
Sunday, October 4, 2020

A Little Stitching and Sewing

 I was so off my course last week that I actually stitched very little.  Friday evening I just sat down and stitched and I was so ready to use that needle.

I stitched on my Let Freedom Ring sampler. I am almost finished with the first page. This pattern is so large and easy to read. Long way to go --- The bottom right of the page is some lettering inside a border. That border color is one of the colors I don't have. I haven't decided if I will make a color change or work around it for later. I will probably have to have more than one skein for it so I may make a color change.

I think I will stitch on my Cherokee rose tonight and try to finish it this week and than rotate between the sampler and my heron ---maybe a page at a time.

I also took some time Saturday to start my Advent calendar. I have all the numbered stitched pieces cut and interfaced and started the first row. My goodness I was so nervous. I am not a quilter or such so I wondered what was I thinking when I went in and opened up the project box. Nevertheless, I am going to give it my best shot. I have a plan but not a pattern, so we will see. I would like to finish it in the month of October, so I need to give it a bit of time most every day so I won't be rushed or stressed over it.

That is it for me today as I am off to church.
Praying for our country and for no more storms in the Gulf,


  1. Let Freedom Ring is looking incredible, Sandy. Love the colors in this one! Your first row of the Advent calendar is looking good. I will join you in prayer for our country and I will also pray for no more storms in the Gulf. Have a blessed day!

  2. I love the patriotic patterns! Enjoy your day my friend! Sweet hugs!

  3. You are doing good work! I am always amazed at you stitchers and the patience it takes to do what you do!

  4. Oh boy... Let Freedom Ring is a beautiful project. It will be enjoyable watching you work on it. And look at those sweet cross stitches for your advent calendar! I'm amazed at how quickly you can work through your cross stitches. I'm afraid I'm in a draggy sort of mood when it comes to needle and thread lately. Okay... I have to ask - what happened to those scissors??? Or maybe I should ask "WHO happened to them?" ;^)

  5. Oh, that "Let Freedom Ring" sampler will be so beautiful when completed! That is a work of art!! You must have much more patience than I do. You make such lovely items...and that Advent calendar will be a true keepsake. Yes, let us pray for no more storms. Although yesterday's rain was very nice here...slow and gentle. We need that going into our dry season. Take care and have a great week!!

  6. Your Let Freedom Ring is going to be amazing. I look forward to seeing your Advent calendar finished. Just cutting up stitching is hard isn't it? I am always so afraid I am going to make a mistake in cutting.:) Cherokee Rose is the Georgia State Flower.

  7. Your stitching is exquisite. I tried stitching on 28 count again today and it's still not what I call fun. But I do admire those who can handle the tiny stitching!

  8. Let Freedom Ring looks sooooo pretty! The advent calendar is progressing nicely too.... love that snowman! :-)


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