago - a Singer Fashion Mate in a lovely avocado green. :-) Zig zag is as fancy as it gets. But it works!

    I stitched Bittersweet September a year or two ago and framed it, but I have been unhappy with the frame so I have not put it on the blog. I just keep looking at it trying to decide what to do. I may undo the lacing and make it into a little pillow instead. I didn't make any changes.... I like the house and the W! Haha... to each her own.

    Your pictures of Tucker remind me so much of my Thomas when he was that age.

  11. It's a beautiful table runner, Sandy - and looks pretty perfect to me. I also really want you to know I dig those dining room chairs. Very cool! Thank you for the glimpse inside your home. I also wandered around a bit on your blog enjoying some history here (e.g. a look at your washer and dryer situation in 2016). I'm inspired to look at my home more through the lens of the camera instead of my eyeballs. :) My (few) fall decorations will come out this week, too, so it should be a good time for snapping some pics.

  12. I have a bracelet from high school a friend gave me that I still wear!! It's stacked wood...I love that Blackbird design, the colors scream fall! Tucker is just so adorable!!! You are surely blessed.

  13. Ooops, forgot the runner!!! It's well done!!! You should be proud!!


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