
Monday, September 30, 2019

Birthdays and Such

I am documenting some life before September gets away from us. I always feel like birthdays should be marked in the month that they occur. Lindsay and I have September birthdays while Jeff and Paul Allen have June birthdays. Lindsay was actually due two days before my birthday, but showed up real real late. 
My dear girl turned 30 this year. Being in the middle of the week, all we had time to do was a quick dinner with all of us meeting in the middle so to speak.

The birthday girl, Tucker, and Tyler.

McGuire's was the chosen spot. If you have been to Destin or Pensacola you have probably spotted the large green Irish pub. Those are the only two. It was so crowded in Destin still. Georgia had a fall break last week, so traffic was still a bit busy. 

We enjoyed our meal as they seated us in the back corner and all was good. The food was tasty. Tucker was happy. What more could we ask for?! I only snapped the picture above and one more of Lindsay since we were in the restaurant. Besides a pricey purse and some tops I gave Lindsay the gift of going to the Auburn game this weekend with Tyler and Jeff while I stayed back at the house with Tucker. Mother went to Auburn as well.

It was a very quick trip, but those are still fun.

I have meant to do this, but never have my phone with me or the dogs are pulling so that I can't really take pictures. I just love the little neighborhood where we bought the home in Auburn. It is just the cutest and was suppose to reminiscent of Charleston, but I think it is more St. Charles Avenue in New Orleans than Charleston. Our particular home is Charleston, but many of them remind me more of a smaller scale New Orleans style. There are so many cute door colors. I always think I need to share them. Saturday morning I just had Gus with me, so I snapped just a few. There are many more and lots more variety of colors.

Here is a sampling of them.

I really love this next one. I guess it is a mustard color. 

There are some really pretty olive green ones and of course some orange ones. One of those in particular is really pretty. I just didn't have time or patience with Gus to go get pictures of the others, but you get the idea. 

Several are stained as ours is. It needs redoing pretty bad and hopefully we can get that done soon. I like the stain too and really wouldn't want to paint that unless it was damaged in some way.

I am stitching and reading a book. I will share them when I am further along. Not too much to really see yet.

Tucker is moving around these days. Not walking yet by himself, but with the help of this cute cart I found at a second hand store he can get around pretty good. He made it all the way across the bedroom while I was cleaning. 

If you are wondering about all that get up on the door. I had a sheer and it didn't make the room dark enough for him to sleep in, so I had a piece of blue cloth. I just draped across the rod and then added a baby blanket for good measure. I have been saying for months I was going to make the fabric into a curtain and have yet to do it. Maybe showing you my pitiful attempt will shame me to get it done.

I will end September with one more decor picture. When I first started stitching the smalls I had planned to use this basket to make a display on my coffee table.

However, Gus came along and if it was sitting on the coffee table he thought it was put there to play with and possibly rip to shreds. He is better, but not nearly enough to risk my stitching to him.
Basically, my coffee table has become a place for Tucker to stroll around and a few toys to play with reside there.

I am not thinking it will be anything else for the foreseeable future. 

I had placed some the fall smalls around on the bookcase, but I decided to place these on my sewing counter. I have smiled each time I walk by. This room is also my laundry room, desk for bills and such, just life for Sandy. I think for now it is turning out to be a nice place to display them. I have some more to add as the month rolls on.

That is it for September. It has been fully documented. 

Kinda ready for just a bit of cooler weather; not cold... just cooler. Oh and some rain too...not a flood, just some rain.


  1. I love your autumn smalls. I'm going to get out some fall decor yet this week, but I do wish I had some autumn-y cross stitch. Maybe you'll inspire me to make some for next year. :) Glad you had a good birthday celebration with your baby turned 30! That's the age of my oldest and I really don't understand how the time has flown so fast. Love the colorful front doors. What a great idea for a post! I hope you have a great week, Sandy.

    1. Lindsay is my oldest too. It is so hard to believe she is 30. It seems like just yesterday she was toddling around like Tucker. I have wanted to share those doors forever. There are many other colors too. They are fun to walk and look at.

  2. Those homes and the contrasting doors are so great! I love that style of home. Just starting to scoot around and soon to walk... yes, your coffee table has another use for awhile. I love your 'smalls' and think they look great in your basket! Love it!

  3. Your basket looks good on your sewing table. Happy birthday wishes to Lindsay! Enjoy the first few days of October, Sandy!

  4. Sandy, the houses in your neighborhood are so adorable! My fave is the brick one. I want to live there! When I saw the picture of the baby room and the blanket over the window, I immediately thought, oh, yeah, that’s to block the light for nap time. And the time changes are the worst for bedtime, so being able to block the light is essential. Yay for decorating YOUR space!

  5. Oh that little brick house is my favorite( I see it is Meg's fav too!) I will buy it then we can be I told Marvin in a perfect world I would have a condo at the beach, our home here and Grimmwood. Not sure how I plan to keep up with all of them but it is just a dream. Yes, once those babies start walking it is fun. It never gets old seeing them strike out in faith to walk without assistance. But then they require much more watching. Love your smalls....I am taking Christmas ornaments to Grimmwood to work on this week. And No I do not judge you at all for your blackout curtain...a grandmother has to do what a grandmother has to do.

  6. What a nice September wrap-up, Sandy! I'm glad you all got together to celebrate the September birthdays and your gift of a weekend away for Lindsay was perfect (in addition to all those other goodies!). Yep--the old blanket hung over a curtain rod trick! I've used it myself when my kids were little. My oldest son still has to sleep in complete darkness and when he comes for a visit, I find the windows in his old bedroom hung with blankets, jackets, etc--anything to keep out the light :) He is REALLY particular about that :)

    Lovely fall smalls and a beautiful neighborhood. The colors on the houses are so pretty :)

    Happy October to you, Sandy! ♥

  7. Sandy: I think your daughter is beautiful, what a sweet thing to do for them so they could go to the game, you are a very giving Lady.
    Tucker is getting so big.
    I love Irish Pubs they have the best food plus having Iris blood in me I am a big fan.
    I love the doors you showed us, I too look at the color of doors when driving around with mike.
    Your fall decorations are beautiful.


  8. Awwwwww....I’m so far behind on my blog reading but had to come see what you’ve been up to!
    Love that neighborhood!! Is the white one at the end yours?? So cute!
    And that tucker!!!!! Me thinks he might be getting wrapped around his grandmas finger!!!
    Need to look at my football calendar to see when we play y’all! Can you believe I’ve not been able to watch one game yet???????

  9. Just in case I forgot, birthday wishes to you both. What wonderful homes. I must jump on the bandwagon for the brick house, but after this hot, hot summer I'd like it in Maine please :-). Have a great week. Judy

  10. Those Auburn houses, including yours, are soo charming! I'd love to have one of them to play with!

    I often save the photos of cross stitching that you post -- they inspire me so, and I love your taste. Your fall decor is very nice.

  11. Oh, I would love that brick home!!! But, in the North east!! What lovely homes by you!! Tucker is certainly on the move!!! Lovely picture of Lindsay and family!


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