
Monday, October 28, 2019

A Fall Stitching Pillow

I put a final finish on the fall stitch. I couldn't love it more! I was waffling between a pillow and a flat fold, but at the last minute I went with the pillow. I am so pleased with it which is highly unusual for me. I tend to find all the faults with my finishes.

It will go out on display on Friday. It is backed with the fall leaves pattern from my hoarding of fabric days. I have a ton of this fabric and really can't even remember why I bought so much of it, but it worked well for this project. I made the cording out of 4 colors (DMC 921, 918, 680, and 742). I came to put these colors together when I was trying to recreate Gentle Arts Autumn Leaves that is in the border. That color is shown here.

Now, there is no way I would use the fancy floss for cording as they are pricey, so I went to the color conversion charts and it said it was a mix of 918 and 680 and while those looked good together I felt it needed a bit more. I had so many colors out when I changed up this pattern that I threw two others in there and they sat on my table for a week. The final cording was a mix of all four. I used 7 strands so it was rather thick. The only color that didn't get used twice was the 742. This is the brightest yellow. You can see them below altogether from my picture last week of them just sitting in planning stage. I think the yellow color was needed to match the Autumn Leave even in that small amount. It added the pop.

Here is laying in my basket so that you can see it a bit closer.

I took these after dark so most are not very clear.

I hope to be back this week with a book review and just other stuff, but I wanted to detail the pillow before I let it get by me.

I have been working diligently on my Advent calendar numbers and mockingbird, so I will share those this week as well.

Have a great day,


  1. I love the pillow. I really think pillows are my favorite finish as they can be swapped out and are just so pretty. Good job on your trim. It looks perfect. I still have one piece of braid you made for me and I am saving it for a Christmas ornament. Still not sure just what it will be but I am trying to make some decisions today.

  2. Sandy, I love your fall pillow. It turned out so beautifully and your attention to the details is spot on with the cording and the added charms. Well done! Enjoy your week!

  3. A beautiful finish, Sandy. I'll soon need to finish off some smalls I'm cross stitching, so I'm taking notes. ;^)

  4. Your pillow turned out just great! I love your fall decorations. So much talent!!

  5. Sandy: It is lovely, you did a beautiful job of finishing.
    I have bought fabric myself wondering what I was going to do with it.


  6. It is absolutely beautiful, Sandy! You are amazing!

    I also love the vase of fall florals on the wood slice. So autumnal!

  7. A pretty fall pattern and a great finisch. I like it very much.

  8. A great fall finish. I love it very much.
    Have a nice day, Manuela

  9. What a pretty fall pillow, Sandy--love the way you incorporated the various DMC colors for an overdyed look for the cording, too! Great idea :)

  10. Sitting in our hotel room, here in Savannah, catching up on emails and such (which is why this comment is so late in coming). Your autumn stitching is perfect. I especially like the small pumpkin in the small stitching pillow with the house. I love cross stitched pumpkins!!

    I am nearly done stitching for others (for a while, anyway) and am so eager to make some pillows to put in my dough bowl.

  11. I can see why your so pleased with your finish, it is just lovely. I love everything about fall colors and love you mixed up the cording colors. The little charms are perfect too and I love how the cording hangs long with the knots. It stands alone well and looks great in the dough bowl too.


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