
Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Some Stitching and a Pie

The trip I mentioned in my last post got canceled. I had a cousin test positive for the virus, so we postponed going. He had been at my aunt's house where we were planning to stop and eat lunch. We will just wait and go in the fall to check on the cemeteries as it will be cooler by then anyway. 

Now for some stitching...

I have been stitching on two things. One, I can only stitch on during the day due the linen. This particular 40 count linen is very tightly woven and I just can't seem to stitch at night without mistakes so it is daytime stitching only. I do hope to finish it in August.

You may notice in the above picture a pot to the way right. That is NOT supposed to be there. It is pictured on the pattern right next to the pattern part I wanted to stitch. After I had completely stitched that pot it dawned on me that was for the scissor fob. It was printed close to all fit on one sheet of paper. 
Most of my mistakes have been just getting in the wrong hole with the close weave and small count. ARghh...

I started some flowers from an oldie book, and my plan is do four of them for a grouping. I haven't decided if I will stitch words underneath or not. I am thinking- yes, so that they look more like botanical prints. I will wait until I am finished with them and then try it on one. 

My first one is Florida' state flower the orange blossom. It has gone much quicker than I thought. I thought these would take me a long time. With that said, I have taken a chill pill on speed. I have really decided I don't want to rush so much on anything especially stitching. I want to fully enjoy it. I am also reading again.

Let's talk about reading. I am not sure what has happened to my attention span. I feel like a child in elementary school at the beginning of a school year who has to be taught to have stamina after a summer of no reading. It is not about lack of interesting books either. I have lots of good books piled up on my nightstand. I have started a new one. I really like it and am interested in it and yet I find my mind wandering to what I need to do. I am over it. I will build my stamina and read again and love it. Less TV...less computer...less distractions and lots more focus!
Anyone else finding themselves there or is just me?
I will share what I am reading when I finish:)


My husband loves Key Lime pie. He says it is a summer pie. My mother-in-law gave me this recipe which is a postcard bought in the Keys from a trip way back in the 1980s. It is the only Key Lime pie I have ever made. It sounds like a lemon icebox pie, but with this one you beat stiffly one egg white and fold it into the mixture.

My husband doesn't like meringue....what is a pie without meringue is what I say???!!!!!!!!! So, no meringue on this one. I do however pop in the oven for the time it would take to brown a lovely meringue. I estimate that to be about 5-7 minutes.

I use fresh limes, not necessarily "KEY limes." It usually takes about 4 to get a 1/2 cup of juice.

What does one eat for a tasty snack when she tries to avoid gluten? Well, I have a very tasty treat to share.
I absolutely love these maple buckwheat flakes from Arrowhead Mills. They are amazing with oat milk or almond milk and sliced bananas. I am quite addicted to them. The other day I thought---"Why not add them to my coconut milk ice cream since I didn't have a cone and I love cones?" I found a winner! It takes my sweets craving and chocolate craving away in one bowl. I have to buy the flakes from Thrive Market online since I can't find them here, but I am sure if you have a Whole Foods or Trader Joe's close by, you could find them.

Pamela at Closed Doors Open Windows did a post on treasures the other day that has inspired me to share some treasures. I have been thinking about it and I think I will do one on Thursdays and call it Thursday's Treasures. We will seen how long it lasts! If the creeks don't rise, I will be back tomorrow for a green teacup treasure.

Tucker did well on his first two days. I miss him so much and will probably drop out to visit this evening or at least tomorrow evening. Don't think I can wait much longer. I know how blessed I am to live close.

Until next time,


  1. The first thing my husband does when we go to FL is to go to JJ Gandy's and get a key lime pie. They distribute to many restaurants in the tampa area. I will certainly surprise him with your recipe, it looks really easy and he loves meringue.
    Such a pretty flower and it's doesn't look like a fast stitch to me.
    I used to be an avid reader when I worked, less when I retired and I have no concentration for it now.
    Love your start, are you going to keep the pot on the side?
    I put the buckwheat flakes on my shopping list. Thanks for the tip.
    Enjoy your visit with Tucker, I imagine your having serious Tucker withdrawal!

    1. I am going to pick that pot out. I hate ripping out on 40, but it would be completely off if I left it. I may even stitch it again for a small:) I am glad to hear someone else is not reading like they once did. I used to live for summers because I would stay up late to read.
      I have to do FaceTime last night because I was missing that boy so much. I will probably drive out tonight to see him a few minutes.

  2. Beautiful stitching projects. I can only stitch on 40 ct during the day too. It will be a wonderful stitching finish. Your flowers are beautiful.
    Enjoy the day, Manuela

    1. My eyes just count handle it even with good lighting at night. Thank you.

  3. I am with Jeff...not a meringue fan but that pie looks great. Oh 4o count fabric. I tried it once. I can do 36 count but 40 is just a no. And putting that fob next to the pattern. What was up with that??? I am hoping to finish my November word play today. I need to fully finish a few things but first my craft closet needs attention.

  4. Your stitches are looking good, Sandy. Sorry that you have to pick out that pot of flowers though. While the pie looks good, tell Jeff he can have my piece. Nope, it isn't just you with regards to lack of reading concentration. I hope your cousin doesn't come down with a full blown case of the virus; they are in my prayers. Have a good day, Sandy!

    1. We are hoping that he does well too. I think someone from his workplace got it which prompted the testing. He wasn't feeling too bad, but he does some heart conditions so he is definitely in my prayers.
      Ripping on 40 count does stink and I don't care for pies made with condensed milk, but Jeff is all about them.

  5. About reading: last year, long before the virus, I noticed my reading stamina had declined sharply, and I thought I'd try to get it back. So I just stayed with each session up to a natural break in the work, no putting it down before. And I have retrieved quite a bit of my enjoyment with paper books. Even if I do keep glancing up at the top right of the page to see the time! Force of online habit!

    1. I am working on sticking with it as well. I loved reading. I think it is a lot of that snippet reading that we do too with blogs, articles, and stuff that has taken my ability to focus for long periods of times as well.

  6. So sorry your trip was cancelled, but better safe than sorry. Praying your cousin doesn't get it! Your key lime pie looks great! My hubby is not a huge meringue fan either. Maybe just some whipped cream would work? As far as reading goes, I have not read all summer. I was reading non stop until I finished one series of books, and then it is like my brain just can't go there. I try to focus my reading time on my blog friends as much as I can. That in itself takes time. Plus I have been working on genealogy all summer...and that has taken my reading time. I can't wait to see what you share tomorrow! Thank you for the shout out!! Hope you get to see Tucker soon! I hope he's enjoying school time. I can't help you with the cross stitch..that's something I don't do, but I appreciate those who do! I am sure it will turn out beautifully!

  7. My husband loves key lime pie, too. I don't care for it so he gets it in restaurants. I love seeing your projects! I know you are anxious to see Tucker!!

  8. I honestly don't think I've ever eaten Key Lime pie. I'd imagine I'd eat it with whipped topping, but what do I know? I go in spurts with my reading, though I rarely can read for long periods of time anymore as I tend to fall asleep. I love your new cross stitch projects.


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