
Monday, March 30, 2020

Some Dabbling in My Flowers

In keeping with my trying to blog twice a week during this crazy time, I am popping in today. I don't know if I will promise to blog twice a week though.

I certainly was frazzled last week!!!
 I got hold of that a bit better over the weekend and worked outside in my flowers while the weather is still cool enough to do that. That said pictures of my plants is about all I have to share today. I am mostly blogging this for my own sake. It is how I keep up with changes that work in the flowers.

The dianthus is the show stopper for March which actually feels more like April this year. The violas and pansies are just about to expire as the heat is coming on each day.

My pots this winter were the best I have had in years. The lambs ear that I bought in Auburn worked well as a filler for the pots and something else besides Dusty Miller for that purpose. I am not thinking it will survive the heat on the wall here in summer though. Maybe that is why I have never seen it for sale here.

I have my replacement pots moved up to the sunny area to get ready for the heat of summer when little can take the heat. I have Lilies of the Nile ready. I used these one summer and they hold up to the heat. It is mostly just to have something there. I lost them one winter which is rare, but about 5 years ago, we had a very cold January and they didn't make it. I may try to add some drought resistant plants around the lily later, but they should continue to multiply leaves so maybe not.

The plants we put out in September after removing the roses are doing well. The bottlebrush is not blooming yet, but it has lots of new growth. I can't wait for it to bloom. I think we will get lots of hummingbirds since they loved the Natchez Crepe Myrtle that once graced the front yard that now has the lemon tree in its place. 

Lots of changes over the years, but learning what will work.

The day lilies are up and even have some blooms coming. When they broke ground, they popped quickly.

I also repotted some house plants. The back deck geraniums are putting on a show right now. The right side gets more light than the left which is why those plants are larger.

I love seeing the blooms from my kitchen window. 

Tucker wore his Easter outfit on Friday. Since it looks like we will still be home for Easter, Lindsay is going to let him wear it as much as he can.

Gus is taking all this in stride. Run, swim, rest, and repeat.

I stayed very busy today making up for my lack of housework last week. Tucker was a big helper, but he was getting tired when I spotted  this. Nap time came soon after, but I love how he loves the dogs. Both Lemony and Gus are so good with him. He lays on both and loves on them.

Surprisingly I have not stitched as much as one would think with us being home. I can't put my finger on it. Can't concentrate. I am making progress. I am actually further along than this picture shows which I snapped a few days ago. I have started on the limbs and like the mockingbird the beak and eyes will be last. There is a baby bird as well in this pattern, so I have a ways to go.

I got the bluebird pattern in the mail today. My only new purchase in ages. It is the spring release from Heart in Hand. I will most likely start it tomorrow and try to finish soon.

Jeff is still working from home. He was very busy today as school stated in earnest online for the district. I think overall it went well, but it is just a lot to deal with. One of his coworkers who went on a cruise earlier before all this got started good has been quarantined, but her husband has come down Covid-19 and she has been tested. He seemed to be doing ok, but his fever hasn't broken. If it hasn't by tomorrow he has to go in to doctor. More cases are popping up here in our area. I shouldn't have read it but I there was an article on our local newspaper website about projected numbers for our area. It is not looking good.

I just have to trust in the Lord. Lots of prayers!
I know all are concerned. I will not use worry. Leaning in on Him!

Take care everyone. This was probably not the post anyone who doesn't love flowers was looking for, but I am recording life here and counting so many blessings. One of which is my little Mama moved here and isn't in another town for me to worry about.


  1. I love garden talk. Your season is so far ahead of us that it's interesting to see what you plan. Good to handle flowers in worrying times.

  2. I am always happy to see flowers and gardens! I am not a flower an garden person... brownest thumb ever. I appreciate the time and talent needed to grow lovely plants and flowers. Yours are looking good! Tucker is so cute leaning against the dog. Precious. Stay well!!

  3. I would give anything to go to a flower store...sad face here. I haven't been away from my house for 15 days. All of my kids are quarantined at different places at our deer camp. It's so sad. Texas and Florida won't even let us from Loosiana in....don't blame ya'll. It's so bad here.
    Praying that all of yours are ok ....

  4. Sandy, I enjoy seeing the flowers so much. We are still having very dark,dreary days and love to see the pretty. Yesterday we went to our local orchard?garden center to get honey. You pull up ifo the shop and the saleperson comes out and asks what you want, goes in and gets it and makes the change at the car. I did see they had lots of pansies out now and I might go back and buy a flat. It will do my heart good to see some flowers.
    Your blue bird is gorgeous and your making good progress for such detailed stitching. I love the photo of Tucker and Lemony! Tucker is so cute in his Easter Jumper too.

  5. Sandy: Tucker looks so cute, what a sweety pie.
    Thank-you for the walk through the gardens, we still have brown on the ground but no snow.
    That Bluebird is lovely.
    Stay Healthy


  6. Hi Sandy, I loved reading your blog today:) Spring is just starting up here in Ohio, but when I saw your red geraniums, I know I will get some for my deck soon. I am so thankful I have a yard I can walk out in and stretch my legs, and get a breath of fresh air and when the days are warm soak up some sunshine (personally, I think the Sonshine is healing) Yes I misspelled that on purpose. I loved the picture of Tucker with Lemony. The blue jays look awesome. Keep your chin up and keep blogging. Right not the blogs are really the only contact with other folks outside of home and for that I am extremely grateful. May God bless your day, lift your spirits, and keep you healthy:)

    1. Georgia, the SONshine is healing. He is going to walk us through this. I am so happy you always stop by and say the nicest things.

  7. Since I don't have a green thumb or even pretend to have one, I enjoy reading and seeing your gardening and plant efforts, Sandy. Seeing your geranium plants always remind me of my Gram. She loved them and the summers we spent with my Grandparents, we would help her water all the pots at the cemetery.

    Glad Tucker is enjoying his Easter outfit. I love that picture of him and Lemony!

  8. Oh your flowers are so pretty. I just love geraniums but they do not do well for me. And that picture of Tucker and Lemony....just precious. Trying to keep my hands and mind busy....So glad I have a big library of beloved books as they are helping me. I have found that I do best when I come to my cozy chair around nine pm. I read my devotion for the day as well as two chapters of the Bible as I am reading through it this year. Then I read for comfort. This really helps me to lay down and go to sleep without fretting so much. Cant wait to see the Bluebird stitched. That and kringles were my market favorites. Have a good day dear friend.

  9. I haven't been near any store in over a week so I'm not sure if flowers are available for purchase, yet. Though, I do know the greenhouses around here are selling. It's liable to get frosty here yet before it's truly flower season, but you've got me wanting to make a mental health outing to find me some blooms. Now, we do have some pretty trees blooming in our neighborhood, so looking out my window provides a pretty picture - for a few days more at least. Or maybe they'll hang on longer. I'm actually shocked that the heavy rains two nights ago didn't bring everything down. The picture of Tucker with Lemony is another perfect shot. What memories are being created for that sweet little boy. And for you, too!

  10. Wow! Your flowers look so wonderful, Sandy--those geraniums are so vibrant and full. Ours never get like that up north...

    What a great idea to have Tucker enjoy his cute Easter outfit all he can. Just love him resting up against Lemony :) So very sweet.

    I'm with you on the stitching--just can't seem to sit and stitch for any length of time. Hopefully, once I get used to this lockdown, I'll start developing more of a routine. Having my husband working here at home doesn't help either :)

    Take good care now ♥

  11. Your flowers, most especially the red geraniums, are stunning. Really beautiful.

    I'm glad Tucker's getting good use of his Easter outfit. He looks so precious in it. And the way he relates to the dogs is wonderful. That really warms my heart.

    Your bird stitch is amazing. Nothing short of amazing. All the different shades of blue...

    Hang in there.

  12. Sandy, thank you for sharing your beautiful flowers with us! Love the picture of Tucker and Lemony! So sweet for the dogs and Tucker!

    1. Thank you Gina. I will try and stop by your blog. I see you are back. Keeping Tucker while a great blessing limits my time to keep up with others.

  13. Love seeing your flowers. You inspired me to get some geraniums for our front deck, and now ours are growing and blooming. I love seeing them. So thank you for that inspiration. Tucker looks so cute in his sweet little romper. Now it is chilly again and I bet he can't wear it for a few days. I hope that weather that blew through last night didn't cause you all any problems. We needed the rain, and it was very welcome here. Glad your mother is with you. That is a big concern off your mind I am sure. Praying for you and all of us to get through this season without further issues. God is with us.

  14. Your flowers are beautiful, Sandy, and little Tucker is as adorable as ever. I hope that you are all well and safe.

  15. Your flowers are absolutely beautiful, Sandy. I admire people with a green thumb. Mine is not quite black, but it's definitely brown. Of course there isn't much of a growing season up here, but some people here still do amazing things with their flowers and plantings.

    I love Tucker's romper and he looks so sweet in it. That picture of him with Lemony is absolutely wonderful. What a story it tells.

    And the blue jay -- amazing! All of that shading!

    That's right, why worry when you can pray? Worry accomplishes nothing. This is a serious situation and very concerning for our nation in many respects, but let's not ever forget that our all-powerful, all-wise God is in full control.

    1. I think it has become a social media thing to sing, "He's got the whole world in His hands," but honestly it was one of the first things that popped into my head as this got going. We have to trust He will walk us though the coming rough days.

  16. Amen! This situation has never been out of His hands, not even for a moment, and it never will be. I admit to feeling a little discouraged at times, but I need to keep on keeping on and not become weary in well doing. He wants us as believers to walk through this trusting Him and pointing others to the hope that is found only in Him.


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.