
Friday, April 24, 2020

A Little too Much Excitement and a Finish

First let me say I did an update on my computer and now NONE of my comments are coming to my email, therefore I can't reply to them via email. I learned a long time ago that when you reply in the comment section that often the commenter never sees them unless they go looking for it.

I have also learned with the Apple updates if you are patient in a few weeks they will remedy themselves, so I will reply in the comment section for now which means it will take longer because I don't readily look there all that much either.

Now for the meat of the post. Along with this gorgeous spring we have had the usual amounts of what is known in the south as "Spring Storms." Severe thunderstorms along with the dreaded tornadoes. I am a weather watcher so I follow along as the lines move across Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia and us. Often we are lucky and they some how leave Mobile and move sort of northward and we miss them here in Fort Walton Beach which I don't mind a bit. I never take my eye off of them though.

I have lived in the Deep South and my family and Jeff's are just weather alert people.

Yesterday was a weather watch day. I got up early to make Katie a dessert. It was her birthday and I made her a strawberry pretzel salad. For those that might not know what a dessert called a salad is, it is three layers of pretzel crust, followed by the cream cheese filling, and topped with jello and strawberries. I started early because it takes a while to make all the layers. Standing in the kitchen with pajamas, Jeff said I needed go ahead and get dressed and put on lace up shoes. Both of us always wear substantial shoes in stormy weather. Just a family thing. Broken glass means needing good shoes.

After lunch, the weather did turn very dark and started blowing. It ended up that we did have a tornado in the area and I think it managed to stay above us but somehow managed to blow over all three of us. We all were scurrying. Jeff and I came from different directions to the living room and I was opening the downstairs door to head down if needed. Lindsay had to grab Tucker and head to the bathroom. We ALL got the flickering lights and strong winds and enough to frighten us all, but that was it thankfully.

Later we drove around and saw a few places with trees or fences down, but gratefully no homes damaged. I think the biggest story was a picture of it behind a neighborhood near Hurlburt Field and a boat in the middle of Eglin Parkway which is the largest highway running from north to south in our area. It had blown it into the highway from a boat store.

THAT is all the excitement I needed. It is always so hard to hear the stories about the tornadoes each spring. IT is one of those things you really can't do much for because they happen so quickly.

The picture is from the Sherriff's Department Twitter page.
Now onto stitching and good weather.

I started Katie a stitch after seeing Priscilla's freebie with chickens seen here.

I starting personalizing with Katie's TWO chickens, one white and one grayish black. Then she added another white one making three chickens so I improvised and added another chicken. I wasn't all that crazy about it and stuck it on the shelf.
Then I started feeling so bad for her because Reece, her Boxer is not going to be with her much longer. Paul Allen says she is very close to having to put her down. She has begun to have seizures and a host of other issues. I pulled it on Tuesday to finish it up into a little pillow.

Well, here is the thing. Dansby, the Blue Tick has a thing for chickens. They let the chickens out to roam around their back yard and the dogs stay inside, but occasionally someone forgets and out runs Dansby directly to a chicken. Paul Allen has had to rescue one a couple of times.

The way he rescues them is to bite Dansby's ear. Apparently Dansby will immediately release the chicken if you bite his ear. A little yucky to think about I KNOW!

Well, Tuesday evening, yes the same day as I finished up the stitch with THREE chickens, Dansby struck and killed the newest chicken. So then I was like do I even give it to her? Paul Allen said yes. 

So I gave her a pillow with three chickens. I don't know if it was a good idea or not. I hope she knows I love her. She is actually far more concerned about Reece, the Boxer who she has had since she graduated from high school. 

I guess the silver lining of all of this is she is home with her. She teaches 4th grade and has to do Zoom meetings but she can be with Reece and take care of her and baby her. 

Despite the chicken debacle I think the other presents we got her were huge hits. I have learned what she likes.

I lined the pillow with the below fabric and MRS. T...

do you recognize the other button you sent? Katie loves sunflowers and somewhere on the blog is a picture of her with the sunflowers she grows in their backyard. The button was just perfect for the pillow.

I also stitched up something the other day before I put a book back in the storage bin. After stitching the rabbit, I decided to stitch up the apple. I have stitched this before but I have lost it or thrown it away. I restitched it and look forward to a late summer display with these stitches.

I had finished the bunny and hadn't cleaned out the project bag when the notion struck me to do the apple again.

I have had these apple buttons since the 90s as well. Win Win for using stash.

The much used book will go back to the storage bin. I may pull it out again one day as there are still some cuteness in it that I haven't done.

And that wraps a long post. I will leave you with a hello and goodbye from Lemony and Gus.


Until next time,


  1. What a relief that you didn't suffer worse from the tornado. And that you know what to do. Scary stuff. They're pretty rare here, but I've seen what they can do.

    1. Yes, they are no fun and I was very relieved to hear from both kids when it passed.

  2. Well, what a fun post (once we got through the tornado and the chicken's murder)! It was great to see your finished stitches and I am so happy you ended up being able to use both sunflower buttons! I'm sure it will be okay that you have three chickens in the design for Katie .. a nice way to memorialize that third chicken.

    That book that you stitched from has some fun designs. The apple is really cute. It is great when you get more than your money's worth out of a book, as you have surely done with this one.

    Loved seeing the photos of Gus and Lemony at the end!

    1. That book has certainly been one of my favorites to stitch from and it has a chicken so who knows maybe a chicken will get stitched form it as well. The buttons were certainly appreciated and I think when I can go back to the store I won't complain about Joann's like I have been know to do anymore.

  3. So glad you and your family were spared during the tornado, Sandy. I would be petrified as we don't have them up here and I'm not sure I could handle living in a part of the country that gets them regularly like Kansas or Oklahoma.

    Oh, yes, the strawberry pretzel salad :) It has become a must-have Thanksgiving dinner side dish each year in our family. It just wouldn't be Thanksgiving without it. Love the cute little chicken pillow you made for Katie--so sweet of you to personalize it for her chickens, too! Your little patriotic apple is so cute and looks perfect displayed with the bunny. It's so nice to have things in our stash to be able to still finish our stitching up with, isn't it?

    Take care now and enjoy your weekend ♥

    1. I swannee Alabama has become about as bad for tornadoes as Oklahoma, but yes they are indeed terrifying. I keep my eye to the sky. My kids were always really good about coming home in the summer on the wave runners too when the afternoon clouds came up. They don't want to listen to me I suppose, but it stuck.
      We have that salad at Thanksgiving too. A few years ago Paul Allen started requesting for his birthday since it is two days later than Jeff's and we usually have cake then. Thank goodness for stash!!! I probably won't complain as much about Joann's if I ever get to go back.

  4. So glad you all are alright. Seeing the devastation in Chatsworth is just heart breaking. I love Strawberry Pretzel salad but I hate to make And that little chicken pillow is just TOO cute. I am sure Katie will love it. That apple...just perfection!! And the sweet. I am so thankful for my Leopard Mask....I will be wearing it when I go to the grocery store. Everyone will think I am so chic. I found some Ga Tech masks in Georgia so Marvin will be wearing his colors over here in BAMA/AUBURN

    1. I made some Auburn ones as well. We didn't get season tickets this year and I am glad because I don't think we will be going to any this year. Just watching from the backyard at the Auburn house.

  5. I just LOVE the apple!! That almost, almost makes me want to take up a needle! Ha! (no patience for it) I am so glad to tornado went north of you. I know it did hit close to my sister in Georgia. Scary stuff. Your pups are so cute! I love the name Lemony!

    1. Yes, it was a tad scary. I have lived through many hurricanes and actually close calls like that before. Just so grateful it stayed high! I didn't name Lemony. I didn't even think we should get her, but my son always wanted a Golden and he named her AND of course, she is my baby now!!!

  6. Wow! That storm was a bit too close for comfort! So thankful it didn't come any closer and that no one was seriously hurt, except for that boat in the highway! Oh, I LOVE that pretzel salad. I haven't had it in ages. I've never actually made it, but someone used to make it at one of our churches up north, and I loved it. I guess I need to try to make it. I know, it takes patience to do all those layers...and I am not a patient cook. LOL. That's also why I don't do cross stitch...but I appreciate what everyone else creates. Love that little apple button on that apple picture. Perfect!! I am sure Katie will love the little chicken pillow. I do feel sad about her doggy, however. That is hard. Your dogs are so sweet. Such sweet faces. I know you love them. Stay safe and take care and have a blessed weekend.

    1. Yes, I am feeling very sorry for Katie and her dog. She is only about 9 I think. She got her as a puppy and she is such a sweet dog. I had to put my Springer down a few years back. She had seizures and they got worse and worse until I finally had to put her on the medicine and it just basically shuts down the kidneys, so I know the story coming for Katie. A silver lining in the coronavirus is that Katie is home with her each day. And yes, the doggies are the stars of the show around here.

  7. Lemony and Gus: Krissy says hello, Sandy, the Apple is beautiful, I do believe I have this leaflet hiding in my pattern stash shelf, I never noticed the apple before.
    I love the three chickens, so adorable, thank-you for the link to the pattern.
    It is slowly getting back to a normal weather here hopefully no storms, that tornado photo is scary.
    I have never had the pretzel salad I must try one.
    Stay Healthy


    1. The freebie only has two chickens in the pattern, but I added another one to the side. I have had that pattern leaflet since the 90s. I bought it to the largest piece on there but never got to it, but I have done at least 4 of the pieces on there. I think I got my money's worth on it. The pretzel salad is a big thing here at Thanksgiving.
      And hey Krissy.

  8. Thankful to hear that you, your families and community were spared from the tornado, Sandy! How do Lemony and Gus do in weather conditions like that? The chicken stitch is adorable as is the apple piece. Have a peaceful weekend!

    1. Normally in inclement weather Lemony immediately goes to her box, but both were on alert and got up to come to me. I would have had no trouble I don't think scurrying them downstairs. I suppose they feel the pressure change. Even Lindsay said her dog jumped up and looked at her. Lemony even gets in her box when it rains. We have a skylight in the stairwell and I think the sound of heavy rains alarm her. I have always said a major hurricane would be bad for her.

  9. Sandy, Thanks for the explanation of the Pretzel Salad, I have never heard of that before! Sounds interesting for sure!
    How terrifying to have a tornado warning like that, I'm relieved to hear it passed you by. The chicken pillow is adorable and I'm sure Katie loved it. It's heartbreaking to lose a beloved pet. I'm glad she is able to spend more time with him now. The apple stitch is so sweet and you had the perfect finishing button. Isn't it fun when you have the perfect accessory in your stash!

    1. It has been a stash digging month for sure. I am ready to make a dash down to the quilt fabric store soon!!! I am getting a little more used to not thinking I need something 2 days past but waiting which isn't all that bad for us.
      I will have to share the recipe in the next post.

  10. Wow! That is an awesome (and frightening) picture of a tornado - and so close to the picture taker, too! When we have storms I often go outside under an overhang area on the back of our house and watch the sky. I have always found weather and storms fascinating. I was the kid watching out of an upstairs window as a storm rolled in and Mom would be telling me to get downstairs! I imagine if I ever did experience a tornado I'd not find them quite so fascinating. So glad the tornado didn't do any damage to your area.

    I think your little chicken pillow is cute. Cuter than the original because of your added chicken, and one of them being black. So sorry about the demise of one of the real chickens, though. And that Leisure Arts book does have a lot of cuteness in it. Your little patriotic apple is cute as can be. I would never have guessed that it (or the rabbit) patterns are from an old book. Go you! I need to look at some of my older patterns with different eyes.

    Now, can I share some thoughts I have about comments (and a blogger's replies)? The way I see it is that comments and replies benefit anyone who comes along (after a comment is left) and reads a blog post - even if a particular commenter doesn't come back so see my reply. As a blogger and as a commenter, I prefer to see everything right there with a blog post. I don't read every comment on someone else's blog post, but I tend to read or skim through them and I often learn things, as well as get to know a lot of other cool people in the process. :) On a bit of a tangent - I suppose this preference I have about comments is why I don't understand why some bloggers concern themselves over some commenters being "no reply". I don't even know who is a "no reply" commenter on my blog. I figure if they want to read my reply, they'll come back and read it. And if they don't, it's just all fodder for future readers.

    1. I have a very good fear of weather. I have lived through to many hurricanes. If you live inland as I did growing up which was about an hour north of Pensacola you get the tornadoes. So I grew up with them all of my life.
      Those older books can be cute. I have really enjoyed several of them.
      You are correct about the comments. When I started I always replied for the very same reason. You learn from the comments. Then along the way I realized they came to my email and many thought you were supposed to reply there. I think I won't even worry if they do start coming back to my email. I will continue with the reply here because we do learn from them.

  11. Hello and Goodbye to Gus and Lemony (I'm sure glad you two don't chase chickens!!!).

    The stitch for Reece is so good; I LOVE that floral border along the bottom!

    I'm sooo glad you made it through the tornado this week. We had one run through parts of Marion County this week, too. Linda C's parents had it go right over their house (other side of town from me). We are all thankful for the Lord's protection. BTW, Hurlburt Field is where my son was stationed twice during his USAF career as a pilot, so I know where that is.

    You know I've all your stitches, and especially the ones from the Snickerdoodle book. I wish I had more time in my days to get more stitching done!

    1. Thanks Barbara, I am amazed at how productive some are at stitching. I think I am pretty fast sometimes but not compared to some. I do what I feel like and that is that. I did some finishing that I will share soon. I live in between Hurlburt and Eglin. I have a sweet spot for Hurlburt because they were always so good to the teachers.

  12. I was falling in love with your cross stitch chicken and then I saw the apple... beautiful work!


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