
Sunday, August 23, 2020

Stitchville and More

I drifted into my sewing room this weekend to try and clear my sewing counter.

Let's see what got done. First up is one I actually finished last week. The Strawberry House became a pin cushion simply finished. I did fill it with sawdust which BTW I like much better than walnut shells. I find it gives a sturdier finish than walnut shells. I am partial to fiberfill overall, but I had the sawdust and decided to use it.

I tackled the horn book which had been an impulse purchase. I liked how it turned out and I hope to make a little back to school display on the end of my sewing counter towards the end of August. I am not quite ready to put away shells and such.

I also made lots of masks. I lost count but I did many and gave a lot to family and friends. I have a dozen left to give away to the ladies at Jeff's office or other friends who might need a refresher one. I found that I could do about 5 at a time and then I wanted to scream. Don't know why?! So I would do a few and then walk away. 

I finished the black cat. This one was a bit of a disaster. Maybe I should not have tried to do more than one finish in a day. I salvaged it, but it is not a pretty finish. I took a picture to hopefully camouflage my mistakes. I am ok with it since it is just for me and will most likely just be on display in my sewing room.

I stitched an ornament but have not fully finished it. I need a Christmas ornament for a good friend's daughter who is getting married in December. This went so fast that I may do a couple more for gifts. I took the picture at night after completing so it is dark.

I have also worked on my flowers. I am about 2/3s finished with my second one, but will wait to share when I am done.

I didn't get my Thursday Treasure post out last week. I simply just didn't feel like writing, so I didn't force it. I hope to continue this Thursday. 

Other things to note this past week:

We went to eat at a food truck downtown on Sunday for lunch. I loved that they used items that are not plastic. It made me feel better...The utensils were like popsicles and they worked too! Oh and it was tasty too.

The doggies wanting people food too.

I always get nervous when storms are on their way to the Gulf. Can't really relax until they make their way in. Never wish it on anyone. Always pray for them to weaken and move quickly so as not to dump more rain than needed.

My cousin is not doing well with the Covid and I am extremely sad. Just no understanding this ugly thing.

That is all I have for today.


  1. Beautiful stitching and finishes Sandy.
    Have a nice new week.

  2. I love the Fall patterns...probably best of all! The cat is very adorable! Hope this old storms diminishes! And I'm so sorry your cousin is not doing well. I'll keep them in my prayers! Hugs!

  3. Hi Sandy, this is a lovely post. And, so many nice finishes. I too have to limit the number of finishes in one day. But, I really wanted to let you know that you and yours have been on my prayer list with these twin hurricanes approaching the Gulf. That has to be so unsettling, and on the back of your mind. I pray for your peace and protection. Thank you so much for sharing...

    1. Thank you so much Georgia. We are hoping they stay small tropical storms and move quickly. For now we are out of the cone, but hate to wish it on anyone. It will be a dreary week as it is raining now and will probably rain all week with us being on the right side of them. Better rain than heavy winds though.
      I think when I try to do to much in one day I rush it or get tired and make mistakes.

  4. Love the picture of Gus and Lemony! What were they asking for from Jeff? Your meal from the food truck looked delicious. Well done on your finishes, Sandy! What a darling beachy ornament you stitched! Wishing you a good week!

  5. I enjoy and am always amazed at the lovely projects you share with us. I don't see any mistakes with your black cat! The pups are cute beggars! Food trucks usually have great food! Yum!

  6. Super cute finishes, Sandy! Doesn’t it feel great to fully finish things? I like the ornament you’ve stitched and am looking forward to seeing it finished. Your food truck lunch looks scrumptious.

  7. Love all your stitches, Sandy! I really like now you fou finished that black cat by using the candy corn fabric to frame it. Wait, what? There's a mistake with the black cat? I sure don't see it. Wishing it would rain here. We've had a hot, but beautiful summer because of plenty of rain scattered throughout so I really can't complain. But I do wish it would rain. ;^)

  8. Wow, amazing that you got all of those finished, and they are so pretty. I love the first one, the pin cushion. I think it is too pretty to stick pins in, but that's just my opinion! I don't see anything wrong with the black cat one. They are all so nice. I am sorry to hear about your cousin and will be praying. Also praying these twin storms die down before they can do much harm. Praying for those in the path of either storm. Thankfully they seem to be going away from our coast, but I hate to see it go to those areas that always seem to get hit so hard. Praying for them now. Take care and have a peaceful and safe week.

  9. Regarding the black cat finish -- don't be hard on yourself. It's just as cute as can be! The Christmas ornament stitch is delightful, too. A perfect gift!

    The storms -- I pray people are prepared and it all turns out to be less than forecasted.

  10. All of your cross stitch is so sweet.
    Praying for everyone around the gulf.
    Blessings, Linda

  11. Such pretty stitching and finishes, Sandy! I also stitched the first one and it is one of my favorites. I like yours finished into a little pillow. And I think your kitty is perfectly darling--I would never have spotted any issue with the finishing :)

    I'm so sad to read that your cousin isn't doing well. This Covid mess is so hard to read. My brother-in-law had it and only felt extreme exhaustion and then my daughter-in-law's father had it and died. Just so sad for the entire world. Stay well now... ♥


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