
Saturday, October 5, 2019

The Hot Season

Yesterday's post was prompted by this post that you are about to read. I just decided yesterday's post needed writing first. 😉 Both have to do with how reading something sends you on a wild goose chase of thoughts.

The book I am reading and haven't finished yet, is well written and has held my interest. It is not a page turner as I am reading it slowly each evening. I hope it turns about to be worthy of some of my stitching time.

The main character, a young girl was coming in after walking home from school in New Orleans. She was hot as one who has lived in the Deep South can definitely relate.

So these lines from the book sent me off on a real spin of sorts to prompt two posts.

After being told her face is as red as a Creole tomato, she responds with, "That's because New Orleans only has one season. Hot." 
The other character replied, "No, baby we got seasons. We got oyster season, crawfish season, shrimp season, crab season. Come to think of it, we got alligator season, hurricane season, Mardi Gras season. We got a whole mess of seasons around these parts. And baby, it's only the end of May. come September, even I begin to sweat."

This prompted me to think how hot it can be so much of the year here. Everyone is certainly aflutter over the heat this October, but it is not a new phenomenon. I can remember in high school that our homecoming was always in October. It was so difficult to plan what to wear for the game and dance. Some of those years were cool and you could wear a blazer, but some of them were downright hot. I even remember in college that the homecoming court on some years wore skirts and blazer suits while some years a short sleeved dress. Of course back then we didn't have a weather app on our phones with 10 day forecasts either. It was a guessing game on purchasing THE outfit.

Last year was hot as heck! Many times when we have this kind of heat late into the year, we worry about possible storms in the Gulf. I have had my eyes on the Gulf for just that. So far so good.

I guess I am officially old because I talk about the weather a lot! I remember thinking as a kid that old folks talked about the weather a good bit. I wonder if our tolerance for the extremes is just lessened with age.

It also made wonder about what seasons other than spring, summer, fall, and winter I observed. Hurricane would be a the top of the list. Growing up I heard a lot about hunting season from relatives; whether it was deer, turkey, or quail season. Football season is a season for sure in the south and I always loved baseball season. Most all of the seasons are hot with the exception of late December and January. An occasional week of cold can be thrown into February or even March sometimes. I have already shared that choosing attire is somewhat summer attire almost year round  thrown in with rules of no white shoes and seersucker. Those rules set seasons for us southerners. I like to wear certain colors and patterns in the fall even though they might be sleeveless.

I decided I had lamented enough about the heat yesterday and decided to do something useful. I gave my refrigerator a deep cleaning. It was needed and nice standing in the cool!
My plan for next week is just to buckle down and do some more chores like that so that when it does cool down I can spend it outside.

How's that for a good attitude?!

Stitching friends, I promise my next post will be a stitching one:)


  1. Sandy, I enjoyed reading your thoughts on this post. The older I get the less I like the heat and the humidity. Let's see...seasons. Interesting spin on it! We have farmers' market season (it is winding down and will finish at the end of October), hunting season (usually spring and fall), and sports seasons to name a few. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Thanks for reminding me that our refrigerator needs to be cleaned out. Trash goes out Monday night so now I have my goal. Great post, Sandy - yesterday's and today's.

  3. Thanks to the dramatic weather change on Thursday, I'm finally enjoying a more typical Midwest sweater weather autumn!!! Again, finally! It took until October 3rd but we finally can stop running the air conditioner and ceiling fans! How's that for my seasonal 2 cents?!?!

  4. Sandy: Excellent attitude, I love to read, this book sounds very interesting.
    We have the winter now coming upon us, ick I hate snowstorms and icy roads.
    I would take hot weather over the cold any day, but hey that's just me and who I am, giggles.

    Have a sweet day

  5. Sandy, I was in Florida for 3 weeks last Oct and could not believe how hot is still was there. I can't take the heat at all. When it hits 80 I'm miserable. So, the cold spell we are having is a joy. It was 34 the other night!! My favorite season is Fall so I'm in my glory now. I am sorry Baseball season has ended, the only major league sport I watch. In Winter we go to the Ice Hockey games at West Point. I enjoy them. Well, I enjoy cleaning out the refrigerator!!! I like organizing it and making it sparkle!! Call me crazy!!

    I have done no stitching in a month, I was away and things got hectic here. I hope to get back to it soon.

  6. Love this post, too, Sandy. Seasons... Makes me realize I think of food (particularly fruits and veggies) by the seasons. Season meaning when they are harvested here (if they are) and/or when they are more affordable. While produce doesn't adhere strictly to the calendar, in general here in Indiana April is asparagus season, June/July is strawberry and cherry season, July is watermelon and green bean season, August sees the height and end of blueberry season, September is apple season, October is pumpkin and squash season, December begins orange season (we don't grow oranges this far north, but it's still orange season to me because that's when they are their best prices here). January - March are just seasons waiting for the first "fruits" of spring. ;^)

    1. Oh... and mushroom hunting season - which is elusive and hard to pin down, but it seems to correspond with warm spring days after rain, under just the right trees, and as my aunt used to tell me as a little girl - a hunter had to be quiet or they'd stay hidden. I was never any good at finding them, but I sure loved eating them (fried) as a girl.

    2. Food seasons for sure! Watermelons are a season for me. I love them and none are better than those in the summer from local farmers. I will have lemons in December on my tree. Oranges are in season here in Florida so maybe that is why they are cheaper. They aren't imported from far away. Never heard of mushroom hunting, but then I am not a fan of them. The texture gets me.

  7. If I could pucker up and blow our cold air in your direction, I would! Today we are supposed to have a high of 69. In the middle of this week the temps are going to drop to the mid-40s with lows in the 20s. Boooooo. I'm thankful to have a garage so I don't have to scrape the windshield or deal with a cold battery, but the car my son drives is parked outside. Poor guy panicked last week when his windshield was frosted over and he was running late for school. He's not used to having to scrape a windshield to go somewhere. He is starting to learn that in Idaho fall and winter, you have to plan ahead and leave early!

  8. We were the hottest we've ever been until Saturday came round, Sandy--gosh! I don't know how you manage such heat in the fall. It is cool and rainy now--more fall-like to be sure. I actually love the heat, but can hardly stand the humidity any longer. One reason, I love Colorado so much--that very low humidity was like heaven to me :) Hope your cooler weather rolls in soon!

  9. Loved this post! You put a real interesting perspective on 'seasons.' There truly is more to it than the weather!


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