
Monday, December 14, 2020

A Stitch Finish and Life Update

 I had a good bit in my head to write about for what seems to be a weekly post these days, but it seems Covid has struck again in my family. My thoughts went out the door last night. I can't concentrate much until I know my chickadees are all ok.

Anyone else just plain sick of all this. I know the answer. My positive self is struggling this morning.

Paul Allen's immediate boss tested positive and yesterday Paul Allen started feeling bad and is running a fever. He will be tested today, but he is home and I have dropped off medicine and will take soup over to place on the doorstep later.

Good this point, I just want this to go away and everyone to be healthy. I know everyone else agrees. IT goes without saying.

I will try and turn the mood of the post around.

I have a finish to share with you today. The minute I saw this pattern I instantly thought of someone and ordered it pronto. It has been delivered to the person.

I think I will maybe do a few more of these down the road. It is such a cute and cheerful ornament There were three in the lot of patterns, but I only ordered the one for now.

I am loving my simpler tree this year. It was just what I needed. I actually would love to find an artificial one that looks exactly like this one and it also be the same exact size. That seems like an in-person job, so it will have to be done next year.

I think I am almost through with my shopping for this year. Jeff having had the virus has been sent on many errands, but he has done quite well.

Speaking of trees, Tucker placed a little toy train under mine on the day he stayed with me from his hand burn. BTW, It is healing nicely.

You see, after Thanksgiving they visited his other grandparents in the Atlanta area, but they saw a train up close and he fell in love. He had loved boats and school busses, but now it is trains. Before they left to come home, his other granddad found Tyler's old train set that was set up under the tree while Tyler was growing up. Tyler managed to get the train working and Tucker loves it. He has to have it running everyday before they leave for their day. I suppose he thinks all trees should now have trains. 

He pulled the old FP train from the toy box here and walked over and put it under my tree. 

It will stay:)

Oh and he found a train ornament on the tree.

He also got to go the Destin Christmas parade. It is much less crowded and during the day unlike the Fort Walton Beach one which is VERY crowded and at night. The funniest thing is that Walmart had an 18 wheeler come by and Tucker was completely enthralled. He also likes big trucks. He waved the ENTIRE time it rolled by. When asked what his favorite thing in the parade, he replied, "Big truck." Walmart for the win. Ha Ha.

Someone needs a haircut but he pitched a boogie woogie in the barber shop, so I think he had to settle for a home trim yesterday.

The weather has gone from cool to hot daily. In fact, Saturday was downright hot and shorts weather. Today it is cooler again.

December is fall color in north Florida. And right on cue, the trees that we have here that change color have done just that.

This one was taken earlier in the week across the bayou on a sunny day. I wish I could get the color to show up, but alas I am not a photographer.

This one was taken yesterday as the clouds were rolling in.

Jeff has gone far more simple in the yard decorations this year. This is it...not the finished photo as you can see the ladder. He did put a smaller duller light on the little Santa and called it a day. He usually goes all out. The thing is I feel JOY when I think of Christmas and Jesus, but I don't feel so festive like usual. I don't think I am any different than anyone else this year.

I really enjoyed church yesterday. The message was amazing and I enjoyed my girls so much, but again I am just a bit on edge with the virus. 

Oh Carol, I used your idea for a crinkle toy for a baby shower gift. I needed something a little personal to go with my gift. You gave me the best idea.

The navy (which doesn't look navy in this picture) and aqua were from the bridal shower I gave the girl several years ago. 

I also helped Mother decorate this week. She had already done her table, but needed help with her Santas and...

her tree. We also hung her wreaths outside. She is doing much better in spirits that a few weeks ago. Thankful for that.

I am trying my hand at paper whites this year.

AND Tucker did get to see a Santa this year. They rode out to Baytowne in South Walton the other night. IT was not crowded at all and this was not an official taking season but someone did offer to take the picture. 

I managed to write far more than I was feeling once I started typing.

Stay well everyone and I am so grateful for the greatest gift of all...Jesus.


  1. I hear your anxiety about your family, and I hope all will be well with you all.

    1. Thank you, Boud. Hopefully one day this will be behind us.

  2. I enjoyed your post except I kept going back to the covid part in my mind. We are staying at home most of the we have for months. It really does get old but we have to be so careful. I love your flamingo! So cute! And I'll keep your family in my prayers. Take care of yourself too my friend. holiday hugs!

    1. Thank you Diane. I can't really even process things until I know his is a light case and he is feeling better. It is hard to think about the loss of holidays.

  3. I am so sorry to hear about your son, and pray that he does not have the virus. Praying all will be well soon in your family. I can understand your anxiety. But you worked through it to give us a wonderful post to read. I love Tucker's train. I also wrote about trains might want to check that out. Trains are very special in our family. Love your flamingo ornament, and I am certain the recipient will love it too. You do such nice creative things. What a blessing to be so talented. Your mother's things /tree look so nice. I am sure she appreciated your help. Thank you for this post. I was blessed by it, and I hope you were too!

    1. I just saw your train post. I loved loved loved that post. I wish I had kept Paul Allen's Thomas the Train set. See, we shouldn't throw everything away:)

  4. Prayers for your family, Sandy, and I just loved reading about Tucker and his trains and big trucks. Joe has lots of happy stories of putting the trains up for Christmas when the boys were little. They were beyond that when I joined the family but I have seen the trains and know they are stored away for (perhaps) another little one some day. Tucker is adorable!!

    1. Thank you Terri. I never did a train around the tree, but Paul Allen did love Thomas the Train and we had a set of those. They were little wooden tracks.

  5. Great post, Sandy. Thinking of you and your family. Hoping the vaccine makes a big, big difference worldwide, and soon. We bought a train to go around our tree last year. The initial hope was that it would scare the dog away from the presents, but alas, no. (My dog loves to open presents when no one is looking.) So we put the gifts up on the coffee table and we enjoy the train!

    1. Your dog and my dog must be cousins. You noticed there were no presents under mine either. I store them in another room up high. Gus would shred the presents. I think we are hoping the vaccine will get us back to life outside of our homes and at least family gatherings.

  6. Beautiful trees and decorations
    Love seeing the dog on the deck look over the water.
    Prayers for everyone's Health

    1. Thank you. Gus, the Springer does that quite a bit. He is hoping I leave the stairs' gate open so he can go for a swim.

  7. Oh, dear not more Covid... I hope and pray Paul Allen is okay and if he does have it that it is a light case.

    Yay! So glad you made the crinkle toy, Sandy. My little grandson hasn't opened his two yet as they are Christmas gifts, but I know he'll love them. He had a simple cloth covered crinkle strip when we were there in October that he adored :)

    Love, love, love the flamingo. I may have to make that one for my sister who lives in Daytona Beach. It is just perfect for Floridians.

    So glad Tucker is feeling better--that little train story is so sweet. And the little FP train certainly takes me back to my oldest son's childhood as he had one just like it. I wonder if it is still up in our attic?

    Your decorations, both inside and out are lovely. I am feeling the same way this year--like a damper is on everything. I'm just trying to keep my spirits up by doing things I love :)

    Take good care now and enjoy your beautiful Florida weather! ♥

    1. The weather does go between shorts and then a cold day for us. I don't mind the cold as long as you get sun. We are soon to the Solstice so we can start counting back to light. OR that is my way of looking at it:)Tucker has been so cute with the train. The night he burned his hand Tyler was working hard to get the train set-up. They were desperate for anything to take his mind off the hand. The next morning he was so excited about the train. They sent a video of him running back and forth to see it come out the other side of the tree choo choosing the whole time. I think we are all just trying to stay focused on the positive but we have days. Paul Allen seems to have body aches and fever, but so far no breathing issues. He was tested this morning but not the quick test. The school system has their own system of contact tracing so they want the health department test.

  8. Loved your newsy post! And that flamingo ornament is perfection! Sorry to hear Paul Allen is sick.. hope he recovers quickly. Tucker is cute with or without a haircut!!! And so glad that your mama is doing better!

    1. It is hard to get going this week. Paul Allen is having fever and breathing problems. The fever and aches are lasting longer than Jeff's though, so I can't relax.

  9. Glad to hear that Tucker's hand is healing. Lots of prayers for Paul Allen. I hear your frustration on this covid mess. The end is near but not near enough I am afraid! Hope your week gets better.

  10. Sandy, your flamingo ornament is darling. Sorry to hear that Paul Allen isn't feeling well. Praying for a quick and full recovery for him. Glad that Tucker's hand is on the mend. Trains for the win on and under the tree. Thinking of you!

    1. Thank you, Robin. I think Paul Allen is going to be ok. His symptoms have been a severe headache alternating with back pain. Lindsay had the headache. He is seemingly past the fever. If the headache leaves I think he will be ok. Scary times for sure.

  11. Tucker is adorable and quite right - every tree should have a train. In fact, I wish I could hop on a train right now and escape this crazy world for a little while.

  12. Those Paper Whites are so pretty. They give off a scent, don't they? I think that's the flower my uncle-in-law gave to me many years ago when Beloved was in a training class in Montgomery, Alabama. They were a delight.

    Many thanks, again, for the Flamingo ornament. I'll email you a photo of where I've put it in my house.

    1. I have read that about paper whites but mine are not all that scented. I always wanted to try them. Haven't decided if they are a continue tradition.


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