
Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A Round-up of Stuff

I am going to try and do a little life documenting. I am going to start with little Tucker's costume last week. I didn't go out to Destin to see it, but I had seen him in it.

Tigger aka Tucker

He didn't actually go anywhere. Just watched the kids come to his house.

Sickness descended on the family in the form of a stomach virus last week. It may be one of the worst ever!!! IT started with me throwing up Wednesday before lunch and calling Lindsay to let her know she needed to come get Tucker. She said she was not feeling too good just as I called her. Well, before the day was out she, Tyler, and Jeff had all succumbed to this madness. Paul Allen didn't come near out house. I was so worried about Mother, but she is still sick free thus far. Honestly, none of us felt good until Sunday. 

I did make to the Auburn game on Saturday night.

Enough about sickness...Auburn was beautiful as the weather changed and it was the first socks, long sleeves, scarves, etc. of this season. It happened quickly. In fact, it was cold at the game and I had to layer up to stay warm enough.

Today was warmer again though. I have enjoyed the cooler temps and now it is the usual ---one day  cold and one day warm. Better check the weather before you go outside.

Now, I need to document some yard gardening because I have changed things up and need to keep up with how things work or not work.

The side flower pots have been redone and I added one more thing on Sunday evening.

The above pot has white pansies, a fern, some violas, and some lamb's ear. The lamb's ear was my addition. I purchased it in Auburn at the Ace Hardware. I have been looking everywhere for it after seeing it on Instagram. I eagerly watch James T. Farmer's Friday stories. His home is south central Georgia is known as Farmdale (a beautiful home in rural Georgia). He does a gardening post on Fridays called Farmdale Fridays. I have learned so much from this Auburn alum and horticulture major. I wanted to try this plant for the winter here.

Two of the plants are like above and the other three have dianthus and dusty miller in them. They are beginning to look alive. I have some other pots that I keep on the wall behind them. This way I can leave some things in from year to year for certain seasons.  The past two summers have been hard on anything planted hence...empty pots for the most part behind the wall. Next summer, I am planning to go back to Lillies of the Nile. 

Moving along to the front. My new plants in the ground are doing great. We did this on both areas on either side of the front door. I am loving the new look. I am glad that I chose to pull up the roses.

Do you see the real pups in the window? I had just come back from a walk with Tucker minus them. They were waiting on us.

The front door pots along the wall are slowly popping out and I filled in some gaps with some new plants. 

I haven't planted anything in the swan planters in years, but I am trying them again. I have some ornamental mustard and dusty miller in them. We will see how they do. One gets very little water due to the eaves of the house and the other gets almost too much, so doing them the same may not be a great idea.

The lemon tree is loaded and should be ripe for picking next month.

 A little change up in the dining room for Thanksgiving decor.

With all the sickness and out of town, stitching is going on but at a slow pace.

That is all I have for tonight.


  1. Your plants are beautiful and I LOVE your front door! The swans look great... Lakeland is the City of Swans so I love seeing swans, no matter the place! Your little Tigger is adorable and I like your Thanksgiving arrangement! Glad you all have recovered from that nastiness!

  2. Oh boy, sorry to hear so many of you succumbed to the stomach virus. Hopefully little Tucker didn't get it! He sure is adorable in that Tigger costume. It's interesting see how in a warmer clime one does gardening - in the winter, even. I've brought in some plants this year to try to keep them through the winter. I'm not sure how they'll do, but I'll be really happy if I find I can reuse them next spring and summer. Your swan planters are awesome!

    1. Tucker did not get it. That was amazing and we were so happy he didn't. He had a touch of diarrhea, but nothing more.
      IT is indeed interesting how plants grow in the all the regions. I love seeing others gardening. I move my geraniums on the back porch in only when it gets below freezing. That can happen in December. I am usually able to save those. I have one on the front porch that I will cover and move up into the corner if it freezes overnight. It actually suffers from heat far more than too cold. Every great now and then we will have a real hard freeze and I might lose something, but mostly all I have out at this moment other than geraniums will survive our winter. Now, the heat of summer is a while different story.

  3. Tucker looks so cute in his costume.
    I love your front door, it looks wonderful.
    I hope you are all well again, such a stomach virus can do a pretty good job.

  4. I'm glad you are all feeling better! Tucker does look so cute and I like your decorations. I would love to get some Christmas decor out but I'm trying to wait! Hugs!

  5. Cutest Tigger ever!! So sorry yall had the plague. I hate having a stomach bug. But glad you were able to go to Auburn and enjoy the game. Your flowers are so pretty. And I love the pilgrims and Indians. I am working on my craft closet today! it is a mess.

  6. Sandy: I am happy you are starting to feel better.
    Tucker is so cute.
    The kids in the window made me smile.we have not had that virus yet.
    Your plants are lovely, it is 25 degrees here brrrr.


  7. Tucker made for a very cute Tigger. I am sorry that you all were sick; hoping your Mother remains free of illness. Sandy, I love the photo tour of your plants.

  8. Such a cute little Tigger costume, adorable sweet child! I am so sorry you and the family had that awful bug. That is NO fun. I know you were happy to be done with it! Love your flowers and plants and lemon tree! Wow! It is loaded!! Have a blessed and happy November and Thanksgiving!

  9. Good morning, Sweet Sandy! That little cutie, Tucker, brightened my day. Sorry to hear about the stomach flu. I could use a touch of that to rid myself of those extra wedding lbs. Have a great weekend.

  10. We have been sooo busy since returning home last Saturday that I had completely forgot it's time for the Pilgrim People to make their appearance! Your blog post reminded me of them. I will try to unpack them tomorrow.

    Tucker makes a very cute Tigger!

  11. sorry about your illness..have heard so many that have suffered from this in last few weeks. crossing my fingers......
    Tucker is gloriously precious!!!

  12. Tucker is the cutest little Tigger ever! I'm glad he didn't go trick-or-treating... It really bothers me to see adults taking babies out on Halloween--you know the candy is not for the baby! So sorry to hear about your illnesses, Sandy--that sounds like a particularly bad one and I'm glad your husband escaped.

    I enjoyed seeing your pretty plantings as everything is dead in our gardens up north. We've had a couple of hard frosts now and some very chilly weather for this time of year. Hope you are all feeling much, much better--this is such a busy time of year with Thanksgiving coming! Enjoy your Sunday ♥

  13. Tucker is too precious in his Halloween costume. I'm glad your all feeling better, I dread getting a stomach virus as I despise getting sick to my stomach. Lamb's ear is one of the few things the deer don't eat here so I have lots of them!! So easy to grow and despite several frosts here mine still look good. I think they like the cold weather.


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