
Sunday, August 9, 2020

A Weekend in the Books

 Jeff and I skipped away to Auburn this weekend. It was a very slow weekend and as always much needed.  We picked up food to go and mostly stayed in. It was hot, but I did manage to sit in my favorite little porch area and...

just relax and pay attention to trees that look different than in Florida even though it is just a few hours north.

We did cut the cable in Auburn, so I was tasked with setting up Chromecast on the TV. It seems like one person in most couples is the tech person and that is me which is extremely scary. I mean if I am your tech person you are in sad shape!!! I have really lost lots of skills since retiring. I am very grateful for Youtube videos.

The cable box left a whole on the top of the cabinet and a good hole. A quick book and a plate made for a much better look than a cable box ---not to mention no cords running around the wall to the mantle.

I did hang my cardinal and I wish you could see in person what you can't see on this picture. They look wonderful together on this wall. 

Tucker's name is back from the frame shop. 

And meanwhile back in Destin, someone got his first haircut.

He looks like a big boy. Can we slow down time??? ---well maybe, speed up to being past this doggone virus but slow down time with the good stuff?

He did great in daycare this week. I went to see him on Thursday because I couldn't stand it any longer. He was happy to see me I think and I was more than happy to see him. He did well though and I think he really liked it. All answers to lots of prayers.


  1. What a fun post. Lots of eye candy. Your tree there in Auburn looks like it might be at home here in Indiana. :) Can I say, I'm impressed at your technical skill. While I can usually figure out the issues we have from time to time between our DVD player (which also connects the TV to the internet) and the TV, I'm a long way from actually setting things like that up. In our house, I'm the mechanic and hubs is the tech wiz. Not that that's sayin' much, but it is what it is. Tucker is looking very big with that new haircut and those SHOES! :) Glad you had a day with him this week. And yes - those cross stitched birds look terrific together on that wall. Beautiful. And Tucker's name turned out great too. What a perfect mat and frame. You're on a roll!

  2. I love that bird wall...beautiful stitching Sandy!! Decorating and moving things around is one of my favorite things. And just to get away for a while is refreshing. Tucker looks like such a big boy with his new haircut. I know you miss seeing him every day but how nice that you can pick him up early every now and then. His name turned out so cute!! Hope your mom is doing better.

  3. So happy you could have a getaway! You are so blessed to have that Auburn house. We're working a bit on a getaway place, but it will be rustic and very seasonal. Not a place we can go in cold weather. Glad you got some time in your favorite outdoor spot there.

    The bird wall ... just beautiful. I am in awe at your skill in stitching and how prolific you are with it.

    Tucker is so adorable and the haircut looks great. Glad he is doing so well in preschool!

  4. It must have been so nice to get away. I love your green cabinet!! Tucker's haircut makes him look even older! Your birds are just gorgeous! Great matting and framing choice for Tucker.

  5. So much good stuff here. Tucker looks so grown up with his new haircut! He is at that stage where he is getting to look more like a little boy than a little baby boy! It's hard to watch them grow up so fast, but each stage of life is such new fun! I love the Tucker sign you made, with all the cute little details. What a treasure! Glad you were able to go to your Auburn house. I can imagine that will be lovely in the fall especially! I would love a "fall" place to retreat to! Your bird wall is amazing! You certainly do excellent work! Thank you for sharing your lovely weekend with us. Delightful!

  6. That's so good that he enjoyed day care! He'll learn so much and have such fun. Glad you had a little getaway. I'm SO hoping to do that soon. LOVE the TUCKER cross stitch. It has special meaning to me too! Enjoy your week!

  7. Your TUCKER project turned out amazing! Beautiful! And speaking of beautiful... that child is adorable! Glad you got away for the weekend. I understand the techie job and I, too, have lost some of my skills by not being around the technology daily like before. BUT... the main techie guy at my job is still a good friend and we rely on him A LOT! xo

  8. Tucker is sooo cute! I just want to reach into the computer screen to give him a hug!

    Your cardinals look perfect in the Auburn house. They look very classy. And how clever of you to cover that hole in the cabinet with a book and a plate.

    Tucker's cross stitch turned out perfectly. What a treasure that is!

    Thanks for bringing us along for the weekend!

  9. Glad you had a relaxing weekend in Auburn, Sandy! I love that cabinet that the cable box was on. If I had a spot for it, I would seriously look for something similar. Your Cardinals look awesome on the wall with their bird friends. Tucker's piece turned out incredible as did his haircut! What a cutie!

    1. Robin, a very dear friend built that cabinet. It is totally wonderful and was the perfect thing for that spot.


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